Faith Talk Live Interview

“God is light, pure light; there is not a trace of darkness in him.” 1 John 1:5

I am becoming more and more confident that our circumstances do not change God’s goodness, but it is God’s goodness that changes our circumstance. I have seen it over and over again in my life and the lives of my clients. For when difficulties come (and they will) the only thing God can do is bring the goodness of His light into our situation.

I had the best time with Dan Ratcliffe and Rick Probst on Faith Talk Live this week and within these 45 minutes (my interview starts 10 minutes in) you will hear about the goodness of God. It is my prayer that you will be encouraged by listening and that you and I learn to rest in the Nature of God. Oh He is good, loving, kind, gracious, faithful, He is light and can be trusted at all times, even when it appears differently. For we walk by faith and not by sight.

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10/24/17 Tracy Hurst

FaithTalk Live with Rick and Dan with special guest Tracy Hurst

Posted by FaithTalk Live on Tuesday, October 24, 2017


“Then Abraham waited patiently, and he received the promise.” Hebrews 6:15

“For you have need of endurance so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.” Hebrews 10:36

Patience…it’s a word that most of us do not like. But, today I want to show you how vital the fruit of patience is to receive the promises of God in your life. Did you know that patience is also defined as endurance and perseverance? The Greek word for endurance is “hupomone.” (Please stay with me for a moment as we define the Greek word, “hupomone” and get a clearer picture of why patience is so imperative to our spiritual life). “Hupomone” means, “constancy, perseverance, continuance, bearing up, steadfastness, holding out and patient endurance”. “Hupo” literally means, “under,” and “mone” literally means, “to remain.”

Therefore, we can define patience as: “The ability to bear up under difficult circumstances, not with a passive complacency, but with a hopeful staying power that actively resists weariness and defeat.”

This is good news, because most of us give up too soon. Once we receive a promise from the Word of God we want an immediate manifestation of that promise – like NOW! But it usually does not work that way. Just as Abraham had to wait patiently before he received his promise – so do we. There is a slice of time between the PROMISE and the PROVISION where the POWER of PATIENCE is vital. You see, during this in-between time is when the enemy attacks you the most. The devil will do everything within his power to distract, discourage and pull you off track. When the attack comes – you will need the power of patience. You need the supernatural power of endurance to bear up under the trials of this life and ACTIVELY resist weariness and defeat. The truth is YOU WIN – if you do not lose hope!

I encourage you today to ask God for the power of patience to manifest in your life. Whether you need it now or sometime in the near future – the “hupomone” power of God will help you to wait patiently and receive your promise!

Lord, I need the power of patience in my life. Help me to bear up under difficult circumstances with a hopeful resilience that actively resists weariness and defeat. When the enemy comes like a roaring lion, I declare the supernatural power of endurance is manifested in my life. I will not give up. I will not lose sight. I will be victorious and receive ALL the promises of God in my life. Amen.