by Tracy | Life With Alyssa, Practical, Tuesdays With Tracy
“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you; take your everyday ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going to work, and walking around life – and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him. Don’t become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God – you’ll be changed from the inside out.” Romans 12:1-2, Message Translation
There are days when all I feel like I do is get up, pour myself a cup of coffee, spend a few precious moments in God’s Word, pick up the house, run errands, return emails, make dinner, (pick up the house again!!) and finally fall into bed only to do it all over again the next day! Maybe your days are filled with driving to work, making business calls or taking care of your elderly parents. But, no matter what stage of life we are in – we can become bored with our daily routines and forget to embrace each day as a gift from God.
What stood out to me in the scripture above is the challenge Paul gives us to embrace our everyday, ordinary life as worship to God. I have found that if we choose to worship God everyday (no matter how mundane our tasks may seem) an overflowing joy will fill our hearts. God will help us see that what we do each day is not ordinary – but extraordinary! While, the world may perceive what we do as meaningless, God knows our hearts and He sees our acts of everyday life as worship to Him.
Did you know that as you go about your everyday, ordinary life, that you are changing eternal souls? You are influencing someone’s life today, whether you realize it or not. Your encouragement and heartfelt concern for a co-worker, fellow mom or a grocery store clerk can literally alter their destiny!
Maybe you are a businessperson, minister or teacher. You need to know that every client you encourage, sermon that you preach or child that you impact is shaping an eternal destiny. The truth is, there are thousands of people who need what you do mindlessly each day. It may be your smile, uplifting word or a mastery skill that you perform at your job. But someone, somewhere, is in need of what you do in your everyday, ordinary life. Choosing to worship God through your everyday life will not only change you, but everyone around you as well!
“Lord, I give you my everyday, ordinary life: my sleeping, eating, going to work and walking around life as worship to You. I choose to fix my eyes on Jesus and what He thinks about me as I go about my daily tasks. Father, open my eyes to see how my life can be a blessing to those around me. Help me to see those who are hurting and need the gift that is within me. Someone, somewhere is in need of what I do in my everyday, ordinary life. May You use my life to glorify You. Take my ordinary and turn it into extraordinary this day.” Amen.
by Tracy | Inspirational, Tuesdays With Tracy
“Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him; Talk of all His wondrous works!”
Psalm 105, 1-2,
NKJ Version
I don’t know about you, but the past few weeks have been extremely difficult for me and my family. I cannot recount how many phone calls I have received of late from family members, friends and clients that are experiencing tremendous pain at this time. As a Christian Counselor, I am well aware that although many of us are “decking the halls” and preparing for Thanksgiving, others are struggling to simply make it through another day. The Holiday’s can be a time of great sadness, anxiety and fear and that is why today’s message is so vital. It is imperative in the dark times to remember to give thanks. You may be thinking to yourself, “I don’t have anything to be thankful for today,” but let me just state that if you are reading this blog then you can be thankful for God’s breathe that is flowing through your lungs. To those of you who are struggling, hold on and know that God is moving on your behalf. God loves you and has not forgotten you.
Please join me in a message I wrote many years ago but still rings true to this day:
I am thankful:
For the baby that wakes up
In the middle of the night,
Because it means I am
Blessed to be a parent.
For all the unanswered prayers
Which were never fulfilled,
Because it means that God had something better.
For the wife who serves leftover
Meatloaf for the third time this week,
Because it means she is feeding me and
Not someone else.
For the lonely times
When God feels far away,
Because it sharpens my ears
To hear God’s voice.
For the floors that need vacuuming,
The tables that need dusting and the
Bathrooms that need cleaning,
Because it means I have a home.
For the car that continually breaks down
And the rising gas prices,
Because it means I have transportation.
For all the angry and bitter
People in my life,
Because it gives me
A chance to love them unconditionally.
For the sink of dirty dishes,
Because it means I have two hands
And I was able to prepare a meal.
For the husband who constantly
Watches sports in the living room,
Because it means that he is
At home and not out with another woman.
For the list of phone calls to return,
Emails to be read and thank you notes to be mailed,
Because it means I have friends.
For the children who fuss
Over doing their homework,
Because it means they are safe
And at home with me.
For the boss and co-workers
That drive me crazy,
Because it means I have a job.
For the disagreement between
myself and another person,
Because it means we are
Working through an issue.
For the times when my prayers
Seem to go nowhere,
Because the prayer offered by a friend
Was exactly what I needed.
For the clothes that no longer fit,
Because it means I have plenty to eat.
For the wrinkles around my mouth,
Because it means I have had a reason to smile.
To live in America
Because it means that I can
Own a Bible and read it in public.
For the difficult days
Because it makes my good days
Even better!
In all things…Give thanks!
Pass it on!
Tracy Hurst
by Tracy | Inspirational, Tuesdays With Tracy
” And she went down to the well, filled her pitcher, and came up. The servant ran to meet her and said, “Please let me drink a little water from your pitcher.” So she said, “Drink, my lord.” Then she quickly let her pitcher down to her hand, and gave him a drink. And when she had finished giving him a drink, she said, “I will draw water for your camels also, until they have finished drinking.” Then she quickly emptied her pitcher into the trough, ran back to the well to draw water, and drew for all his camels.” Genesis 24: 17-20
You may be wondering how the scripture above can be applied to your ordinary life, but if you will take a closer look at this story with me, I will show you how miracles can happen around you while you perform each mundane task of your day…and yes that even includes laundry! First, let me mention that Rebekah is the eldest daughter in her home and she is simply going about her daily ritual of drawing water from the well. Upon her return she notices a foreign gentlemen approaching her along the path. He asks her for a drink of water from her pitcher and amazingly Rebekah not only agrees to draw water for him to drink, but also for his camels as well. Today this might be equivalent to Rebekah offering to wash the laundry of a complete stranger and then topping it off by washing their car too!
And may I just add here, that no one would have known if Rebekah had chosen to deny this stranger a sip of water. Perhaps Rebekah was having a bad hair day or had a list of things yet to accomplish on her to-do list, but instead of wallowing in self-piety or self-preoccupation, Rebekah chose to serve a complete stranger for no reward or wage.
Our Rebekah is a beautiful picture of a servant who is faithful to perform not only her daily tasks, but available to serve others. Yet what she did not know was that this man was on assignment from God to select a wife for Issac. And it was her faithfulness in her everyday, ordinary life that positioned her to be God’s choice for His Kingdom purposes. The fact that she gave this stranger water from her pitcher and then went above and beyond his request shows us the integrity and quality of her character, and why God would place her in the right place, at the right time, with the right person who would unlock her destiny.
It was through Rebekah’s willingness to embrace her everyday, ordinary life that opened wide her destiny for the Kingdom of God! You see, although Rebekah was a mighty woman in her own right, she would later become the mother of Jacob and the grandmother to Joseph, who wore the coat of many colors. Her family line and legacy of faith is still teaching and influencing our generation today.
I know that it is easy to become bored with our daily routine in life. And many of you today may be wondering if you are making a difference for the Kingdom of God? But I am here to declare to you today: You are a blessing! And if you also will be faithful in your everyday, ordinary life, God will meet you there and miracles will be revealed before your eyes. God will put you in the right place, at the right time and in front of the right people for Kingdom purposes!
“Lord, help me to be faithful in my everyday, ordinary life. I confess that I have lost my ability to expect miracles as I go about my day. Open my eyes to see that You are always with me. Open my ears to hear Your direction for me today. Open my heart to have the same willingness of Rebekah to serve a stranger in need. As I am faithful in little, God can entrust me with much. Amen.”