A Whole Lot of Shaking Going On…

My brother Rob & Alyssa playing in the leaves:)

“…Yet once more I (The Lord) will shake not only the earth, but also heaven.’ Now this, ‘Yet once more,’ indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom, which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:26-29

A few weeks ago in Illinois, I heard the Lord say, “There is a lot of shaking going on.” I sense within my spirit that God is shaking off old mindsets, attitudes and anything that does not line up His Word from His people. For the lack of a better way to say it – God wants to be God in our lives. No matter what – He is God, but how many of us allow other “gods” to consume our lives? It is time to let go of the things of this world and to let God be our All-consuming Fire. It is time for us to walk according to the scripture above, and “in God’s supernatural grace by which we can serve Him acceptably and with reverence and godly fear.” There is a mighty shaky going on!

*Watch the Presidential elections my friends – God is rising up His choice. He has anointed someone in the Spirit realm to be our next President. It is only because of God’s abundant mercy and the prayers offered up to heaven that I can boldly declare this to you today. We must continue to pray. And in the weeks to come, you will see a shaking in the polls. The Lord would ask of His people, “Will you not see? Will you not hear the voice of the Lord (Isaiah 43:19)?Do not look to the media or to man, look to God. He will show you whom He has called to be our President in 2008. There is a whole lot of shaking going on!

Lord, I give you permission to shake anything out of my life that does not line up with The Word of God. Forgive me for allowing the things of this world to take my focus off of You. I long for Jesus to be my all-consuming fire. I forgive those who have hurt me and spitefully used me. I bless those who have cursed me and I choose to walk the higher road. Speak to me Lord about my life and about what is going on in the world. I declare that God’s choice for President in 2008 will be elected. I declare that I have ears to hear and eyes to see whom God has anointed. I pray this in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ.” Amen.

*Please continue to pray for rain – we are still in desperate need – Thank you!

Graceful Gatherings

Me with some of my family:)

“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7, NKJ

It’s time to let the past be in the past and to become men and women of Grace. God once shared with me before a family gathering, “Tracy, a woman of Grace never brings up the past sins of another person. Just as I have forgiven and covered your sin under The Blood, you must also cover the sins of others… A woman of Grace always builds up and never tears down.” I will never forget these words because they were like water to my soul. You see, I have a shameful past, but God never reminds me of it. Sure, there are times when I reflect on what God has done in my life, but never with despair or regret, but with thanksgiving of what God’s Grace has done.

So, as you sit with your family and friends this Holiday season, I encourage you to build up and not tear down, speak life and not death, extend mercy and not judgment, express love and not hate, offer forgiveness and not bitterness, share of God’s goodness and no matter what happens at your Holiday gathering – be men and women of Grace .

Trust that when evil is spoken of you, God will take care of it. All you need to do is simply walk in God’s grace and no evil plan shall prosper. God will send His angels concerning you as you flow in His love. And may God grant us all a Graceful Gathering!

“Lord, please forgive me of my sins and cover them in Your Precious Blood. I rebuke the devil and his tormenting spirits – I am forgiven and redeemed – I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. Help me Lord to be a person seasoned with Grace. I will no longer bring up the past sins of my brothers and sisters in Christ, but use my mouth to build up and edify. I ask for a Graceful Gathering this year and I realize this desire starts with me. No matter what happens Lord, I invite you to be with me this Holiday season. Guard my lips and heart as I choose to trust that You will vindicate me when needed.” Amen.

The Real Enemy

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12, NKJ

Who is your real enemy anyway? Is it your slandering neighbor or the “friend” who is pulling your son or daughter away from God? Is it the person spreading lies about you or the family member who has betrayed you? Or could the real enemy in your life be unseen to the natural eye? Let’s take a closer look at what I believe is one of the greatest deceptions of our day.

Just as God is looking for people to flow in His love and grace, the devil is also looking for those who will flow in his evil plans of death and destruction. As an adult, I am now aware that the people behind my abuse were never my real enemy, but simply vessels used by the devil to try and destroy me. The devil was the author behind my abuse and God was the author behind my rescue!

