Dinner Anyone?


“I am Lady Wisdom, and I live next to Sanity; Knowledge and Discretion live just down the street…Are you confused about life, don’t know what’s going on? Come with me, oh come, have dinner with me! I’ve prepared a wonderful spread – fresh-baked bread, roast lamb, carefully selected wines. Leave your impoverished confusion and live! Walk up the street to a life with meaning.” Proverbs 8:11,9:3-4, Message Translation

Do you ever have days when you feel as if you are losing your sanity? There are times when confusion and worry fill my mind and when this happens, I literally turn into a different person! While I am usually a person of peace and joy, those precious gifts are nowhere to be found. I have learned that when I am in this state, I need to sit down and have “dinner” with God! The truth is that according to Proverbs 8, Lady Wisdom is calling to us everyday. The Wisdom of God will show us how to live well and enjoy life. The problem is that there are other voices calling us as well: The voices of the world, opinions of man, fear, temptation, greed and the list goes on and on.

My question for you today is: whom are you dining with tonight? Let’s choose Lady Wisdom as our dinner host and enjoy a wonderful meal. If you choose to dine and fellowship with the other voices listed above – you will surely be eating worms! It is our choice to which dinner invitation we reply a “yes.” I don’t know about you, but fresh-baked bread and roast of lamb sound good to me. Will you join Lady Wisdom and I for dinner tonight? I promise you will leave her table feeling of satisfied. And remember that Knowledge and Discretion live just down the street – who knows maybe we can join them for dessert (I’m sure they will be serving chocolate:)!

“Lord, I seek You for Wisdom this day. I give you all the concerns heavy on my heart. I ask that you take away the plate of confusion and worry from my life and replace it with heaping portions of Your Wisdom and Peace. Thank you for inviting me to eat “dinner” with You. I answer, “yes” to your invitation. I know that everything I need will be discussed and that your guidance will be given as we dine together tonight.” Amen.

Image above is from: www.freefoto.com 

Dinner Anyone?


“I am Lady Wisdom, and I live next to Sanity; Knowledge and Discretion live just down the street…Are you confused about life, don’t know what’s going on? Come with me, oh come, have dinner with me! I’ve prepared a wonderful spread – fresh-baked bread, roast lamb, carefully selected wines. Leave your impoverished confusion and live! Walk up the street to a life with meaning.” Proverbs 8:11,9:3-4, Message Translation

Do you ever have days when you feel as if you are losing your sanity? There are times when confusion and worry fill my mind and when this happens, I literally turn into a different person! While I am usually a person of peace and joy, those precious gifts are nowhere to be found. I have learned that when I am in this state, I need to sit down and have “dinner” with God! The truth is that according to Proverbs 8, Lady Wisdom is calling to us everyday. The Wisdom of God will show us how to live well and enjoy life. The problem is that there are other voices calling us as well: The voices of the world, opinions of man, fear, temptation, greed and the list goes on and on.

My question for you today is: whom are you dining with tonight? Let’s choose Lady Wisdom as our dinner host and enjoy a wonderful meal. If you choose to dine and fellowship with the other voices listed above – you will surely be eating worms! It is our choice to which dinner invitation we reply a “yes.” I don’t know about you, but fresh-baked bread and roast of lamb sound good to me. Will you join Lady Wisdom and I for dinner tonight? I promise you will leave her table feeling of satisfied. And remember that Knowledge and Discretion live just down the street – who knows maybe we can join them for dessert (I’m sure they will be serving chocolate:)!

“Lord, I seek You for Wisdom this day. I give you all the concerns heavy on my heart. I ask that you take away the plate of confusion and worry from my life and replace it with heaping portions of Your Wisdom and Peace. Thank you for inviting me to eat “dinner” with You. I answer, “yes” to your invitation. I know that everything I need will be discussed and that your guidance will be given as we dine together tonight.” Amen.

Image above is from: www.freefoto.com 

Relax – don’t do it!

“What I am trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving.” -Matthew 6:32, Message Translation

Have you ever received a gift so beautifully wrapped that you hated to open it? While it may have been tempting to sit the package on a shelf and just stare at it, I think most of us have too much curiosity to not open it and see what is inside! After all, someone took time out of his or her day just to buy you a gift and it would be rude to not open it – right? Yet, so many of us have unopened gifts from God each and everyday. When life gets busy we often fail to respond to God’s gift giving. We can become all consumed with going to work, running errands, paying our bills and taking care of the tyranny of the urgent that we never open the gifts God has placed before us.

According to the scripture above, we have to stop being preoccupied with getting in order to receive something. Do you mean that God wants me to relax and receive a gift from Him everyday? Yes! Let me ask you a question: What are you in need of today? Whatever you maybe facing, God has the right gift to help you overcome every test and trial. So, I encourage you to unwrap and receive what God is longing to give you. Be expectant for a gift from heaven to fall upon you today!

Lord, help me to stop and receive the gift you are longing to give me this day. You know exactly what I need. Forgive me for being so preoccupied with life that I fail to spend time with You. Thank you for the gift of salvation and all that it contains. I choose to receive Your joy, peace, protection, healing, favor, provision, forgiveness, wisdom and anything else You see that I am in need of today. Thank you Lord for lavishing me with more gifts than I know what to do with. You are the greatest gift I have ever received in my life and I praise you! Amen.

