Wide Open Spaces

“By entering through faith into what God has always wanted to do for us—set us right with him, make us fit for him—we have it all together with God because of our Master Jesus. And that’s not all: We throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that he has already thrown open his door to us. We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand—out in the wide open spaces of God’s grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise.”  Romans 5:1-2, The Message

For years I feared that if I surrendered my life to God, He would call me to live in a tent in a tropical forest, marry a man that I was not attracted to and birth twenty plus children  – all of which are not wrong by an means – but I had no desire for any of these things.  The problem was that I did not know the character of God at that time. I believed the lie that if I gave my life over to God that He would ask me to do things that I was not equipped for nor would I like, but this could not be farther from the truth!

You see, when I threw open the doors of my heart to God, I discovered that God had already thrown open His doors of grace to me through His Beloved Son, Jesus, when He died on the cross. God had been patiently, lovingly, waiting for me to give up.  Even through hard times, God has been with me and I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. It was God who blessed me with a wonderful, good-looking husband.  It was God who blessed me to be a mother and it was God who knew that I was not called to live in the  jungle, but instead He gifted me to help His people through Counseling.  Many marvel that I enjoy being a Counselor, but it was God who put this desire within my heart and I experience great joy when I Counsel.

Before Christ, I struggled with depression, suicidal thoughts, low self-esteem, rejection, people pleasing, worthlessness, and much more.  Yet, when I came to the end of myself and cried out to God, He filled me with His life, joy and peace. Over time I began to see who God really was – a loving, giving, compassionate Father who placed talents and abilities within me to glorify Him.  I cannot boast of anything in my life, for it is God and God alone who blesses me.

Now, there are circumstances in each of our lives that we would never willingly choose to go through, but with God we can be confident that He will lead us to victory in every place .  We can stand firm that God will work all things out for His good when we are called according to His purpose.  God does not waste anything.  He will not waste our pain, trials, talents, abilities, desires or anything in life.

I want to encourage you to surrender everything to God today.  It is only through surrender that we can find peace and joy. One of my favorite sayings is, “I can’t, but God can.” God is longing to lead us into wide, open places in our workplace, marriage, ministry, parenthood and in everything we do.  Today is the day we can throw open the doors of our lives and discover ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand – out in the wide open spaces of God’s grace and glory, standing tall and shout out praise to God.will you join me?

Prayer:  “Lord, I give my life and I declare that You are good and gracious and will lead me to wide open spaces as I surrender to You.  You have amazing plans for my life and I no longer want to keep You at arms length.  I want to fully surrender to Your will and not my own.  You have placed desires and abilities within me for Your purposes and I long to fulfill my destiny on earth.  May Your will be done.  Amen.”

The Lord Will Provide

“By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past of age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.” Hebrews 11:11

Then Abraham lifted his eyes and looked, and there behind him was a ram caught in a ticket by its horns. So Abraham went and took the ram, and offered it up for a burnt offering instead of his son. And Abraham called the name of the place, The-Lord-Will-Provide…” Genesis 22:8, AMP

Most of us are familiar with the story of Abraham and Isaac found in Genesis 18 & 22 and yet I believe there is a message that God wants to impart to us today – THE-LORD-WILL-PROVIDE. If God will provide for Abraham, a man well over a hundred years old with an heir, then God will also do the impossible for you as well. I don’t care what your situation looks like or what the experts have told you, I am here to encourage you today that the Lord will provide.

Just think if Abraham and Sarah lived in the world we live in today….our doctors would laugh at their belief for God to bless them with a son, they would appear foolish (even to church folk) and yet they would be the foolish used to confound the wise of this day. Abraham and Sarah believed that ALL things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26).   They had faith for Sarah’s womb to become fruitful – the deadness of her womb was the ALL in their life and God did the impossible when He gave them Isaac!

What is the ALL in your life? Is it your marriage, finances, health, promotion or job? I realize that it may appear that you are in an impossible circumstance, but I am here to declare to you today that just as God provided for Abraham and Sarah, He will also provide for you.

Why is it that we focus on our lack rather than God’s provision anyway? I believe one reason is because we live within our natural senses. If we don’t see it, feel it or smell it, then we don’t have faith for it, yet the Bible clearly tells us in Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

God has been speaking to my spirit the past few weeks,Tracy, get your eyes off of your lack and onto My provision.I believe that just as God provided a ram in the thicket on the day of worship for Abraham and Isaac, God will provide whatever it is you are in need of today. I want to encourage you to take your eyes off of your lack and begin to meditate on God’s provision for your life. You can rest in the fact that God loves you and He will perfect that thing which concerns you this day (Psalm 138:8).


“Lord, Thank you for supplying ALL of my needs according to Your grace.  Please forgive me for always focusing on areas of lack rather than Your Provision for my life.  If you can provide a son for Abraham and Sarah and cause a ram to be caught in the thicket for the sacrifice needed that day, then You will also provide for me.  Amen.”

A sneak peek of my book, “Tuesdays With Tracy: Real-life Devotions that Speak to the Heart of A Woman” at a local Family Christian Bookstore…Get your copy today!