Good Morning, Beautiful!

“Upon entering, Gabriel greeted her (Mary): ‘Good morning! You’re beautiful with God’s beauty, Beautiful inside and out! God be with you.’ She was thoroughly shaken, wondering what was behind a greeting like that. But the angel assured her, ‘Mary you have nothing to fear. God has a surprise for you: You will become pregnant and give birth to a son and call his name Jesus.” ?Luke 1:28-31, Message Translation

Greetings woman of God: You are beautiful with God’s beauty! You are beautiful inside and out. God be with you this day! How does it feel to be spoken to like that? Some of you may quickly receive this encouraging word, but others of you are like Mary and question the intent behind such a glorious greeting. I cannot imagine how Mary felt to have an angel address her with such a message of love. Just the fact that God wanted Mary to know of her beauty and favor before Him is awesome. But it doesn’t stop there; Gabriel goes on to tell her how God will save the world through her womb. Can you even fathom what she must have been thinking and feeling? We are going to look further next week at the verses to follow concerning Mary that day. But I believe at this moment God wants you to know how beautiful and highly favored you are in His sight. Perhaps you’re not pregnant with child like Mary, but you are pregnant with the purposes of God. He longs to bring salvation and healing to the world through your life. So receive God’s message today and say out loud, “I am beautiful with God’s beauty. I am beautiful inside and out because God is with me this day.”

“Lord, I love you and long to believe this message today. Change any mindsets that would hinder me from receiving your love. I come out of agreement with any words spoken over me that do not line up with this truth. Forgive me for believing the lies of the enemy rather than what Your Word says about me. I am loved and highly favored by God. I am the apple of His eye. God loves me so much that He sent His only Son to die on the cross that I may live. Thank you Lord for the gift of Jesus.” Amen.

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