Run To God


My souls finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation, he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”  Psalm 62:1-2 NIV 

When you are discouraged and don’t know what to do: Run to God.  When you are not able to pay your bills and you cannot figure out how you are going to make it another day: Run to God.  When you are battling in your body or mind and you feel utterly alone:  Run to God.  When the economy is tanking and you are full of fear:  Run to God.  When you find yourself angry and irritated at those you thought you could trust:  Run to God.   

No matter what is going on in your life at this time, I can tell you in confidence that your answer is always to Run to God.  He is the One who holds every solution within His hands.  God is our healer, friend, protector, provider, wisdom, counselor, advocate, vindicator, lover and everything we need.    

When times are good, we need to run to God with our thanksgiving and praise.  When times are bad, we need to run to God for direction and thank Him in advance for moving on our behalf.  Lets run to God today and know that with Him on our side, everything will be a-okay!  

Prayer:”Lord, I choose to run to you this day.  I give you all my fears, worries and concerns and place them at the Cross.  You are my solution and I run to You!  I give thanks in advance for making steams in my desert and making every crooked place straight.  You are an awesome God and I will always run to You!  Amen.” 

God Will Exonerate You

“Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.  He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your justice as the noonday.”  Psalm 37:5-6 

Have you ever received the cold shoulder or silent treatment from a friend and had no idea why?  When someone you care about behaves this way, we have a few choices to make.  We can either chose to not let their behavior affect us, accept that this is probably their issue and not ours, or we can try to figure out why they are treating us this way.  No matter your response, I have found that when people mistreat us, we simply need to hold on because our God will exonerate us in due time!

I will never forget a precious woman walking up to me after I shared my testimony in church one morning.  She proceeded to tell me that she needed to ask me for forgiveness.  I was perplexed with her request because as far as I knew she was a friend of mine.  I immediately said, “yes, I forgive you” without even knowing why.  Then she told me that someone in the church had spoken badly of me and that she believed what they said to be true, yet now she realized they had their own agenda at hand and it was untrue (I will add here that this news really hurt my feelings because I had been nothing but nice to the women who spoke wrongly of me, but I chose to forgive and trusted God to exonerate me). 

As a counselor, I am quick to tell my clients that 2% of the population just won’t like you!  Isn’t that a burden lifting fact?  For no apparent reason, 2% of the people you meet throughout your life will not like you.  Period.  But, let me ask you the same question:  Do you like everyone you meet?  Selah (pause and think about that for a moment.

We serve a God who will exonerate us in due time.  The truth is, I didn’t even know the issue above existed, but God did and He exonerated me!  A nugget I want us to chew on today is that God is always moving on our behalf.  All we need to do is be who God created us to be and He will take care of the rest. 

Today, let’s grab onto good and shun evil.  Speak life and not death.  Let’s choose to forgive and not hold offence.  And let’s trust that God will always exonerate us in due time!


“Lord, I rest in the fact that You will always exonerate me.  I don’t have to try and prove my worth or value to anyone because I am accepted in You.  You love me so much that You went to the cross on my behalf.  I choose to bless those who have cursed me.  I ask for Your grace to follow me all the days of my life.  Amen.”

A Safe Leader


“You are my cave to hide in, my cliff to climb.  Be my safe leader, be my true mountain guide.  Free me from hidden traps; I want to hide in you.  I’ve put my life in your hands.  You won’t drop me; you’ll never let me down.  I hate all this silly religion, but you, God I trust.”  Psalm 31: 3-6, The Message

Family, friends, circumstances and even our church may disappoint us, but we can rest assured that our God never will.   I love the scripture above because it clearly states that when others fail us, God will never drop us or let us down.  When we are unsure of which way to go, God is our travel guide and shelter from the storms of life.

If you are weary and tired today, I want to encourage you to give your circumstances and life completely to Jesus.  We may never understand why we are forced to walk a treacherous path at this time, but you can rest assured that God will take care of you and everything that is on your heart and mind.  The truth is, God cares more about you and your situation than you do!  He is longing to be your safe leader and mountain guide.  He knows just how to get you from point A to point B; all you have to do is ask for His help and He will show you the right path.  God can give you His heavenly viewpoint and free you from hidden traps of the enemy.  He is a cave that you can always run to for shelter.

I know that many of us are walking through personal struggles at this time, but I want you to be encouraged today my precious friends – Hold on, because your breakthrough and greatest hours are just ahead in Jesus Name! 


“Lord, I choose to run to You today.  I feel lost and alone and I need You to be my guide.  Show me which way to go and give me the grace to walk out Your will for my life.  I acknowledge that You are the One that I can always trust.  You will never let me down and I run to You for help and wisdom this day.  Amen.

