by Tracy | Inspirational, Tuesdays With Tracy
“Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil! Your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life!” Proverbs 3:5-8, The Message
One morning last week I was pondering the difficulties of my own life and those around me while driving down the road. And needless to say, my heart was extremely heavy as I could not figure out “why” these challenges were going on or “what” to do about them. These thoughts led me to feelings of helplessness, but then a thought came across my mind, “I may not know why these situations are going on or what to do about them, but I know who my God is.” Within an instant I began to feel better. I got my eyes off the problem and onto God – The Solution.
The truth is, we may never understand “why” we are walking through dark times, but we know who our God is! He is faithful and He is everything we need! Join me today in declaring who God is:
When my body is sick – He is my Healer.
When I cannot pay my bills – He is my Provider.
When my mind is filled with worry – He is my Peace.
When my family forsakes me – He is my Father, Mother, Sister and Brother.
When my heart is filled with anger – He is my Forgiving Father.
When strife is all around me – He is my Protector.
When my friend betrays me – He is my Loyal Companion.
When I am rejected – He is my Acceptance.
When I don’t know what to do – He is my Wisdom.
When I do or say the wrong thing – He is my Grace.
When I can barely get out of the bed – He is the Lifter of my head.
When I am afraid – He is my Perfect Love that casts out all fear.
No matter what you are going through, God is everything you need at this time. Run to Him and as the scripture states your body will glow with health and your bones will vibrate with life!
“Lord, You are everything I need today. I give you every situation on my heart. Please be my healer, provider, peace, protector, wisdom, grace and lifter of my head. I choose to get my eyes off of the problem and onto You – the Solution! I love you and I plead the Blood of Jesus over me, my family and those I love this day! Amen.”
by Tracy | Bad Day Blues, Tuesdays With Tracy
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” Matthew 22:37, KJV
We are triune beings – spirit, body and soul. From the moment you were conceived, you were a spirit. Your body was uniquely formed in the womb of your mother with the purpose to house your spirit and soul. Your soul is made up of your will, emotions, intellect and imagination. As believers, God’s Spirit within us is to reign over the soul and body, however this will not happen without the help of the Holy Spirit because the soul wants to dominate. Our soul is moved by what it sees, feels, hears and touches. It longs to be entertained and if we are not careful – our feelings, intellect, and personality can rule our lives rather than God’s Spirit.
Roberts Liardion states in his book, Sharpen Your Discernment, “An unharnessed soul wants to be the center of attention of everything. If the atmosphere is not exactly what the soul wants, it becomes depressed. If the soul doesn’t get what it wants, it becomes unhappy. If someone wrongs the soul, it becomes bitter. If someone hurts the soul, it becomes engulfed in self-pity. If the soul is in a hurry, it pressures everyone. If the soul does not like someone, it becomes rude. If the soul is rejected, it becomes obsessive or withdrawn. If something scares the soul, the soul worries. If someone has what it wants, the soul becomes jealous. If the soul thinks it has to please everyone, it becomes phony and deceitful.”
Our mind, will and emotions are gifts from God, but these gifts are never to dominate over God’s spirit within us. When trials come our way, it is vital that only God’s Spirit direct our plans. This is why we need to make sure that our body and soul are submitted under the Word of God and not vice-versa. It is extremely important that we hear directly from God concerning every area of our lives for such a time as this.
There are places God longs to take us. People God desires to touch through us. And God is currently repositioning His people for Kingdom purposes. So, let me ask you: Who is ruling your life? Is God’s Spirit reigning or are you allowing your thoughts and emotions to run your life? I can tell you from personal experience that when my thoughts and emotions rule my life, I live in a state of constant anxiety, confusion, fear and depression. But when I let God direct me and rule my soul, then I can remain in perfect peace no matter what is going on around me.
