Please welcome our guest writer for “Tuesdays With Tracy” today, Carol Abersold. Carol is the best selling author of “The Elf On The Shelf: A Christmas Tradition.” She is currently traveling throughout America signing books and bringing smiles to children everywhere. Please check out her wonderful website at: My daughter, Alyssa goes onto her website daily to make cookies for Santa. I know you will be blessed by Carol’s devotional today. Does anyone have a light?
Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and give praise to your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16
Although I had tried to faithfully serve the Lord for more than fifty years, my light, for all intents and purposes, was out. I found myself in the blackest of pits mentally, physically and spiritually. I had been physically suffering with three herniated discs in my neck, my husband’s business was failing, and my in-laws let me know how much they disliked me after thirty-four years of pretense.I found myself curled up in a ball weeping and crying out to God for help, healing and deliverance. All hope seemed gone. Why was I, a Sunday school teacher, amateur Bible scholar, a word believing, walking, talking Christian suffering from hopelessness?!! My usually strong husband was suffering from his own worries ( I was one of them), and I “turned to God” but He seemed to be on vacation. What was the deal!
My oldest daughter came over to pray for me. She took action and made an appointment for me to get professional Christian counseling, and she encouraged me to start writing. My Eeyore-like reply was, “I have nothing to say.” Determined child (adult) that she is, she looked up on a shelf in my kitchen where my little pixie elf from childhood still remained even though the holidays were past. “Why don’t we write a book about the elf tradition?” she said. My reply was, “Oh, Chanda, nobody would want to read that……Okay.”
And so we began writing what turned out to be The Elf On The Shelf: A Christmas Tradition. While we were in the process of writing the story, I received the professional help I needed from Tracy Hurst. These two women, Chanda and Tracy, let the Lord use them to shine His light upon me. He graciously healed me from my pain, the source of our financial drain was revealed to us, and most importantly… I got my light back. The point is this: a Christian woman’s light never completely goes out, but it can grow extremely dim. Perhaps, you, like I, need someone to shine their light on you until you can get your “batteries recharged.” Don’t be afraid, just receive it. In turn, when darkness seems present in another’s life do not hesitate to shine your God-given light.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, let me be equally as willing to be set alight, as to shed light. Let the Holy Spirit remind me not to lose heart, because I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Let me not be ashamed to seek proper help when my light seems to dim, and let me be a beacon shedding Your light on everyone I meet today. Amen.
“Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him; Talk of all His wondrous works!” Psalm 105:1-2
In honor of Thanksgiving, I wanted to share a video with you that I made and published on youtube last year titled, “Give Thanks.” May we all be reminded of our many blessings and I pray that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
“People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he is starving. Yet when he is found, he must restore sevenfold; He may have to give up all the substance of his house.” Proverbs 6:30-31
Spiritually speaking, the enemy is a thief that continually tries to steal from God’s people. In the verse above it states that we will not despise a thief who steals to satisfy himself when he is starving, but trust me when I tell you that the devil is not starving!Therefore, according to our scripture above, the devil has to restore back to you sevenfold what he has stolen from your life.Maybe he has stolen the innocence of your childhood, your bank account or your peace of mind, but no matter what he has stolen from you, he must give it back in abundance!
We serve a God of total restoration and no one can steal God’s dream for your life.I believe from the bottom of my heart, that whenever it seems that God is withholding something good from us, He is only setting us up to be blessed.He takes what the enemy meant to destroy us and uses it to propel us into our destiny.
I want to encourage you today to never give up on God’s dream for your life.It may look impossible, but ALL things are possible with God.It may appear that the enemy has won, BUT God isn’t finished yet!Hold on because your greatest days are yet ahead.
“Lord, I acknowledge that the devil has stolen from my life and I declare “no more” in Jesus Name!I rebuke the devourer and command that he must give back sevenfold what he has stolen from me.I declare that I will never give up on my dreams.God will bring them to pass as I trust in Him.I wait expectantly for vindication, restoration and promotion.I ask for God’s Spirit to blow through my life this day.Amen.”
Check this out: “Tips With Tracy” airs every Monday morning at 11:45 on The Dottie Coffman Show For Women, 1300 AM or on the Internet:
“Why am I discouraged?Why so sad?I will put my hope in God!I will praise him again – my Savior and my God!”Psalm 42:11, NLT
Has your life ever seemed to be going smoothly, but then out of nowhere a circumstance arises and you are suddenly full of fear?Fear is something all of us battle at one time or another. I have learned over the years when fear emerges that somehow, somewhere, I began to place my hope in something or someone other than God.