Check this out:  I will be on  The Dottie Coffman Show LIVE (1300 AM) on Monday, October 6th from 11:00-11:30, tune in if you can!!!)  I will be talking about my new book and how as women, we can move from overwhelmed to overflowing in our everyday, ordinary life.




Hours or Minutes – It Doesn’t Matter


 “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.  He will not be presenting his own ideas; he will be telling you what he has heard.  He will tell you about the future.  He will bring me glory by revealing to you whatever he receives from me.  All that the Father has is mine; this is what I mean when I say that the Spirit will reveal to you whatever he receives from me.”  John 16:13-15

Just a few years ago you would have found me on any given morning studying God’s Word for hours at a time (and I mean hours).  I would arise early with my Strong’s Concordance in hand and delve into God’s Word, looking up the Greek and Hebrew to better understand the context and the root meaning of each precious word.  Ah…those were the good old days. And although these hours of study were rich and powerful, I am on a new journey – the journey of motherhood and boy has things changed concerning my quiet time!!!

Now a day, you will find me asking for supernatural help just to get out of bed. Sometimes I hit my elliptical machine with my Bible and devotional propped on its stand and other days you will find me sipping coffee and thanking God for just twenty minutes of quiet to be with Him!  And although I used to think that the former days of deep study were better, I have sense changed my mind. 

You see, there is a time to study, but there is also a time to rest – can I get an Amen from someone?  I have come to an amazing revelation that God loves me whether I spend hours with Him or just ten minutes! Spending time with God is not for His benefit, but it is for my benefit alone.  And whether I have hours or just a few minutes to spend with Him, my time can be rich and powerful because my sweet Jesus will meet me where I am in life.  God knows just what I need and in His omnipotence He surpasses earthly time.

Trust me, I know that our lives are hectic and that finding time with God can be a challenge, but let me encourage you that just a few minutes with God can change your day and your life!  Jesus longs to be with you and all you have to do is acknowledge His Presence and spend a few moments praising Him and welcoming Him into your everyday, ordinary life. Hours or minutes ladies, it doesn’t matter, just inviting God into your daily schedule will transform you inside and out.


“Lord, thank you for Your grace and meeting me where I am in life.  I choose this day to find time to spend with You, whether it is hours or minutes You will meet me when I acknowledge Your name.  I need You each day.  I ask for a windfall of Your Presence and Peace to fill my mind and spirit as I walk through each day with You.  I love You and I will worship You all the days of my life.  Amen.”


This is just a test!



“And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you, and test you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commands or not.”  Deuteronomy 8:2

“This shall be seen when the Lord gives you meat to eat in the evening and in the morning bread to the full; for the Lord hears our complaints which you make against Him.  And what are we?  Your complaints are not against us, but against the Lord.”  Exodus 16:8 

When the challenges of life seem to be piling up around us to the point that we can barely breathe because of it’s weight – hold on – because it is just a test!  The truth is that all of us will be tested on this side of heaven, but it is important to remember that this world is temporal and heaven is eternal!  No matter what we are going through on earth, it is just a test and God will see us through. 

Lately, my husband and I have been tested in areas of integrity, giving, and false responsibility.  And although these tests may seem trivial to you, they have been huge for us.  YetGod has reminded me that this is just a test and that with His grace we can overcome every obstacle that comes our way!

Could it be that your current struggles are just a test?  I declare to you today that what you are going through is temporal and that your true destiny is to reign forever with God in heaven where there is no sorrow or lack!  What you are going through at this time is just a test!   

So, if your situation is just a test then I have to ask you, how are you responding to it?  Are you freaking out and complaining to yourself and everyone around you or are you grabbing onto Jesus and His Word.  Are you deep in discouragement or praising Him before you see your breakthrough?  Are you doubting and questioning God’s faithfulness or are you rehearsing all that God has done for you in the past and choosing to praise Him in advance for moving on your behalf?  Are you running away from God or running to Him?  Are you allowing bitterness and envy to poison your heart or are you rejoicing with those around you who are in a season of prosperity?  Selah (pause and think about this for a moment).

My prayer is that we continually remember that EVERYTHING we encounter on this side of heaven is just a test and if we stay close to Jesus, we will pass with flying colors!  Let’s choose this day to keep our eyes toward heaven and declare:  “This is just a test and I am goi
ng to pass in Jesus Name!”


“Lord, forgive me for grumbling and complaining.  I have been so earthly-focused.  I choose this day to look toward heaven and declare that what I am going through is just a test!  God is faithful and with His help, I will pass this test with an A!  I give you my life God and I ask that You strengthen me at this time. May Your goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life.  Amen.”