The truth is that no weapon formed against us shall ever prosper and every evil tongue that rises against us, the Lord will condemn. What the enemy meant for our evil, God will turn it around and use it for His Kingdom purposes. Jesus can make purpose out of our pain.

Here is a spiritual key that will help free you from your past: HATE THE DEVIL AND NOT THE PEOPLE HE USES!

You have a choice today – will you be used to flow in God’s love and grace? Or will you be a vessel used to bring death and destruction? Do you mean that I can be used by the devil? If you allow hate, gossip, slander, offense, abuse, murder, destructive words or any evil thing to borrow your mouth or actions – you are being used for enemy purposes. But the reciprocal is also true; you can be used for God purposes as well. God can use your mouth and actions to speak and show His love to those you come into contact with today.  Selah (pause and think about this for a moment).  Whose voice will you follow today?

“Lord, forgive me for every evil thing I have ever said or done. I no longer want to be used to bring death and destruction, but life and hope to those who are hurting. I give You my mouth, that I may speak Your Words. I give you my ears, that I may hear your voice. I give you my mind, that I may think Your thoughts. I give you my feet, that I may walk out Your will for myself and for others. Please use my entire being God to bring healing and restoration. I acknowledge that my real enemy is not made of flesh and blood, but spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places
. I choose to serve God this day and forevermore.” Amen.

In ALL Things Give Thanks…

babylamb.jpg“Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him; Talk of all His wondrous works!” Psalm 105, 1-2, NKJ Version

I am thankful:

For the baby that wakes up
In the middle of the night,
Because it means I am
Blessed to be a parent.

For all the unanswered prayers
Which were never fulfilled,
Because it means that God had something better.

For the wife who serves leftover
Spaghetti for the third time this week,
Because it means she is feeding me and
Not someone else.

For the lonely times
When God feels far away,
Because it sharpens my ears
To hear God’s voice.

For the floors that need vacuuming,
The tables that need dusting and the
Bathrooms that need cleaning,
Because it means I have a home.

For the car that continually breaks down
And the rising gas prices,
Because it means I have transportation.

For all the angry and bitter
People in my life,
Because it gives me
A chance to love them unconditionally.

For the sink of dirty dishes,
Because it means I have two hands
And I was able to prepare a meal.

For the husband who constantly
Watches sports in the living room,
Because it means that he is
At home and not out with another woman.

For the list of phone calls to return,
Emails to be read and thank you notes to be mailed,
Because it means I have friends.

For the children who fuss
Over doing their homework,
Because it means they are safe
And at home with me.

For the boss and co-workers
That drive me crazy,
Because it means I have a job.

For the disagreement between
myself and another person,
Because it means we are
Working through an issue.

For the times when my prayers
Seem to go nowhere,
Because the prayer offered by a friend
Was exactly what I needed.

For the clothes that no longer fit,
Because it means I have plenty to eat.

For the wrinkles around my mouth,
Because it means I have had a reason to smile.

To live in America
Because it means that I can
Own a Bible and read it in public.

For the difficult days
Because it makes my good days
Even better!

In all things…Give thanks! Pass it on!

Tracy Hurst @ – www.tracyhurst.com
Laugh Often, Love Much and Fulfill Your Destiny

To watch my “Give Thanks” video on youtube.com click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBNHbwqIR2c

Reader’s Choice Week

The faithful readers of tracyhurst.com have picked the post below as one of their “favorites.” Read & enjoy – It’s that time once again…. for a Friend Check:

The Ladies of Sophia Academy: www.sophiaacademy.org

“Whoever wants to embrace life and see the day fill up with good, here’s what you do –
Say nothing evil or hurtful; snub evil and cultivate good; run after peace for all you’re worth. God looks on all this with approval, listening and responding well to do what he’s asked; but he turns his back on those who do evil things.” 1 Peter 3:10, Message Translation

Whenever I am around people who gossip, I always leave their presence feeling dirty and in need of a spiritual shower. Yet, as much as I hate gossip, occasionally I find myself listening with interest and even participating. Whenever gossip first begins in conversation, my spirit feels uncomfortable and I always try to change the subject. Nevertheless, at times I get pulled in and fall prey to this evil sin. This is why we must be careful with whom we spend time and allow in our inner circle. Our inner circle consists of individuals we socialize with on a regular basis. *The truth is: If these “friends” are talking about others with you, then they are talking about you with others! Are you hanging out with people who gossip and say evil things about others? Are you that person? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal if this is true about you or the friends you associate with.

