The Fruit of Patience

“For you have need of endurance so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.” Hebrews 10:36

Patience…it’s a word that most of us do not like. But, today I want to show you how vital the fruit of patience is to receive the promises of God in your life. Did you know that patience is also defined as endurance and perseverance? The Greek word for endurance is “hupomone.” (Please stay with me for a moment as we define the Greek word, “hupomone” and get a clearer picture of why patience is so imperative to our spiritual life). “Hupomone” means, “constancy, perseverance, continuance, bearing up, steadfastness, holding out and patient endurance”. “Hupo” literally means, “under,” and “mone” literally means, “to remain.”

Therefore, we can define patience as: “The ability to bear up under difficult circumstances, not with a passive complacency, but with a hopeful staying power that actively resists weariness and defeat.”

This is good news, because most of us give up too soon. Once we receive a promise from the Word of God we want an immediate manifestation of that promise – like NOW! But it usually does not work that way. Just as Abraham had to wait patiently before he received his promise – so do we. There is a slice of time between the PROMISE and the PROVISION where the POWER of PATIENCE is vital. You see, during this in-between time is when the enemy attacks you the most. The devil will do everything within his power to distract, discourage and pull you off track. When the attack comes – you will need the power of patience. You need the supernatural power of endurance to bear up under the trials of this life and ACTIVELY resist weariness and defeat. The truth is YOU WIN – if you do not lose hope!

I encourage you today to ask God for the power of patience to manifest in your life. Whether you need it now or sometime in the near future – the “hupomone” power of God will help you to wait patiently and receive your promise!

Lord, I need the power of patience in my life. Help me to bear up under difficult circumstances with a hopeful resilience that actively resists weariness and defeat. When the enemy comes like a roaring lion, I declare the supernatural power of endurance is manifested in my life. I will not give up. I will not lose sight. I will be victorious and receive ALL the promises of God in my life. Amen.


“Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of trouble.” Proverbs 17:17, The Message

Has God ever shown you that you needed to let go of a friendship, but instead of following His lead, you intentionally held onto them too long until it resulted in conflict?  As a counselor, I often tell my clients, “When you set a boundary, someone will be hurt.” And although none of us like this truth, what we fail to see is that by not setting a boundary – we are the ones who are continually being hurt!

I have found in my life that there are three types of friendships:
1.    Friends for a lifetime.
2.    Friends for a season.
3.    Friends for a moment.

All three types of friendship are just as important as the other.  You may be thinking, “Come on Tracy, surely a lifetime friend is more valuable than a friend for a season or moment!” I beg to differ with you – each type of friendship is valuable in its own right.

A friend in the moment can impact you for eternity. I will never forget sitting in a Chapel service at Mid-America Bible College.  A young African American student presented the gospel.   I don’t even know his name, but through his message and invitation, I accepted Jesus as my Savior – he was a friend for a moment that impacted my life for eternity.

A friend for a season can also impact you more than you know. I had a best guy-friend during my college years.  He greatly prepared me for my husband.  His friendship brought healing and restoration in my life – he was a friend for a season that impacted my life for such a time as this.

The thing about friendships is that we too often try and put the wrong people in the wrong place.  Or how about this one – how many of us expect everyone we are friends with to act like our friends for a lifetime? I will never forget when my feelings were hurt because a friend failed to ask me about a recent speaking engagement.  She knew about the event, but never inquired about it.  After much prayer, God clearly showed me that I was wrong by expecting her to act like my friends for a lifetime  – who ALWAYS pray for me and ask about my speaking engagements...knowing where a friend fits into our life can not only bring tremendous peace but also keep us from frustration and disappointment.

As women of God, it is time for us to let go of the childish things (offences, jealousy, back-biting, gossip, cliques, he-said-she-said conversations and every evil thing) and grab onto God with all of our might! God is the One person I can declare is your Friend for a lifetime!  Selah (pause and think about that for a moment).  Jesus is the One who is always on our side.  He is cheering you on from heaven and intercedes for you when no one else does.  Jesus is the friend that you are all longing for – grab onto Him and trust that He will give you wisdom in all your friendships.

