Feelings vs. Faith

“For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God.” 1 John 3:20-21

In the past, I allowed my feelings to rule my life. I could be happy one minute and in tears the next. My emotions were completely dependent on varying circumstances around me and no matter what my loved ones told me, I would treat my feelings as the truth! Has anyone else been there besides me?  If your days are currently filled with confusion, worry and chaos then maybe your feelings are ruling your life at this time?  But I have good news for you today!  You don’t have to live your life dependent on how you feel because God’s Word is the final authority in your life. As daughters of the King, our feelings must submit to the Word of God and what He says about our situation.  We do not have to live our lives riding an emotional roller coaster.  We can have the peace that passes all understanding as we trust in God and His Word (Philippians 4:6-7).

I will never forget the day that I found 1 John 3:20-21 in my Bible. This scripture became my daily meditation and after researching the word “heart” in the Strong’s Concordance, I found that the word “heart” in our scripture today means “emotions and thoughts.” So, let’s read the verse again, but this time I will replace the word “heart” with it’s Greek meaning, “emotions and thoughts:

“For if our emotions and thoughts condemn us, God is greater than our emotions and thoughts and knows all things. Beloved, if our emotions and thoughts do not condemn us, we then have confidence toward God.”

Isn’t this good news? The truth is, when our emotions and thoughts contradict the Word of God – we have a choice to make: Are we going to believe our emotions and thoughts or the Word of God? For years I lived my life in double-mindedness. I would read the Bible, but then allow my emotions to rob my faith in God! But not anymore!

So I have 2 questions for you:

1.  Will you choose to believe the Word of God no matter what is going on around you in the natural world?

2.  What will be the final authority in your life – your feelings or God’s Word?

Now that you have found 1 John 3:20-21, you also have a choice to make.  It may seem hard to believe right now, but you too can begin to declare and believe that God is greater than your thoughts and emotions and that He knows all things.  And even when your feelings tell you something different, you can choose to hold onto God’s Word as truth in your life and experience supernatural peace.  You and I can both live in God’s peace daily and our feelings no longer have to dictate our lives.  Now that is something to shout about…Yeah!


“Lord, I choose to believe Your Word no matter what is going on around me. I declare that according to 1 John 3:20-21, You are greater than my emotions and thoughts and that You know all things. I will no longer allow my emotions to rule my life. You have good plans for me – with a future and a hope. I will worship You alone.  Thank you for peace that passes understanding.  I love you Jesus and I know that my best days are ahead of me because You love me.  Amen.”

Fashioned & Formed by God

So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts of Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pride-fully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t’.”  Romans 12:4-5, The Message

In the past I have dreaded shopping for a new bathing suit…can I please get some sisterly love on this one? I have literally walked into a dressing room with 20+ swimsuits in hand and left the room empty handed and feeling as if none of them looked nice, but this may have been because I was under a faulty delusion that somehow my size-12 body would magically turn into a size-8 body whenever I went shopping – of which I thought I could experience a Tadah moment. However this Tadah never happened and I was quickly snapped back into reality that simply putting on a new article of clothing does not cause immediate weight loss! LOL!

However, somewhere along the journey of life, I have come to the place of simply longing to be the best me. I don’t know if this revelation has come with age or by consciously choosing to love myself, but I no longer walk in trepidation at the thought of shopping nor do I compare myself to others because I just want to be the best me.

I no longer give my energy or thoughts over to what the world would say about me, (my accomplishments or lack of, my weight, my values, etc) because as our scripture states above, God excellently and marvelously formed me. This truth has become a line in the sand for me. I no longer expend precious time comparing myself to others – I just need to be the best me…whether size 12 or 8I am fashioned and formed by God,  I am created to be a blessing to the body of Christ.

So let’s all make the choice to go ahead and be who God made us to be and lets choose to let others be who God made them to be. Bottom line:  I am free to be me and you are free to be you!

You see, God fashioned and formed you and you are vital to the body of Christ. There is no other “you” on the face of the earth.  The gifts and talents God put into your life are greatly needed by those around you. It is my prayer that today you will make the choice to no longer compare yourself to others and that you will simply be the best you!


“Lord, I choose from this day forward to love myself.  You tell me in Your Word to love my neighbor as I love myself.  Help me to embrace the fact that you fashioned and formed me and that You have good plans for me.  I will no longer give my time and energy to what others may say or think of me but I will honor You with my thoughts.  Help me to be who You created me to be – the best me!  Amen.”

Letting God’s Spirit Reign

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” Matthew 22:37, KJV

We are triune beings – spirit, body and soul. From the moment you were conceived, you were a spirit. Your body was uniquely formed in the womb of your mother with the purpose to house your spirit and soul. Your soul is made up of your will, emotions, intellect and imagination. As believers, God’s Spirit within us is to reign over the soul and body, however this will not happen without the help of the Holy Spirit because the soul wants to dominate. Our soul is moved by what it sees, feels, hears and touches. It longs to be entertained and if we are not careful – our feelings, intellect, and personality can rule our lives rather than God’s Spirit.

