“For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.” – Psalm 139:13-14
If you are reading this blog, then I know one fact about you today– you have a mother. Just think about this for a moment. If it were not for God as your “Creator” and your mother as your “carrier” – you wouldn’t be alive today! Isn’t that amazing? It took your mother’s cooperation with God’s will for you to be here on earth. Selah (pause and think about that for a moment).
When someone calls you Mom:
– It means that for nine months your body is not your own.
-It means that sleeping late on a Saturday morning is no longer possible (at least for a while).
-It means saying “good-bye” to dress-up clothes and “hello” to leisure suits.
-It means that your days are consumed with bottles, burps and diapers.
-It means that your quiet baby will later become a talkative teen.
-And it means that you fall into bed most nights totally exhausted.
But when someone calls you mom, it also means:
–You are the one they run to when they get hurt.
-You are the one they want to hug and kiss before bed each night.
-You are the one who gets to see their “firsts” in their life.
-You are the one who can comfort them like no one else.
-You are the one who gives them confidence to explore the world through your love.
-And you are the one that God chose for them to call “mom.” God searched the earth and selected you!
No matter the relationship you currently have with you mother, she loved you enough to carry you in her womb for nine months (and for most of us that includes nausea, weird cravings, weight gain, bed rest and much more – can I get an Amen? 🙂
As Mother’s Day is fasting approaching, I declare abundant blessings upon all the mother’s, grandmother’s and future mommies-to-be! I give honor to you today and I pray that you will forever relish in God’s love! To Moms: Thank you for giving us life on earth. To our Heavenly Father: Thank You for giving us eternal life through Your Son, Jesus Christ.
“Lord, thank you for creating me in my mother’s womb. I am fearfully and wonderfully made and I celebrate my mother this day. Thank You for selecting my mom to bring me into this world in order to give glory to Your Name! Amen.”
A special note to my mom, Penny: Thank you for always believing in me. I love you and I am so thankful that God chose you to be the one that I get to call “mom!” Love, Tracy
Thankyou. I needed to be reminded of the wonderful things we do as a mom for our loving family.
Thankyou. I needed to be reminded of the wonderful things we do as a mom for our loving family.