“Lord I ask that Your Spirit within me arise once again. I declare that my thoughts and emotions must submit to the Word of God. No matter what is going on around me, I declare that if God is for me, who can be against me. I give you permission to correct me and re-align my life for Your purposes for such a time as this. Amen.”
by Tracy | General

“A God-loyal people get a good life.” Proverbs 13:21b, The Message
“Eventually, evil will pay tribute to good, the wicked will respect God-loyal people.” Proverbs 14:19, The Message
I will never forget talking with a precious woman one day, when out of no where, she asked me, “Tracy, why is your life so blessed?” I was shocked that through just a few conversations with me, she had this revelation. The truth is, I was so taken aback by her direct question that I did not know what to say. My immediate reply to her was something like, “I am truly blessed because of God’s grace. It has nothing to do with me and everything to do with God.” And while this response was true, I began to inquire of the Lord as to the specifics as to why I have such a blessed life and how I could help others obtain it. In my search for truth I stumbled upon Proverbs 13:12 which tells us that God-loyal people get a good life.
Through my teen years, I applied my loyalty to the wrong crowd in order to obtain acceptance and security. When I let go of this wrong association and grabbed onto the Right Association – Jesus Christ, I became God-loyal. Instantly, I began walking down the path of a blessed life. I remember sitting on the lawn of Asbury College one afternoon and hearing a still small voice say, “Tracy, you have been through much pain, but your future will be filled with much joy.” That promise has come true for me and I am more in love with Jesus than ever before.
So with this discovery in God’s Word, I declare to you today that I am blessed because I am God-loyal. Period. I will be the first to tell you that I am far from perfect, but notice that being God-loyal doesn’t mean perfection, but a quickness to repent. I have found that when I am quick to repent it keeps me on the track of a blessed life. Proverbs 14:6, Message Translation states that, “The lives of God-loyal people flourish.” Ahh….isn’t this good news? When you are God-loyal your life will flourish!
We are all loyal to something or someone. To whom do you give your loyalty to? If we give our loyalty to a wrong association, it can literally lead us to destruction. But if we are continuously God-loyal, we are promised to have a blessed life that even the wicked will respect (Proverbs 14:19).
“Lord, I want a blessed life, therefore I choose to be God-loyal. I choose to let go of wrong associations, thoughts and actions and I give You my loyalty. I declare that my life is flourishing and blessed because I am God-loyal. Amen.”
by Tracy | General
“Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of trouble.” Proverbs 17:17, The Message
Has God ever shown you that you needed to let go of a friendship, but instead of following His lead, you intentionally held onto them too long until it resulted in conflict? As a counselor, I often tell my clients, “When you set a boundary, someone will be hurt.” And although none of us like this truth, what we fail to see is that by NOT setting a boundary – we are the ones who are continually being hurt – over and over again! Boundaries may hurt people’s feelings but it will not harm them. Boundaries allow us to be authentic to ourselves and with others. Boundaries are a good thing and keep us and our friendships healthy.
I have found in my life that there are 3 types of friendships:
1. Friends for a lifetime.
2. Friends for a season.
3. Friends for a moment.
And believe it or not, all three types of friendship are just as important as the other. You may be thinking, “Come on Tracy, surely a lifetime friend is more valuable than a friend for a season or moment!” But, I beg to differ with you – each type of friendship is valuable in its own right.
A friend in the moment can impact you for eternity. I will never forget sitting in a Chapel service at Mid-America Bible College. A young student presented the gospel. I don’t even know his name, but through his message and invitation, I accepted Jesus as my Savior – he was a friend for a moment that impacted my life for eternity. Years later a beautiful intercessor prayed over me and declared “Tracy, you are not a misfit, you may not have fit into your father’s or mother’s plans but you fit into God’s plans.” Her words still ring within my being and although she was a nameless friend for a moment – I will never forget her or her words.
A friend for a season can also impact you more than you know. I had a best guy-friend named Wayne during my college years. He greatly prepared me for my husband. His friendship brought needed healing and restoration in my life – he was an amazing friend for a season. And although our season ended due to us establishing healthy boundaries once we both became married, I will forever be grateful for his friendship in the right season. You see, when seasons change, friendships can change or may even come to an end, but it’s okay – the Lord giveth and taketh away – blessed be the name of the Lord.