Roberts Liardion states in his book, Sharpen Your Discernment, “An unharnessed soul wants to be the center of attention of everything. If the atmosphere is not exactly what the soul wants, it becomes depressed. If the soul doesn’t get what it wants, it becomes unhappy. If someone wrongs the soul, it becomes bitter. If someone hurts the soul, it becomes engulfed in self-pity. If the soul is in a hurry, it pressures everyone. If the soul does not like someone, it becomes rude. If the soul is rejected, it becomes obsessive or withdrawn. If something scares the soul, the soul worries. If someone has what it wants, the soul becomes jealous. If the soul thinks it has to please everyone, it becomes phony and deceitful.”

Our mind, will and emotions are gifts from God, but these gifts are never to dominate over God’s spirit within us. When trials come our way, it is vital that only God’s Spirit direct our plans. This is why we need to make sure that our body and soul are submitted under the Word of God and not vice-versa. It is extremely important that we hear directly from God concerning every area of our lives for such a time as this.

There are places God longs to take us. People God desires to touch through us. And God is currently repositioning His people for Kingdom purposes. So, let me ask you: Who is ruling your life? Is God’s Spirit reigning or are you allowing your thoughts and emotions to run your life? I can tell you from personal experience that when my thoughts and emotions rule my life, I live in a state of constant anxiety, confusion, fear and depression. But when I let God direct me and rule my soul, then I can remain in perfect peace no matter what is going on around me.


“Lord I ask that Your Spirit within me arise once again. I declare that my thoughts and emotions must submit to the Word of God. No matter what is going on around me, I declare that if God is for me, who can be against me.I give you permission to correct me and re-align my life for Your purposes for such a time as this. Amen.”

Our God Is Mighty To Save

“Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.  Lift up your heads, O you gates!  Lift up, you everlasting doors!  And the King of glory shall come in.  Who is the King of glory?  The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory.”  Psalm 24:8-10

At one time or another we will come face to face with difficulties and trials. Even Jesus had to endure crowds that wanted to stone Him to death, people that spoke evil of Him and friends that betrayed Him, yet in every situation, He was rescued and Jesus did not leave this earth until it was His appointed time at the Cross. And friend, I want to encourage you today that no matter what you are going through, the same God who saved Jesus at every point and turn is the God who will also save you!

I will never forget when my liver began to fail during my senior year at Asbury College. I was twenty years old and fighting for my life. I literally fainted in the doctor’s office when she stated that my name needed to be placed on a liver donor list. I had already been through so much in my childhood and the thought of dying at a young age seemed surreal and yet all too familiar. For so long I had longed to take my life, but it was God who radically saved me and with every breath that was now within me, I longed to tell others of what God had done in my life! Thankfully, I was placed on Asbury’s intercessory prayer list and mighty prayer warriors went before God on my behalf. The truth is that others believed for my healing when I did not have faith for it myself. I was experiencing physical difficulties to the point that I could not even walk to the bathroom a few feet away without becoming totally exhausted.

Friend, there maybe times when others will have faith for your miracle even when you don’t. When this happens, simply receive their faith and let them believe for you until you can believe it for yourself. And you can rest in the fact that the prayers of the Righteous will alter your destiny and destroy every plan of the enemy.

It was when my doctor performed a liver biopsy (with no anesthesia I might add) that my miracle manifested. The physician team was amazed and perplexed when they discovered that my liver would in fact heal itself within a year’s time and that I would not need a liver transplant after all – our God is mighty to heal! I found out later that my testimony greatly affected my attending physician and she later left her practice to pursue her dreams – our God is mighty to encourage!

I can give you story after story of testimonies from my life and the lives of others that would further demonstrate the fact that God is a God of miracles, signs and wonders. I have seen God restore marriages, rescue those in deadly accidents, heal those sick in body and mind, and provide finances in time of need (I’ve literally seen cars given to those in need with no strings attached and I’ve seen bills miraculously paid). God is the One who can save, heal, restore and bring peace to your mind during the trails of life. I encourage you to run to Him today friend because He is mighty to save! Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty!


“Lord, I profess that even when I cannot see You with my natural eye, I know that you are always moving on my behalf. You are the God who is mighty to save. I give you every difficulty I am experiencing at this time and I ask that you strengthen me and put people around me who will believe in my needed miracle till the end. I also ask that you put women of faith around me to believe for my breakthrough even when I cannot believe for it myself. I declare that all things are possible with You. You are my refuge and strength, my God in whom I trust. Amen.”

If you are currently going through a trial and would like prayer, please click on the “Need Prayer?” button below and myself and my prayer team would honored to cover you and your confidential prayer request.

