Letting God’s Spirit Reign

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” Matthew 22:37, KJV

We are triune beings – spirit, body and soul. From the moment you were conceived, you were a spirit. Your body was uniquely formed in the womb of your mother with the purpose to house your spirit and soul. Your soul is made up of your will, emotions, intellect and imagination. As believers, God’s Spirit within us is to reign over the soul and body, however this will not happen without the help of the Holy Spirit because the soul wants to dominate. Our soul is moved by what it sees, feels, hears and touches. It longs to be entertained and if we are not careful – our feelings, intellect, and personality can rule our lives rather than God’s Spirit.

Roberts Liardion states in his book, Sharpen Your Discernment, “An unharnessed soul wants to be the center of attention of everything. If the atmosphere is not exactly what the soul wants, it becomes depressed. If the soul doesn’t get what it wants, it becomes unhappy. If someone wrongs the soul, it becomes bitter. If someone hurts the soul, it becomes engulfed in self-pity. If the soul is in a hurry, it pressures everyone. If the soul does not like someone, it becomes rude. If the soul is rejected, it becomes obsessive or withdrawn. If something scares the soul, the soul worries. If someone has what it wants, the soul becomes jealous. If the soul thinks it has to please everyone, it becomes phony and deceitful.”

Our mind, will and emotions are gifts from God, but these gifts are never to dominate over God’s spirit within us. When trials come our way, it is vital that only God’s Spirit direct our plans. This is why we need to make sure that our body and soul are submitted under the Word of God and not vice-versa. It is extremely important that we hear directly from God concerning every area of our lives for such a time as this.

There are places God longs to take us. People God desires to touch through us. And God is currently repositioning His people for Kingdom purposes. So, let me ask you: Who is ruling your life? Is God’s Spirit reigning or are you allowing your thoughts and emotions to run your life? I can tell you from personal experience that when my thoughts and emotions rule my life, I live in a state of constant anxiety, confusion, fear and depression. But when I let God direct me and rule my soul, then I can remain in perfect peace no matter what is going on around me.


“Lord I ask that Your Spirit within me arise once again. I declare that my thoughts and emotions must submit to the Word of God. No matter what is going on around me, I declare that if God is for me, who can be against me.I give you permission to correct me and re-align my life for Your purposes for such a time as this. Amen.”