The Freedom of Surrender

You know those times when you ask for God’s will and your uttermost prayer is, “Lord, Your will be done, not mine.” There is a liberating freedom in surrender such as this. When our plans and agendas fade into the background and God’s will and the unknown is embraced within our deepest parts.

For beloved, the unknown is not for the faint of heart, yet surrender still calls as we long to obey and follow God.

And when our prayer of surrender is answered, if we were honest we would confess that our response is often not with abundant joy of which we thought, but with great questioning and doubt, yet there is an unexplainable sweetness found within surrender which liberates us.

I am one of those; a surrendered soul longing for God’s will. Yet the very place God has taken me and my family was nothing of which we had ever dreamed and we have found ourselves at a place of great surrender.


My family and I have joined an elite 2-percent group as we await to recieve the unexpected bonus of life by the name of Audrey Grace. Audrey Grace will be born within the next few weeks and we are excited about her arrival! Oh just the thought of kissing those sweet baby cheeks brings tears to my eyes (yes, my hormones are flowing overtime)!

And although this pregnancy was a surprise to us, it was no surprise to God. He knew from he foundation of time that it was His will for this precious girl to be born at such a time as this. For Audrey Grace has always been His will, therefore we can freely surrender and rest assured that everything we need rests within the palm of God’s hands.

If we could only grasp that our lives are not our own, but in our human nature, too often we resist and resist and resist until we finally reach the freedom of surrender. To some this type of surrender sounds delightful to others it brings up our greatest fears, in our case it was a little of both.

Yet, the truth is, we can freely surrender to God for He is the kindest, most generous Person you will ever know. He is the essence of goodness and whatever He brings or allows within our lives is for our good in the end. When Moses asked to see God’s glory in Exodus 33:19, God replied, “I will let my goodness pass before you.” God’s glory is His goodness, He cannot help but to be good, faithful, and kind for it is His nature. Therefore beloved, we can rest in His goodness. We can open our hearts to His will for our lives knowing His goodness will always be displayed.

We can trust in the goodness of God.

No matter what you are going through, I encourage you to surrender to God’s goodness in your life. Hold on Dear One, for even in difficult times His goodness will be seen in the end. If He is calling you to let go, let go. If He is calling your to embrace, then embrace. If you are in need of a miracle, God is willing and able to provide it. He is the solution to every problem and the answer to every question. You can trust in the nature of God, for He is good.

Let’s pray:

“Jesus, I surrender my life to you. I may not always understand why I am going through a situation or what to do about it, but I can rest in Who You Are. For you are good, gracious, kind, generous and lovely. You love me and are for me. Please manifest your goodness within my life as I surrender to your will. May I experience the freedom of surrender and rest in Your goodness all the days of my life. Amen.”

The value of friendship and knowing it’s season

The value of friendship and knowing it’s season

“Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of trouble.” Proverbs 17:17, The Message

Has God ever shown you that you needed to let go of a friendship, but instead of following His lead, you intentionally held onto them too long until it resulted in conflict? As a counselor, I often tell my clients, “When you set a boundary, someone will be hurt.” And although none of us like this truth, what we fail to see is that by NOT setting a boundary – we are the ones who are continually being hurt – over and over again! Boundaries may hurt people’s feelings but it will not harm them. Boundaries allow us to be authentic to ourselves and with others. Boundaries are a good thing and keep us and our friendships healthy.

I have found in my life that there are 3 types of friendships:
1. Friends for a moment.
2. Friends for a season.
3. Friends for a lifetime.

And believe it or not, all three types of friendship are just as important as the other. You may be thinking, “Come on Tracy, surely a lifetime friend is more valuable than a friend for a season or moment!” But, I beg to differ with you – each type of friendship is valuable in its own right.

 A friend in the moment can impact you for eternity.

I will never forget sitting in a Chapel service at Mid-America Bible College. A young student presented the gospel. I don’t even remember his name, but through his message and invitation, I accepted Jesus as my Savior – he was a friend for a moment that has impacted my life for eternity. Years later a beautiful blonde intercessor prayed over me and declared “Tracy, you are not a misfit, you may not have fit into your father’s or mother’s plans but you fit into God’s plans.” Her words still ring within my being and although she remains a nameless friend for a moment – I will never forget her or her words.

A friend for a season can also impact you more than you know.

I had a best guy-friend named Wayne during my college years. He greatly prepared me for my husband. His friendship brought needed healing and restoration in my life – he was an amazing friend for a season. And although our season ended due to us establishing healthy boundaries once we both became married, I will forever be grateful for his friendship in the “right” season. You see, when seasons change, friendships can change or may even need to come to an end, but it’s okay – the Lord giveth and taketh away – blessed be the name of the Lord.

The thing about friendships is that we too often try and keep “right” people in a “WRONG” season. Or how about this one – how many of us expect everyone we are friends with to act like our friends for a lifetime? I will never forget when a friend failed to ask me about a recent speaking engagement. She knew about the event, but never inquired about it. After much prayer, God clearly showed me that I was wrong by expecting her to act like my friends for a lifetime – who ALWAYS pray and ask about my speaking engagements.

A friend for a lifetime is a treasured jewel.

These you can count on one hand.  They are the individuals who know you, your strengths, your weaknesses, your passions, your deepest secrets and longings. They celebrate the good times and weep with you in the dark times.  They do not keep a record of wrongs, always give you the benefit of the doubt, they are there for you 24/7 and no matter how much time has passed you can pick up with them right where you left off.   These are the treasured jewels of life.

