Wrong Associations

For years I have studied the book of Proverbs, but every time I came to Chapter six and the “Warning On Adultery,” I would simply skip over this portion of scripture as I felt it did not apply to me.  After all, this was not an area of temptation for me.  I like men and these warnings address a seductive female and her tactics to pull a man into her bed!  But recently I approached this normally skipped over portion of scripture by praying, “Lord, I ask you for Wisdom to show me how I can apply this to my life.”  Within an instant, I heard a still small voice say, “Tracy, an adulterous woman is a wrong association.”  With this revelation, I immediately replaced all the words of warning about adultery to that of having a wrong association in my life.  

So buckle your seat belts because what I am about to share with you is God’s wisdom concerning wrong associations and how they can destroy you!  The scripture below is taken from Proverbs 6:20-33, The Message Translation and the words of warning about an adulterous women was changed to wrong associations by the author: 

“Good friend, follow your father’s good advice; don’t wander off from your mother’s teachings.  Wrap yourself in them from head to foot; wear them like a scarf around your neck.  Wherever you walk, they’ll guide you; wherever you rest, they’ll guard you; when you wake up, they’ll tell you what’s next.  For sound advice is a beacon, good teaching is a light, moral discipline is a life path.

They’ll protect you from wrong associations, from the ‘to good to be true’ talk of a wrong business adventure.  Don’t lustfully fantasize about the worlds deemed ‘beautiful people,’ nor be taken in by gossip or dishonest ways to obtain money.  You can buy an hour with a fortune teller with a few dollars, but these wrong advisors will eat you alive.  

Can you build a fire in your lap and not burn your pants?  Can you walk barefoot on hot coals and not get blisters?  It is the same when you become entangled with wrong relationships which pull you away from God and seeking HIs Wisdom.  Come into contact with them and you’ll pay for it.  No excuses.  Hunger is no excuse for a thief to steal; when he is caught he has to pay it back, even if he has to put his whole house in hock.

Holding onto unhealthy relationships is a brainless act, but can be soul destroying, self-destructive; expect a bloody nose, a black eye, and a reputation ruined for good.” 

Isn’t this good?  I wonder just how many times I have overlooked a passage of scripture thinking it didn’t apply to my life, all the while, God longed to show me His Wisdom?  I know more than ever that EVERY scripture can be applied to our lives – we just need to seek God for His Wisdom.  I pray God’s blessings over each of you.  May God give you wisdom on any wrong associations in your life and I declare His strength to help you let go of them.  Jesus is the only One we are to hold tightly onto – He is the right association at all times!


“Lord, keep me from wrong associations that will pull me away from You.  I give you permission to show me any wrong associations and what I need to do about it.  I long for Your Wisdom and counsel.  Keep me from turning to anyone other than You for Wisdom.  Surround me with godly counselors and those who have my best interest in mind.  Thank You for giving me Wisdom this day and protecting me from relationships that would bring destruction to me and my family.  Amen.”

Starting the New Year off right!

“You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”  Psalm 16:11 (NIV)

Every January, God calls my husband and I to fast and pray concerning the New Year and He always meets us in extraordinary ways.  It is a time of giving God our everything – our time, our thoughts, our desires, our weaknesses and our plans for the upcoming year.  While our flesh longs to run to temporary pleasures, such as, food, television or things of this world to fill a void within, the truth is, real joy only comes from spending time in God’s Presence.  What we “think” will satisfy us never does.  What we “think” is the solution never is because Jesus is everything we need.  It is God who will show us the path of life.  It is through spending time with Jesus that we will experience an overflowing joy that will fill the God-shaped hole within our soul.

I believe that you, like me, long to be like Jesus.  You want to think like Him, love like Him and walk in obedience as He walked. You desire for people’s lives be changed, souls to be saved and bodies to be healed.  But you are also aware that true transformation is not possible without God.  With man it is impossible, but with God ALL things are possible.

