“Whoever wants to embrace life and see the day fill up with good, here’s what you do –
Say nothing evil or hurtful; snub evil and cultivate good; run after peace for all you’re worth. God looks on all this with approval, listening and responding well to do what he’s asked; but he turns his back on those who do evil things.” 1 Peter 3:10, Message Translation
Whenever I am around people who gossip, I always leave their presence feeling dirty and in need of a spiritual shower. Yet, as much as I hate gossip, occasionally I find myself listening with interest and even participating. Whenever gossip first begins in conversation, my spirit feels uncomfortable and I always try to change the subject. Nevertheless, at times I get pulled in and fall prey to this evil sin. This is why we must be careful with whom we spend time and allow in our inner circle. Our inner circle consists of individuals we socialize with on a regular basis. *The truth is: If these “friends” are talking about others with you, then they are talking about you with others! Are you hanging out with people who gossip and say evil things about others? Are you that person? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal if this is true about you or the friends you associate with.
Once a year I do what I call a “friend check.” This ritual allows the Holy Spirit to show me if someone, for various reasons, needs to move from my inner circle. Although this is hard for me, I have learned to trust the hand of God. God will often remove someone who is a wrong influence in my life and bring new friendships, which will encourage me to fulfill my destiny in Christ. Don’t be afraid to ask God to do a “friend check” in your life – I’ve had the same best friends for ten plus years. But they are people who run after peace and speak well of others. God simply longs to fill our days up with good and look upon us with his approval as the scripture states. He is a forgiving God and is always looking out for our very best.
Lord, help me to be a woman who runs after peace and cultivates good wherever I go. I give you permission to show me if I have fallen prey to gossip and speaking evil of others. Please forgive me Jesus and cleanse me of this sin. Help me to speak only good of others and hold things in confidence. Give me wisdom about who is in my inner circle. I give you permission to remove anyone out of my inner circle and to bring in new friends for your purposes in my life. Thank you for looking upon me today with approval from heaven. Thank you for loving me. Amen.
Point to ponder: The people you hang out with today will determine who you become in five years!
I too need to do a friend check. Before we moved here, I went through a cleansing of friends. I was just tired of being around people who just did not have anything nice to say. So, I prayed and God took those people out of my life. I noticed by staying around people with that kind of character, only brings you down. And, as I started to have children I had to re-evaluate who was around my children. Because, I had to protect them. It is always good to do a friend check and to always ask God to intervene when someone is not enchancing your life for the Kingdom.
I too need to do a friend check. Before we moved here, I went through a cleansing of friends. I was just tired of being around people who just did not have anything nice to say. So, I prayed and God took those people out of my life. I noticed by staying around people with that kind of character, only brings you down. And, as I started to have children I had to re-evaluate who was around my children. Because, I had to protect them. It is always good to do a friend check and to always ask God to intervene when someone is not enchancing your life for the Kingdom.
I agree totally here. In the last year God has really been dealing with me that everything that come out of my mouth be wholesome, and uplifting. You know “if you do not have anything nice to say, do not say anything at all” We have all heard it, but I know I have been guilty of not living it.
I have also seen God surrounding me with people who do not have a desire to gossip, and of course that helps in not being sucked in to it.
I agree totally here. In the last year God has really been dealing with me that everything that come out of my mouth be wholesome, and uplifting. You know “if you do not have anything nice to say, do not say anything at all” We have all heard it, but I know I have been guilty of not living it.
I have also seen God surrounding me with people who do not have a desire to gossip, and of course that helps in not being sucked in to it.
Hey sweet friend – your words are so wise, guess you get them from The Source!!! Love it, them, and you!!!
Please keep writing. You inspire me incredibly. Thank you for your mentoring from afar!!
Talk with you soon.
Leigh Gray
Hey sweet friend – your words are so wise, guess you get them from The Source!!! Love it, them, and you!!!
Please keep writing. You inspire me incredibly. Thank you for your mentoring from afar!!
Talk with you soon.
Leigh Gray
Great post. I have lots of friends from all different backgrounds and different places in their walks with the Lord. But the ones that I keep really close to me are like you said, friends who do not tear other’s down. There is a peacefulness and freshness about being with someone who build other’s up whether they are there or not.
Great post. I have lots of friends from all different backgrounds and different places in their walks with the Lord. But the ones that I keep really close to me are like you said, friends who do not tear other’s down. There is a peacefulness and freshness about being with someone who build other’s up whether they are there or not.