It’s time to rest and receive gifts from Heaven! God has impressed upon me that this is a week of Holy gift giving. Watch out for unexpected gifts to fall into your lap. There are gifts that have been stored up, gifts that are just because He loves you, gifts so beautifully wrapped – but you are to open them – not just stare at their beauty. Happy unwrapping! Love, Tracy

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”
James 1:17 NKJ

Image above is from: www.freefoto.com


Be Mine


Listen, O’ daughter, consider and give ear: Forget your people and your father’s house. The King (God) is enthralled by your beauty; Honor Him for He is your Lord.” Psalm 45:10-11, NIV

Why is it that we dwell on the negative things said about us more than the positive? Maybe this is not a struggle for you, but I think most of us tend to FORGET the uplifting words spoken over us and meditate on the destructive ones. BUT NOT ANYMORE! God clearly states above that we are to FORGET what people and even our own family may have said about us! God declares that He is enthralled with your beauty and that we honor Him by choosing to think and meditate on what He says about us.

We give “honor” to people by allowing their opinion of us to influence the way we feel about ourselves. The problem is that we often “honor” the wrong people. What would your life be like if you only thought about what God says about you? (Selah – pause and think about that).

Today God gives you something better than roses or candy – He gives you His love and attention. Let’s answer, “yes” to God’s invitation to “Be Mine” this Valentines Day. Choose to honor God by meditating on the fact that He is enthralled with your beauty and deeply in love with you!

“Lord, forgive me for honoring the wrong people in my life. I choose to honor You by meditating on what You say about me. I desire to give You my heart today. I will “be Yours” forever. I ask that you remove from my memory hurtful words spoken over me. I believe that You are enthralled with my beauty today. Thank you for being the best valentine any woman could ever have.” Amen.

A Woman On A Mission


“He (Jesus) was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5, New International Bible

Let me introduce you to the woman in the picture above. She is a woman on a mission and her name is Emma Jean Hurst – whom many of us lovingly call, “Jeanie”. She is the fun-loving Aunt of my husband, Michael. Jeanie is the kind of person who makes you feel at home the moment you meet her. She embraces life with her whole heart and is a joy to be around. Her love for Jesus pours out from her very being whether His name is mentioned or not.

A little over a year ago, Jeanie was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme (a rare brain tumor). However, Jeanie and her family decided to believe God for a miracle. Mike and I made a special trip to Maryland to spend Thanksgiving with his family that year in Jeanie’s beautiful new home. While the food was wonderful and visiting with relatives was a delight, spending time alone with Jeanie was the highlight of our trip. The three of us sat down at a local restaurant and enjoyed a bowl of Maryland she-crab soup and Jeanie gave us a tour of the town. But, before we went home, Jeanie requested that we drive to her church. As we approached this historic Episcopal Church, Jeanie marched ahead of us and disappeared through the sanctuary doors. She was a woman on a mission and we knew better than to get in her way. She knelt down at the altar and began to sing praises to God. She exalted His name through song and lifted her hands in praise to her Lord and Savior. Mike and I both began to cry as we saw this precious sight.

It wasn’t but a few months later that she was given a clean bill of health! However, she is now battling once again. Jeanie and our family believe God will heal her. It will take a miracle. It will take our Jesus.

Jesus was wounded so that anyone sick in body would be healed. The truth is that Jeanie’s future is secure and a heavenly one. Let me ask you a question. It is a question that is burning in Jeanie’s heart. Do you know Jesus? Is your future secure? Jesus is willing and able to meet you right where you are today.

“Lord, I come into agreement with all those who are sick in body this day. Touch each one with Your healing power. Most of all Lord, I want to know you as Lord and Savior. I want to spend all of eternity with You in Heaven. I give you my life and ask that you forgive me of all my sins. I am now yours Lord – use my life to bring people to You!” Amen.

Would you do something to encourage Jeanie today? Click on the “comments” button below and share a word of encouragement with Jeanie. Let her know that you are standing in faith with her today.



(Above: My mom, Alyssa & me)

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy habitation. God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity; but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.” – Psalm 68:5-6

I grew up feeling as if I never fit in. Probably because my parents divorced before I was one year old. I had a stepbrother here and a stepsister there. A stepmother in one home and a stepfather in the other home. I moved from this state to that state. Attended four different elementary schools and three high schools. With that kind of a track record, I think it would be hard for anyone to feel as if they had a “place to call home”. During my college years I remember a woman praying over me and stating, “You have felt like a misfit all your life – with your mom you didn’t fit in, with your father you didn’t fit in, but you fit into God’s plans.” She went on to declare an awesome future for me in Christ. I left her presence with my head a little higher. I began meditating on what she said, “I fit in to God’s Plans” and that thought revolutionized my life!

So I declare over you today – You fit into God’s plans! Do not worry about your past, present, or future. God has good plans for your life. What the enemy used in your past to destroy you, God will turn it around and use it to propel you forward into your destiny! No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Every idle word spoken against you, the Lord will condemn! You are His precious child and He is your Father and Defender!

God even shows us in the above scripture that He sets the solitude in families for His purpose. While it was hard growing up feeling like the “misfit,” I am now thankful because Jesus became my ALL THAT! Does anyone know what I’m talking about? When people fail you, when you don’t have enough money to pay your bills, when sickness affects your body, when your husband leaves you, when your best friend betrays you, when your own family rejects you – JESUS BECOMES YOUR ALL THAT! If you haven’t been through difficult times, then you won’t understand, but if you have, then I trust Jesus has become your ALL THAT!

“Lord, I am grateful to have an awesome future in You. You have great plans for my life. Thank you for allowing me to be the one who didn’t fit in to everyone else’s plans, because through it You became my ALL THAT! Lord, restore double what the enemy has stolen in my life. I come out of agreement that I am a misfit and declare that I fit into God’s plans and I will fulfill my destiny in Christ.” Amen.