Show and Tell…
Hearing the voice of God and putting a contract on our land was just one of the many miracles God has done on our behalf. Just as God parted the Red Sea for the Israelites, He also fed them manna from Heaven. He quenched their thirst by causing water to flow from a rock and their feet did not swell for forty years. And yet He did so much more! God loves to show up and show off on behalf of His people!
He is a God of miracles and it is time that we SHOW and TELL of His wonderful works. I am tired of staying silent of God’s goodness in my life for fear of what others may think. Recently, I heard an evangelist state, “It is our responsibility as God’s children to “show and tell” of God’s goodness and He will deal with those who judge us as boastful or prideful.” The truth is: it gives God great pleasure to hear His children brag about His goodness.
As I shared with you last week, God Himself led us to our new home and when the Spirit spoke, we knew to obey. We put a contract on our new home with an agreement to close in 19 days and we needed the miracle power of God to sell our town home fast! And did I mention that fact that we did not even have our town home on the market yet? Ha! Also our agent informed us that over 800 town homes were for sale and that it would take up to 3 1/2 years to sell all the inventory of town homes in our area! Ha-Ha! Plus, there was a town home across the street from us that had been on the market for 10 months! Ha-Ha-Ha! I remember walking around my neighborhood and fear would try and torment me by saying, “You didn’t hear the voice of God,” “Your town home will never sell – just look around you – seven other town homes are also on the market,” “You are a fool to believe that God will sell your home.” When these thoughts filled my mind, I would declare out loud, “Jesus, you did not give me the spirit of fear. We know that we heard Your voice to buy that property and therefore I trust that You to lead the buyer to my town home and tell them that this is their home!”
The Listing: We placed our home on the market on a Sunday afternoon and we (our realtor- Leigh Mitchell, Mike & I) prayed that our home would sell within 14 days. We had done everything our agent encouraged us to do: priced it to sell, cleared out the clutter, put new mulch in the front yard, flowers by the front door, etc. The following Sunday we had our open house. I anointed our front door with anointing oil and prayed that the buyer of our home would hear the SPIRIT speak and bring them to buy our home that day.
The buyer not only came to the open house, but they placed a contract on our home that very afternoon. Our town home sold in 7 days! Glory to God! Believe it or not, there are still more miracles to share with you next week…Part III is coming up next week…Stay tuned!
So, Let me ask you friend: When was the last time you told someone of God’s goodness to you? I encourage you today to “Show and Tell” of God’s miracles in your life! Do not be concerned about what others think – God will take care of it and He loves it when you brag on Him!
Lord, I will “show and tell” of your goodness today. Please give me the opportunity everyday to share a testimony of what you have done in my life. I will not let what others think hinder my praise! May the goodness of God be so apparent in my life that it brings many to salvation! My relationship with You is priceless God. I will no longer be a closet Christian. No matter the persecution, judgment or consequence – I will “show and tell” of Your Greatness this day! Amen
Yes, I definitely argee with you Tracy on that. I too get afraid of telling of God’s goodness HE has done in my life because of the fear of what others are thinking. But it is important to share with others of God’s goodness. To show the world of HIS infinite love for HIS children. Thank you Tracy for this word of encouragement. I will show and tell of God’s goodness in my life to others.
Yes, I definitely argee with you Tracy on that. I too get afraid of telling of God’s goodness HE has done in my life because of the fear of what others are thinking. But it is important to share with others of God’s goodness. To show the world of HIS infinite love for HIS children. Thank you Tracy for this word of encouragement. I will show and tell of God’s goodness in my life to others.
AMEN and AMEN! I totally agree. Many of the Psalms talk about telling of His wonderful works in the congregation. It is humble to exalt Him in this way and to give Him the glory! Congratulations on your new blessing. I know the Lord will use your home to bless your family and all who enter there.
Mary Beth
AMEN and AMEN! I totally agree. Many of the Psalms talk about telling of His wonderful works in the congregation. It is humble to exalt Him in this way and to give Him the glory! Congratulations on your new blessing. I know the Lord will use your home to bless your family and all who enter there.
Mary Beth
It is good to bring to remembrance His faithfulness as we share with believers and nonbelievers. It stirs up the spirit of all when we express His goodness and testify to His miracles, big and small. I’m excited as you share your testimony. Blessings because the sheep do know the voice of the Shepherd!
It is good to bring to remembrance His faithfulness as we share with believers and nonbelievers. It stirs up the spirit of all when we express His goodness and testify to His miracles, big and small. I’m excited as you share your testimony. Blessings because the sheep do know the voice of the Shepherd!