Growing Old In Grace

Do you ever find yourself thinking about getting older? You know, thoughts like…“What will it feel like? What about wrinkles? Will my mind stay strong till the end or will I live in a state of “blonde-moments?’”  I realize that these questions may have haunted you in the past, but what I am about to share with you today is better than Ginkgo biloba & Botox!!

As the daughter of the King of Kings, you have the promise in God’s Word that you can grow old in grace! Listen; if Moses can live to be 120 years old with strength in his bones and eyes that did not dim, then you too can grow old in grace!!! I am a firm believer that what we say will come to pass – good or bad.

One example that comes to mind is the story of the actor, Jim Carrey. Did you know that Jim Carrey at one time was turned down at every audition in Hollywood and he could barely pay his utility bills? But every night, Jim would drive to the top of a hill overlooking the Hollywood sign and he would not leave that spot until he believed that he would one day be famous. Jim also wrote himself a fake check made out to him for millions of dollars and he believed that one day he would be able to cash such a check. Even when things were at an all time low, Jim Carrey continued to believe and boy did his confessions come true! Let me ask you, what would happen if you believed for the impossible like Jim Carrey? God’s Word tells us in Matthew 19:26 that with man it is impossible, but with God ALL things are possible.

As a Professional Counselor, I am aware of the power of the mind. Did you know that if you confess something long enough, your body believes what you say and will eventually produce whatever you are confessing? Friend, if you confess daily that your memory is lapsing then guess what…. your memory will lapse.

What I am about to share with you in God’s Word will show you how God’s blessing to grow old in grace is for you! The question is, are you ready and will you meditate on these scriptures each day until you see them manifest? If so, then grab a pen or get ready to push the print button because you will want to begin confessing these scriptures over you mind, body and spirit today!

Psalm 92:12-15, AMP

“The [uncompromisingly] righteous shall flourish like the palm tree [be long-lived, stately, upright, useful, and fruitful]; they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon [majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible]. Planted in the house of the Lord, they shall flourish in the courts of our God. [Growing in grace] they shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap [of spiritual vitality] and [rich in the] verdure [of trust, love, and contentment]. [They are living memorials] to show that the Lord is upright and faithful to His promises; He is my Rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.

Psalm 91:14, AMP

Because she (put your name here) has set her love upon Me, therefore will I deliver her; I will set her on high, because she knows and understands My name [has a personal knowledge of My mercy, love, and kindness–trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never forsake her, no, never]. She shall call upon Me, and I will answer her; I will be with her in trouble, I will deliver her and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation.

Deuteronomy 34:7, NKJ

“Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died. His eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished.”


“Lord, I choose from this day forward to embrace growing older because I understand that I can do it in grace! I am a living memorial to show the world that You are upright and faithful to Your promises. Because I set my love upon You and I understand of Your great love for me, You will deliver me and set me on high, with long life will you satisfy me and show me of Your salvation. Just as Moses left this world with perfect vision and vigor, so shall that be said of me. Amen.”

Reader’s Choice Week

Dinner Anyone?

I am Lady Wisdom, and I live next to Sanity; Knowledge and Discretion live just down the street…Are you confused about life, don’t know what’s going on? Come with me, oh come, have dinner with me! I’ve prepared a wonderful spread – fresh-baked bread, roast lamb, carefully selected wines. Leave your impoverished confusion and live! Walk up the street to a life with meaning.” Proverbs 8:11,9:3-4, Message Translation

Do you ever have days when you feel as if you are losing your sanity? There are times when confusion and worry fill my mind and when this happens, I literally turn into a different person! And while I am usually a person of peace and joy, those precious gifts are nowhere to be found. I have learned that when I am in this state, I need to sit down and have “dinner” with God! The truth is that according to Proverbs 8, Lady Wisdom is calling to us everyday. The Wisdom of God will show us how to live well and enjoy life. The problem is that there are other voices calling us as well: The voices of the world, opinions of man, fear, temptation, greed and the list goes on and on.

My question for you today is: whom are you dining with tonight?

Let’s choose Lady Wisdom as our dinner host and enjoy a wonderful meal. You see, if we choose to dine and fellowship with the other voices listed above (the world, opinions of man, fear, temptation or greed) -we will surely be eating worms…to which my daughter would reply “ehh”!  It is our choice to which dinner invitation we reply a “yes.” I don’t know about you, but fresh-baked bread and roast of lamb sound good to me. Will you join Lady Wisdom and I for dinner tonight? I promise you will leave her table feeling spiritually satisfied. And remember that Knowledge and Discretion live just down the street – who knows maybe we can join them for dessert – I’m sure they will be serving chocolate🙂 .

“Lord, I seek You for Wisdom this day. I give you all the concerns heavy on my heart. I ask that you take away the plate of confusion and worry from my life and replace it with heaping portions of Your Wisdom and Peace. Thank you for inviting me to eat “dinner” with You. I answer, “yes” to your invitation. I know that everything I need will be discussed and that your guidance will be given as we dine together tonight.” Amen.