Miracles In Your Everyday, Ordinary Life

“Now the young woman was very beautiful to behold, a virgin; no man had known her.  And she went down to the well, filled her pitcher, and came up.  The servant ran to meet her and said, “Please let me drink a little water from your pitcher.”  So she said, “Drink, my lord.”  Then she quickly let her pitcher down to her hand, and gave him a drink.  And when she had finished giving him a drink, she said, “I will draw water for your camels also, until they have finished drinking.”  Then she quickly emptied her pitcher into the trough, ran back to the well to draw water, and drew for all his camels.”  Genesis 24: 16-20     

You may be wondering how the scripture above can be applied to your everyday, ordinary life, but if you will take a closer look at this story with me, I will show you how miracles can happen around you while you perform the mundane tasks of your day.  First, let me mention that Rebekah is the eldest daughter in her home and she is simply going about her daily ritual of drawing water from the well.  Upon her return she notices a foreign gentlemen approaching her along the path.  He asks her for a drink of water from her pitcher and amazingly Rebekah not only agrees to draw water for him to drink, but also for his camels as well! 

May I just add here, that no one would have known if she chose to deny this stranger a sip of water.  Perhaps Rebekah was having a bad hair day or had a list of things yet to accomplish on her to-do list, but instead of wallowing in self-piety or self-preoccupation, Rebekah chose to serve a complete stranger for no reward or wage.

Our Rebekah is a beautiful picture of a servant who is faithful to perform not only her daily tasks, but available to serve others. Yet what she did not know was that this man was on assignment from God to select a wife for Issac.  And it was her faithfulness in her everyday, ordinary life that positioned her to be God’s choice for His Kingdom purposes.  The fact that she gave this stranger water from her pitcher and then went above and beyond his request shows us the integrity and quality of her character, and why God would place her in the right place, at the right time, with the right person who would unlock her destiny. 

It was through Rebekah’s willingness to embrace her everyday, ordinary life that opened wide her destiny for the Kingdom of God!  You see, although Rebekah was a mighty woman in her own right, she would later become the mother of Jacob and the grandmother to Joseph, who wore the coat of many colors.  Her family line and legacy of faith is still teaching and influencing our generation today.

I know that it is easy to become bored with our daily routine in life.  And many of you today may be wondering if you are making a difference for the Kingdom of God?  But I am here to declare to you today:  You are a blessing!  And if you also will be faithful in your everyday, ordinary life, God will meet you there and miracles will be revealed before your eyes.  God will put you in the right place, at the right time and in front of the right people for Kingdom purposes!


“Lord, help me to be faithful in my everyday, ordinary life.  I confess that I have lost my ability to expect miracles as I go about my day.  Open my eyes to see that You are always with me.  Open my ears to hear Your direction for me today.  Open my heart to have the same willingness of Rebekah to serve a stranger in need.  As I am faithful in little, God can entrust me with much.  Amen.”

Tuesdays With Tracy Announcement

Hello Precious Readers,    

I am thrilled to announce the launch of my bookTuesdays With Tracy: Real-life Devotions that Touch the Heart of a Woman.

Please watch my video on viddler.com, just click play on the video below:



 For those of you who are unable to watch the video, please take a moment and read below how you can personally get involved in making this a successful book launch.  Click here to take a closer look at the book and buy your copy today!  

How can I get involved?

1.  You can leave a comment on www.tuesdayswithtracy.com and more importantly on www.amazon.com encouraging women to buy a copy for themselves.  

2.  You can talk to bookstore owners near you about selling my book in their store.  Also, if the Women’s Department at your church is looking for a speaker, feel free to pass along my name and website.  I would love to come and speak to the women at your church!

3.  You may have contacts in the media or book industry that can help get Tuesdays with Tracy into the hands of women across the globe.  I am currently booking television, radio and speaking engagements for Spring 2009.

4.  You can agree with me in prayer for God’s favor to be upon the book.  My prayer is that He will place Tuesdays With Tracy in the hands of women who are longing to draw closer to Him.  

5.  Buy a copy today for you, your family and friends!  It’s easy to buy Tuesdays with Tracy!  Just click here or on the book icon on my website tracyhurst.com.  You can purchase a copy online through Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, Xulonpress.com and coming soon to Target.com and Borders.com.   

Please know that it is an honor to be with you every Tuesday as we dig into God’s Word and learn how to apply it to everyday life.  I am so grateful that our paths have crossed for such a time as this.  Many thanks to you for helping me to create a successful launch for Tuesdays With Tracy!  


Tracy Hurst 


Twenty minutes or twenty years….

“Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts.”  Zechariah 4:6

Has God given you a dream that has yet to come to pass?  If your answer is “yes,” then I am sure you are aware that a God-inspired dream can be fulfilled in just 20 minutes or it can take up to 20 years!  The problem is that during our waiting season, we often get anxious and try to fulfill our God-given dreams without God!  But our self-effort only leads to frustration and failure!

Lets face it, if God gives us a dream; it is ridiculous for us to think that we can do it without His help!  Zechariah 4:6 clearly tells us that it is not by might (wealth, position or prestige) or by power (our own physical strength and intelligence), but it is by the Spirit of God (His supernatural movement) that our God-given dreams will be accomplished here on earth. 

Just take a moment right now and think about the dreams and desires God has placed within your heart.  Go ahead and think about it and I will wait for you right here.  Okay, now let me ask you:  Have you given up on your dreams?  Have you tried to fulfill them on your own?  Are you waiting expectantly for God to bring them to pass?  No matter your response, I want to encourage you today that your God-given dream is worth the wait!  It is time for you to dream again.  It is time for you to wait in anticipation of your dreams because they WILL come to pass in due time.  Whether it is twenty minutes or twenty years for you to see the fulfillment – God is faithful and He will fulfill His promise!

“Lord, I give you the dreams that you have placed within my heart.  I declare that You will bring them to pass in due time.  You are faithful and I trust that I will see the fulfillment of my dreams according to Your Spirit.  No matter how long I must wait I declare that it will be worth it!  Amen.”

My Destiny is Secure


“Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing.  You guard all that is mine.  The land you have given me is pleasant land.  What a wonderful inheritance!”  Psalm 16:5-6 NLT

I think all of us have heard the phrase, “When someone mimics or copies you, it is the best form of a compliment.”  And although this statement may be true, when someone imitates us in one way or another, we have a choice to make:  Will we become fearful and insecure or will we remain confident that our destiny is secure in Christ and speak blessings over them? 

It is sad to say that many times without even realizing it, we can give into the spirit of fear and begin to speak badly of these individuals.  We can fall prey to gossip, slander and even vengeance, all of which stem from our battle with doubt and fear.  Yet all the while God has promised to guard all that is ours!  Selah (pause and think about this for a moment).

Our destiny is not in the hands of men; the King of Kings is guarding our destiny!  Psalm 16 clearly states, “You (God) guard all that is mine.”  Your life is secure in Christ.  Isn’t that a breathe of fresh air to your weary soul?  We can rest assured that we have a good inheritance and that Jesus is our cup of blessing.

Remain close to God in this season.  Talk to him, spend time in His Word, and choose to bless and not curse.  And let us continue to meditate on this truth:  “My life is secure in Christ and He guards all that is mine.” 

Prayer:“Lord, I am so grateful for the Blood of Jesus and for that fact that I am forgiven, healed and made whole through the power of the Cross.  I declare today that I have a good inheritance.  You guard all that is mine and the land that you have given me is pleasant land.  I choose to give freely to others because You have freely given to me.  You have not given me a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, power and a sound mind.  Thank you for a wonderful inheritance!  Amen.”

No Strings Attached

“He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”  Romans 8:32

Our culture today tells us to: “Look out for #1, don’t trust anyone and I’ll scratch your back, if you scratch mine.”   What people don’t realize is that this type of living is fear-based.  1 Timothy 1:7 tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Fear encourages us to horde, withhold and to only give with strings attached.  But as children of God, we are able to freely give because our Father in heaven freely gave His son, Jesus on the cross for us. 

Giving with no strings attached is freedom not only for you, but also for the person to whom you are giving the gift, because there is no form of control or manipulation involved.  Giving freely is under the covenant of grace, but giving with strings attached is under the law.  Nothing can hold us captive if we can freely give with no strings attached.  No position, amount of money, title, or status symbol can have control over us if we are able to freely give.

I want to encourage you to bless someone today and when you give to him or her, do it freely, expecting nothing in return. Maybe you can help someone pay a bill, pray for someone in a time of need or drop off some groceries to a person in need – just because!

The truth is, we can give with no stings attached because we can trust that our Father in heaven will always provide for us.  He will always take care of us in abundance.  Psalm 37:25-26 states, “I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendant begging bread.  He is ever merciful, and lends; and His descendants are blessed.”  You are not forgotten.  Trust in God and keep your eyes on Him.  He will bring whatever you need to pass as you freely give to others.  

Prayer:”Lord, thank you for loving me with no strings attached.  I am secure in the fact that You love me and have good plans for my life.  Help me to not give into fear, but allow Your power, love and a sound mind to change the way I think.  Show me someone who is in need today.  I choose to give freely because You gave freely to me.  I love you Jesus.  Amen.”