Once a year I do what I call a “friend check.” This ritual allows the Holy Spirit to show me if someone, for various reasons, needs to move from my inner circle. Although this is hard for me, I have learned to trust the hand of God. God will often remove someone who is a wrong influence in my life and bring new friendships, which will encourage me to fulfill my destiny in Christ. Don’t be afraid to ask God to do a “friend check” in your life – I’ve had the same best friends for ten plus years. But they are people who run after peace and speak well of others. God simply longs to fill our days up with good and look upon us with his approval as the scripture states. He is a forgiving God and is always looking out for our very best.

Lord, help me to be a woman who runs after peace and cultivates good wherever I go. I give you permission to show me if I have fallen prey to gossip and speaking evil of others. Please forgive me Jesus and cleanse me of this sin. Help me to speak only good of others and hold things in confidence. Give me wisdom about who is in my inner circle. I give you permission to remove anyone out of my inner circle and to bring in new friends for your purposes in my life. Thank you for looking upon me today with approval from heaven. Thank you for loving me. Amen.

Point to ponder: The people you hang out with today will determine who you become in five years!

Reader’s Choice Week

The faithful readers of tracyhurst.com have picked the post below as one of their “favorites.” Read & enjoy – It’s that time once again…. for a Friend Check:

The Ladies of Sophia Academy: www.sophiaacademy.org

“Whoever wants to embrace life and see the day fill up with good, here’s what you do –
Say nothing evil or hurtful; snub evil and cultivate good; run after peace for all you’re worth. God looks on all this with approval, listening and responding well to do what he’s asked; but he turns his back on those who do evil things.” 1 Peter 3:10, Message Translation

Whenever I am around people who gossip, I always leave their presence feeling dirty and in need of a spiritual shower. Yet, as much as I hate gossip, occasionally I find myself listening with interest and even participating. Whenever gossip first begins in conversation, my spirit feels uncomfortable and I always try to change the subject. Nevertheless, at times I get pulled in and fall prey to this evil sin. This is why we must be careful with whom we spend time and allow in our inner circle. Our inner circle consists of individuals we socialize with on a regular basis. *The truth is: If these “friends” are talking about others with you, then they are talking about you with others! Are you hanging out with people who gossip and say evil things about others? Are you that person? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal if this is true about you or the friends you associate with.

Once a year I do what I call a “friend check.” This ritual allows the Holy Spirit to show me if someone, for various reasons, needs to move from my inner circle. Although this is hard for me, I have learned to trust the hand of God. God will often remove someone who is a wrong influence in my life and bring new friendships, which will encourage me to fulfill my destiny in Christ. Don’t be afraid to ask God to do a “friend check” in your life – I’ve had the same best friends for ten plus years. But they are people who run after peace and speak well of others. God simply longs to fill our days up with good and look upon us with his approval as the scripture states. He is a forgiving God and is always looking out for our very best.

Lord, help me to be a woman who runs after peace and cultivates good wherever I go. I give you permission to show me if I have fallen prey to gossip and speaking evil of others. Please forgive me Jesus and cleanse me of this sin. Help me to speak only good of others and hold things in confidence. Give me wisdom about who is in my inner circle. I give you permission to remove anyone out of my inner circle and to bring in new friends for your purposes in my life. Thank you for looking upon me today with approval from heaven. Thank you for loving me. Amen.

Point to ponder: The people you hang out with today will determine who you become in five years!