Today I would like to honor all of my friendships. Whether you have been a friend for a moment, a season or for a lifetime: I honor you and I am a better person because of you – thank you!

As women of God, it is time for us to let go of wrong, out of season, relationships and and grab onto God with all of our might! God is the One person I can declare is your Friend for a lifetime! Selah (pause and think about that for a moment). Jesus is the One who is always on our side. He is cheering you on from heaven and intercedes for you when no one else does. Jesus is the friend that you are all longing for – grab onto Him and trust that He will give you wisdom in all your friendships.

“Lord, thank you for being my friend and Savior for a lifetime. You are always with me and I love you. I give you my friendships and ask that You forgive me for placing my hope in them rather than in You. Show me who my friends are for a lifetime, season and moment. I acknowledge today that each level of friendship is important in my life. I let go of childish things – offense, rejection, trying to defend myself, he said – she said conversations, gossip, criticism, and the such and grab onto You – the author and finisher of my faith. Amen.”


It is Time

It is Time

To let it go and hold onto God alone.

{Proverbs 30:5}



To give it all away knowing that God will be glorified. For the point of my life is to point to God.

{Jeremiah 10:23}



To embrace my brokenness knowing that God is continually shaping me into His image.

{Jeremiah 18:6}



To let go to move forward.


It’s time to Let It Go and declare:

{Isaiah 43:18-19}

isaiah-4318-19-small copy

Letting go in 2015,




Seasoned Words


“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7, NKJ

It’s time to let the past be in the past and to become women of Grace. God once shared with me before a family gathering, “Tracy, a woman of Grace never brings up the past sins of another person. Just as I have forgiven and covered your sin under The Blood, you must also cover the sins of others… A woman of Grace always builds up and never tears down.”I will never forget these words because they were like water to my soul. You see, I have a shameful past, but God never reminds me of it. Sure, there are times when I reflect on what God has done in my life, but never with despair or regret, but with thanksgiving of what God’s Grace has done.

So, as you sit with your family and friends this Holiday season, I encourage you to BUILD UP and not tear down, SPEAK LIFE and not death, EXTEND MERCY and not judgment, EXPRESS LOVE and not hate, OFFER FORGIVENESS and not bitterness, SHARE of God’s goodness and no matter what happens at your Holiday gathering – be a woman of Grace.

“Just as we season our meal with salt, let us also be purposeful to “season” our fellowship around our tables this Holiday season with God’s amazing Grace – it will enhance the atmosphere and bring delight to everyone around you” -Tracy Hurst

We need to trust that when evil is spoken of us, God will take care of it. All we need to do is simply walk in God’s grace and no evil plan shall prosper. God will send His angels concerning us as we flow in His love. And it is my prayer that God will grant us all a gathering seasoned with Grace!


Prayer:“Lord, please forgive me of my sins and cover them in Your Precious Blood. I rebuke the devil and his tormenting spirits – I am forgiven and redeemed – I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. Help me Lord to be a person seasoned with Grace. I will no longer bring up the past sins of my brothers and sisters in Christ, but use my mouth to build up and edify. I ask for a Graceful Gathering this year and I realize this desire starts with me. No matter what happens Lord, I invite you to be with me this Holiday season. Guard my lips and heart as I choose to trust that You will vindicate me when needed.” Amen.

With much love,





Dressing in God’s Wardrobe


“So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: Compassion, Kindness, Humility, Quiet strength, Discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.”

Colossians 3: 12-14, The Message Translation

Ask any woman and she will tell you that a simple black dress will take her just about anywhere in life. For example, throw on a black dress, add a pair of high heel shoes and ‘hi-ho-hi-ho’ off to work you go. You can run errands around town by sliding into your favorite pair of flip-flops. You can enjoy a formal evening out by placing a strand of pearls around your neck. Not to mention that as you dash around town in this all-purpose black garment, you will look simply elegant!  Every woman needs a go-to black dress.


However, when we enter our closets each morning, we typically select our outfit based on a mood, habit or inspiration.  Psychologies Magazine states, ” Clothing choices are rarely neutral, and our inner secrets can be read in our choices.”

What many of you may not know is that God is  interested in what we wear, spiritually speaking that is. He has picked out some articles of clothing that He believes are essential for every believer’s closet. So, let’s do some inventory shall we? Would I find the following items within your spiritual closet: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline, even tempered, content with second place and quick to forgive?

I will admit to having most of these, yet I seem to wear the same things over and over again! For example, I regularly wear a shirt of compassion, slacks of forgiveness and shoes of kindness, but I often pass by the jacket of discipline! If we are all honest, there are probably a few of the mentioned garments listed above that we have a hard time putting on…which one is it for you?

But, there is one all-purpose garment (like that essential black dress), which God states we are NEVER to be without:

LOVE is the one piece of clothing we need to be wearing at all times – no matter the season, predicted weather forecast or agenda of our day. The garment of love is to be extended to others, ourselves and to God. It is the garment that will bring success our way no matter what. So go ahead and wear your black dress, but don’t forget to put on some LOVE to go with it! I promise you that with that combination – you will look fan-tab-ulous!

Prayer: Lord, I want to wear what you have picked out for me today. I choose to place upon myself this day: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline, I desire to be even tempered, content with second place and quick to forgive, but importantly I choose to walk in love. By choosing to wear the articles of clothing listed above – I am dressed for success. Thank you for loving me this day. Amen