“Lord, thank you for being my friend and Savior for a lifetime.  You are always with me and I love you.  I give you my friendships and ask that You forgive me for placing my hope in them rather than in You.  Show me who my friends are for a lifetime, season and moment.  I acknowledge today that each level of friendship is important in my life.  I let go of childish things – offense, rejection, trying to defend myself, he said – she said conversations, gossip, criticism, and the such and grab onto You – the author and finisher of my faith.   Amen.”

*An oldie but a goodie.  This was originally published back in Spring of 2009 on

From Tears to Joy

“Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy and singing.” Psalm 126:5 Amplified

As I look back over my life, I can honestly say that God has fulfilled this scripture in my life.  Most of you who read Tuesdays with Tracy on a regular basis know of my story and how my childhood was far from perfect.  What I had to endure as a child would have put anyone in therapy – LOL!  But through it all, God has been good to me. He was the One after all, who saved me, healed me and delivered me.  And God is the One who will turn your tears which you have sown into joy and singing.

My life is not perfect by any means, but let us not confuse happiness which is earthly and temporal, with joy that is eternal. The truth is that I still remember the pain of my past and I will never forget the abuse and agony I had to endure as a teenager, but just like Jesus whose hands still display the scar from the nails that pierced His hands on the cross, the memories from my past are also a reminder of God’s resurrection power in my own life.

No matter what you have or are currently going through, hold on because Jesus will do the same for you as He has done for me.  He will take your tears and turn them into joy. I will never forget the time when I was sitting on the lawn of Asbury University, soaking in God’s Word…and then it happened, I heard a still small voice speak to me, “Tracy you have been through much pain and sown many tears, but your future is filled with great joy.” I held onto that promise and it would be years later that I would find these words written in Psalm 126:5.   The Holy Spirit spoke this to me and He is speaking this into your life today – the question is – will you listen to what He has to say to you and will you believe Him?  Friends, Psalm 126:5 is true for me and it is also true for you.  Every tear that you have sown will reap a harvest of joy and singing in your life – I declare it for the glory of God.


“Lord, I give you my life and I choose to believe Psalm 126:5. All the tears of pain that I have sown will reap abundant joy and singing in my future.  I will not let my past hold me down any longer but I will press on and expect Your goodness and mercy to follow me all the days of my life.  Please line up my thoughts and my words with this truth today.  I give you my pain and ask that it be sown into a bountiful harvest of joy unspeakable and full of glory.  Amen.”

Showing Up & Showing Off

“I’ve tried everything and nothing helps.  I’m at the end of my rope.  Is there no one who can do anything for me?  Isn’t that the real question?  The answer, thank God is that Jesus can and does.” Romans 7:24, The Message

A few weeks ago and I had the honor of seeing our God show up and show off for His precious daughters. As our scripture states above, “The answer, thank God is that Jesus can and does.” The weekend was full of worship and digging into God’s Word. Needless to say, it was amazing and the testimonies from our time together keep coming.

I prayed for one woman who was diagnosed with colon cancer. The doctors informed her that the cancer was also spreading into her bladder and ovaries. We prayed together and asked that God would remove all cancer from her body and replace it with His love. We declared that she would live and not die and declare the works of the Lord for His glory. She and I have been communicating through email and I want to share with you how God has showed up and showed off in her life.

Last week this young woman went in for her scheduled surgery. Although she was scared, she held onto God’s Word and believed that all things were possible with God. When the surgeons opened her up – they could not find any trace of cancer! God truly showed up and showed off for this precious woman. The doctors were baffled but she knew exactly who removed the cancer from her body – Jesus!

Friend, whatever needs be removed from your life – God can remove it! If you need the removal of debt, sinful behavior, fear, depression, sickness, bitterness, shame or anything you want rid from your mind, body and spirit, God can remove it and He will replace it with His love.

Beloved, whatever needs to be brought into your life – God can bring it! Whenever God removes something, He always replaces it with something. When fear is eradicated, God replaces it with His perfect love. When sickness is confiscated, God replaces it with wholeness and health. When God plucks out bitterness from your heart, God replaces it with joy. When God lifts the label of shame off of your life, God gives you a new label – the Righteousness of God. Whenever God eliminates poverty from your life, He replaces it with prosperity for your mind, body and spirit. We serve a God who loves to show up and show off for His people simply because He loves us.

