A Little About Tracy:
Tracy became a Christian at the age of 16 and her life was changed forever. She went from being a depressed, suicidal, rebellious teenager to a dynamic leader for Christ. Immediately after accepting Jesus as her Savior, Tracy began a Bible study on school grounds at her high school in Illinois. The dramatic transformation in Tracy’s life has inspired many, including her own mother, to give their lives to Christ.
Tracy’s heart for women explodes when she ministers on stage. She has a unique ability to draw people in through laughter and realness. In addition, she never leaves the stage without sharing some of her dramatic testimony, which touches every heart in the audience. Tracy’s testimony and personal invitation have led many to salvation and encouraged women of all ages and walks of life to surrender to God.
Tracy Hurst is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Author, Conference Speaker, and former Co-host/guest on “Marriage and Family Today,” which aired daily on Moody Radio. Tracy was appointed by the Governor of Georgia to serve on the Georgia Composite Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists with the task of evaluating and approving the licensure of counselors.
Tracy Hurst received her Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from Georgia School of Professional Psychology. She also studied Christian Counseling at Richmont Graduate University, formerly known as Psychological Studies Institute. Tracy’s counseling practice began at AlphaCare Counseling Center, where she worked primarily with adult and adolescent females on a variety of issues. She witnesses tremendous results with her clientele and many are led to salvation and healing through her practice. Currently, Tracy counsels three mornings a week, leads a women’s bible study, and is a regular guest on numerous radio shows and podcasts. She enjoys spending time with her family, writing, speaking, volunteering at her daughter’s school and mentoring women. Tracy, her husband Michael and two daughters live in Atlanta, Georgia.
Promo Video about Tracy and her speaking:
Media Photos:
A Little About Tuesdays With Tracy:

I began “Tuesdays With Tracy” in December of 2006 with a goal of reaching a few hundred women in the Atlanta area, but God had so much more in store! Over 50,000 women have since logged on to receive my weekly devotions and the numbers are growing each day. A special thank you to everyone who faithfully reads “Tuesdays With Tracy!” It is my prayer is that each devotional will draw you closer to God and encourage you to fulfill your destiny in Christ.
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