The thing about friendships is that we too often try and keep “right” people in the “WRONG” season. Or how about this one – how many of us expect everyone we are friends with to act like our friends for a lifetime? I will never forget when a friend failed to ask me about a recent speaking engagement. She knew about the event, but never inquired about it. After much prayer, God clearly showed me that I was wrong by expecting her to act like my friends for a lifetime – who ALWAYS pray and ask about my speaking engagements.
Today I would like to honor all of my friendships. Whether you have been a friend for a moment, a season or for a lifetime: I honor you and I am a better person because of you – thank you!
As women of God, it is time for us to let go of wrong relationships and childish things (offenses, insecurities back-biting, gossip, he-said-she-said conversations and every evil thing) and grab onto God with all of our might! God is the One person I can declare is your Friend for a lifetime! Selah (pause and think about that for a moment). Jesus is the One who is always on our side. He is cheering you on from heaven and intercedes for you when no one else does. Jesus is the friend that you are all longing for – grab onto Him and trust that He will give you wisdom in all your friendships.
“Lord, thank you for being my friend and Savior for a lifetime. You are always with me and I love you. I give you my friendships and ask that You forgive me for placing my hope in them rather than in You. Show me who my friends are for a lifetime, season and moment. I acknowledge today that each level of friendship is important in my life. I let go of childish things – offense, rejection, trying to defend myself, he said – she said conversations, gossip, criticism, and the such and grab onto You – the author and finisher of my faith. Amen.”
by Tracy | Inspirational, Practical, Tuesdays With Tracy

“Dear friend, take my advice; it will add years to your life. I’m writing out clear directions to Wisdom Way, I’m drawing a map to Righteous Road. I don’t want you ending up in blind alleys, or wasting time making wrong turns. Hold tight to good advice; don’t relax your grip. Guard it well – your life is at stake!” Proverbs 4:10-13, The Message
Last week we discussed how a wrong association would bring destruction to your life, but did you know that even a right association at the wrong time would still bring wrong results? Think about this with me for a moment. You can have a right relationship, but if you embrace this relationship in the wrong season, it can bring frustration and wrong results – can I get an amen from someone? This right friendship may have been a huge blessing at one time and it may even be once again in the future, but if we hold onto a right association at the wrong time – it will eventually self-destruct.
Here is what God has shown me:
A right association in a right season = right results
A wrong association in any season = wrong results
And a right association in a wrong season = wrong results
The word “season” in the Greek is “karios.” “Karios” is defined in the Strong’s Concordance as, “an opportune time, set time, appointed time, definitive time, proper time for action and tells us of special happenings that are to occur during a certain time frame.” It is important that we know the season we are in and whom we are to associate with for such a time as this.
There are seasonal places to live, positions of employment, friendships to enjoy and such that are right associations in the right season, but if we apply these in a wrong season, they will eventually self-destruct. This is why we need God’s supernatural wisdom in every area of our life! Next week we will be looking at the three levels of friendships: Friendships for a lifetime, friendships for a season & friendships for a moment.
Proverbs 7:4-5 in the NKJV states, “Say to Wisdom, you are my sister, and call understanding your nearest kin, that they may keep you from *wrong relationships, from *wrong associations who flatter with their lips.” (*Words changed from immoral woman and seductress to wrong associations/relationships by author).
We are entering a season where it is vital that we heed God’s wisdom in our lives. Our obedience is vital to the Kingdom of God. It is time for us to let go of the childish things and grab onto Jesus with all of your might. Jesus is the Right association all the time!!!!
“Lord, I cry out for Wisdom this day. I give you permission to show me any wrong associations in my life. Help me to let them go in order to grab onto You and the right associations for such a time as this. I want to go higher in You and I declare that You are the Right association at all times! Show me the times and seasons. Amen.”
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