The truth is that God loves you – period! And He is longing to show up and show off on your behalf.

If you have a prayer request today, please click on the “Need Prayer” button found on my website and I would be honored to pray for you.

The Praise of Man

“Many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not con-fess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; for they loved praise from men more than praise from God.” John 12:42-43

“The fear of human opinion disables; trusting in God protects you from that.”  Proverbs 29:25, The Message

There was a time in my life when I longed for the approval of man. I wanted to be a person of great importance. I drank in the praise of man and became intoxicated with what people thought and said of me. Yet my approval addiction was never satisfied and thankfully so because it brought me to the place of brokenness and total surrender to God. I have come to the place where I no longer desire the praise of man, but only to hear my Father say, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

In our society we are encouraged to glorify the accomplishments of man. Many strive to achieve titles, positions of power, wealth and to be deemed by the world as a noteworthy person. And although we are promised much favor and success as children of God, a lot of individuals believe that the praise of man alone will bring them a sense of worth. They crave to hear man say of them, “Wow, look at her and what she has accomplished.” This is true even in the Christian culture. There is often a mixture of longing to glorify God while also enjoying the seduction of the praise of man.

Let us be reminded today that the praise of man is temporal and it will never bring true satisfaction, hence why you continually see Hollywood and sports stars turning to drugs, alcohol, affairs and such. The only true satisfaction in this life is to have a relationship with God. And friend, God has already deemed you worthy! Through the Cross of Jesus, you are the righteousness of God and He loves you – the real you!

Friend, you can rest your head tonight knowing that no matter what man may think or say about you, God loves you! It is my prayer that each night you will fall asleep pondering God’s amazing love for you. Oh how He loves you! Jesus gave His life for you, what more could He give? Oh how He loves you and me!


“Lord, thank you for loving me. I acknowledge that there is nothing this world can offer me that will bring me true peace or satisfaction but You! I will choose this day forward to meditate on what You say about me. No matter what man may say, I am the righteousness of God, I am the head and not the tail and the blessings of the Lord will chase me and overtake me (Deuteronomy 28). Amen.”

The Love of God

“For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers.  Nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Romans 8:38-39, AMP

There is nothing you can do that will separate you from the love of God. His love for you is not contingent on what you have or will do, but it is solely dependent on the work of the cross. You don’t have to “do” anything to deserve God’s love, it has already been freely given when Jesus gave His life for you on the cross. When we give our lives to Jesus, He takes away our sin, sickness, and poverty and replaces it with His forgiveness, wholeness and prosperity for our mind, body and spirit.

No matter what you are currently going through – God loves you. You may be going through unbearable circumstances or you might have recently made the biggest mistake of your life, but God is and will forever be in love with you friend. God made you in your mother’s womb and He understands you better than yourself. It is when you are in a time of crisis or transition that you need to fall at the feet of Jesus and receive His love, mercy and never-ending grace. People will fail you, but God will never leave you nor forsake you.

There are many barriers that keep us from receiving God’s love. The enemy longs to torment God’s children with condemnation, but there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). He wants to weigh down the righteous with despair, but God has given us a garment of praise instead of a spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61). The devil desires to oppress us with fear, but God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). All authority over the enemy has been given to us. Jesus made a public spectacle of him through His death and resurrection and it is time that you and I take our authority in Christ and declare Romans 8:31, “If God is for us, who can be against us?”

Friend, you are the righteousness of God and He is deeply in love with you. As our scripture tells us above, there is nothing – no height, no depth, nothing, that can separate you from His love. I pray you rest in this truth friend and receive all that He has for you this day and forevermore.


“Lord, thank you for loving me – all of me. I give you everything I am and everything I am not. You know what I am going through right now and I run to You today. I am in desperate need of Your mercy, grace wisdom and love. I take authority over every plan of the enemy in my life and ask that only Your plans succeed. I declare that goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. Amen.”