My question for you today is:  To whom or what are you leaning on for the year 2009? Are you leaning on man, money, prestige, losing weight or anything of this world?  I am all too familiar with these trappings and how each faulty solution tells us the same lie… “if you will just do this or purchase that – then you will be happy.” Yet happiness my friend fades, it is temporary and dependent on our circumstances, but God’s joy is eternal and is greater than any trial or circumstance we may endure on earth.

Our scripture above makes it clear as to where our joy comes from – it is found in the presence of God. It is time for us to stop looking to the things of this world to fill us up. Nothing (losing 10 pounds, eating a piece of chocolate cake, getting a promotion, getting married, obtaining a degree, winning the lottery, etc) can give you joy unspeakable and full of glory, except for Jesus.


“Lord, I give you my life and ask that You fill me with Your joy unspeakable and full of glory.  Forgive me for turning to the things of this world in hope to fill the God-shaped hole in my soul.  It is only in Your presence that eternal joy is found.  I give you my life and ask that you direct my paths in 2009.  Open doors to my destiny in Christ.  And may my life bring you glory all of my days.  Amen.”

Special Announcement

Dear Friends, 
 It is with great excitement that I announce to you, National Worship
 Leader, Song Writer (of over 1,000 songs), Minister and personal
 friend, Tony Sutherland, will be featured on TBN this coming Monday,
 January 19th.  Please tune in and enjoy the best worship you have
 ever heard in your life!!  Tony and his wife Sherri, have been one
 of our very best friends for over 12 years now.  My husband and I
 give Tony our highest recommendation and endorsement.
 The details are as follows: 

 Monday, January 19th
 Tony Sutherland will be featured on TBN Praise Program hosted by
 Jentezen Franklin
 5:00 & 10:00 p.m. EST
 2:00 & 7:00 p.m. PST
 Log onto www.tbn.org for viewing details

 I hope you can tune in because I know you will be blessed!  For more
 information about Tony, log onto his website: http://www.tonysutherland.com 

See you tomorrow for "Tuesdays With Tracy!"
Tracy Hurst 

Special Announcement

Dear Friends, 
 It is with great excitement that I announce to you, National Worship
 Leader, Song Writer (of over 1,000 songs), Minister and personal
 friend, Tony Sutherland, will be featured on TBN this coming Monday,
 January 19th.  Please tune in and enjoy the best worship you have
 ever heard in your life!!  Tony and his wife Sherri, have been one
 of our very best friends for over 12 years now.  My husband and I
 give Tony our highest recommendation and endorsement.
 The details are as follows: 

 Monday, January 19th
 Tony Sutherland will be featured on TBN Praise Program hosted by
 Jentezen Franklin
 5:00 & 10:00 p.m. EST
 2:00 & 7:00 p.m. PST
 Log onto www.tbn.org for viewing details

 I hope you can tune in because I know you will be blessed!  For more
 information about Tony, log onto his website: http://www.tonysutherland.com

See you tomorrow for "Tuesdays With Tracy!"
Tracy Hurst 

Special Announcement

Dear Friends, 
 It is with great excitement that I announce to you, National Worship
 Leader, Song Writer (of over 1,000 songs), Minister and personal
 friend, Tony Sutherland, will be featured on TBN this coming Monday,
 January 19th.  Please tune in and enjoy the best worship you have
 ever heard in your life!!  Tony and his wife Sherri, have been one
 of our very best friends for over 12 years now.  My husband and I
 give Tony our highest recommendation and endorsement.
 The details are as follows: 

 Monday, January 19th
 Tony Sutherland will be featured on TBN Praise Program hosted by
 Jentezen Franklin
 5:00 & 10:00 p.m. EST
 2:00 & 7:00 p.m. PST
 Log onto www.tbn.org for viewing details

 I hope you can tune in because I know you will be blessed!  For more
 information about Tony, log onto his website: http://www.tonysutherland.com 

See you tomorrow for "Tuesdays With Tracy!"
Tracy Hurst