“God-devotion makes a country strong; God-avoidance leaves people weak.” Proverbs 14:29, The Message
“…A time to keep silence, and a time to speak.” Ecclesiastes 3:7b
“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” John 15:18-19
Most of you know my story, but what many of you do not know is that for years I hid my testimony out of shame. I feared what people would think of me if they knew that I once was an abused, depressed, suicidal, gothic teenager. After all, look at me now – I am a blonde-haired, optimistic woman, who loves Jesus and likes to wear all the colors of the rainbow. I only wear the color black now because it makes me look thinner. LOL! Can I get an Amen for the slimming color of black ladies?
I have a great respect for all individuals who SPEAK UP for what they believe in, even when I beg to differ. The problem as I see it, is that it is “culturally okay” for someone to share about their liberal views, but when it comes to sharing conservative views, you are met with severe criticism. The media seems to favor liberals who SPEAK UP, but they expect Christians to remain silent or as they call it “tolerant”.
As Christians we are commanded by God to love everyone, however we can love someone without changing our beliefs to do this. We don’t have to compromise our beliefs in order to love someone else for who they are. If the world’s definition of “tolerance” means agreeing with their lifestyle or their beliefs then I will never be “tolerant” as long as their beliefs and lifestyles contradict the Bible.
Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that there is a time for everything…there is a time to keep silence, but there is a time to SPEAK UP.” Carrie Prejean, Miss California had a choice to make in the recent Miss America Pageant. And I am so proud of Carrie because she decided within a moments notice to SPEAK UP and tell the world her personal view on the institution of marriage. Carrie agrees with our Founding Fathers and the belief of our Country for over 200 years that marriage is between a man and a woman. To hear Carrie’s answer: click Here.
The truth is whether you agree with her or not, we should all celebrate that Carrie Prejean made the choice to SPEAK UP. Her view being a conservative one has been met with much criticism (hence reiterating my point that it is culturally okay for someone to share their liberal views, but when it comes to sharing conservative views, you are met with severe disparagement). To hear Carrie’s recent interview with Sean Hannity: Click here.
My point in sharing Carrie’s story with you today is that it is time for all of us to SPEAK UP and tell the world what we believe. So many times when asked a difficult question, we change the subject or give a pat answer. I believe strongly that it is time for God’s people to SPEAK UP. Will you join me and make the decision to SPEAK UP for God? And will you accept that when you SPEAK UP and declare that you believe in Jesus Christ that the world may hate you (John 15:18-19)? It is my prayer that we will long for God’s approval more than man’s approval.
I realize this is not your typical “Tuesdays With Tracy,” however I pray that you leave this post today encouraged to SPEAK UP! This choice will come with persecution from the world, but let us remember that our life on earth is temporal and our heavenly home is eternal.
“Lord, I declare that I will SPEAK UP and declare my belief in God whenever given the chance. I will not compromise my beliefs in order to obtain the approval of man. I declare that a God-devoted country is strong and that a God-avoided country leaves people weak. Speak to the heart of our leaders, help them to SPEAK UP and not compromise their belief in God, for this alone will keep our Country strong. Amen.”