Take our economy for instance.If we place our hope in the housing market right now, we are going to battle fear and anxiety.And what about the Presidential election today? If we place our hope in our nominee and he is not chosen, what then? If your choice for 2008 is not elected, you may be tempted to give into overwhelming fear. But if we place our hope in God -Who reigns over the housing market and Who reigns over America’s choice for President in 2008, we can remain in perfect peace!
So let me ask you, to what or whom is your hope placed in today?Is your hope placed in man, your bank account, beauty, performance or children?If your hope is placed in anything of this world, you will be gravely disappointed.But if your hope is in Jesus Christ, then everything will be a-okay and you can rest in His perfect peace.
If you are battling fear and discouragement today, I encourage you to place your hope in God.Begin to rehearse all that He has done for you.Let thanksgiving take over your worried mind.No matter what you are going through, God is for you and fighting on your behalf.Psalm 44:8 tells us to give glory to God all day long and constantly praise His name.It’s time for us to once again receive God’s love and give Him glory all day long.God is faithful and He will never let us down.
Remember to cast your vote today – but again, no matter who wins this election, you can remain in perfect peace. God knew who would be President in 2008 before you were in your mother’s womb. God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind. Whoever wins today, we are called by God to uphold him in prayer. It does not matter what we think or what party we are affiliated with. God is in control and we are to rest in His will for the United States of America and for us.
Lord, I give you all my fears this day. Forgive me for placing my hope in anything other than You. You are my God and You reign over every situation in my life. I declare faith to arise within my spirit. I rebuke every attack of the enemy and ask according to Psalm 37:14-15, that when the wicked draws their sword at me, they will in return be stabbed through the heart with their own swords and their bows will be broken in Jesus Name. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. And I make a decision today that no matter who is elected President, I will not fear and I will respect this man of authority through prayer. Amen.”
“Are you tired?Worn out?Burned out on religion?Come to me.Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.I’ll show you how to take a real rest.Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it.Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”Matthew 11:28, The Message
There is not enough room on my website to share with you how prayer has changed my life, but I would like to share a few examples of how prayer has impacted me personally.
During my teenage years I was lost in depression and low self-esteem, but several of my family members prayed for me.I gave my life to Jesus just a few years later and my life turned around 360 degrees!Do not give up on your lost family members and friends – Prayer changes things.During my senior year of college I was diagnosed with liver failure and my doctors were concerned about keeping me alive.I was placed on Asbury College’s prayer list and I was miraculously healed.Stand fast in praying for those who are sick, Jesus still heals – Prayer changes things.I lost my voice the day of a speaking engagement and my friends covered me in prayer.When I went up to the platform my voice returned and I was able to tell of God’s goodness.My voice immediately left after I was done speaking.God cares about you and He loves to bless you – Prayer changes things.
If you are reading this right now, then rest assured that I am praying for you.I am agreeing with you for God to move in your circumstances.I don’t know how God does it, but He takes what the enemy meant to destroy us and He turns it around for our good!
We serve an amazing God who is always looking out for us.He is longing to move in your life today, the question is will you let Him?Will you believe that prayer changes things?I encourage you to pray (talk to God) and tell Him everything on your heart.Ask Jesus to carry your burdens and allow you to rest in His perfect peace.No matter what is going on around you, you can rest assured that prayer changes things!
“Lord, I am so thankful that prayer changes things because I could use some assistance in my circumstances today!I run to You today with every burden and care.I am so grateful that You hear my prayers and that prayer changes things!I will no longer worry or allow fear in my life, but instead I begin to thank you for making what the enemy meant to destroy me and declare that today You are turning it around for my good.Amen.”
Check this out:I will be onATL LIVE (channel 57, WATC) this Thursday night at 7:00 p.m.with National Speaker & Author, Shelley Hendrix.
Tracy became a Christian at the age of 16 and her life was changed forever. She went from being a depressed, suicidal, rebellious teenager to a dynamic leader for Christ. Immediately after accepting Jesus as her Savior, Tracy fought the school board in order to begin a Bible study on school grounds at her high school in Illinois. The dramatic transformation in Tracy's life has inspired many, including her own mother, to give their lives to Christ.