A Fresh Start

Melony Brown from www.melonybrown.com recently interviewed me for her blog.  She has a heart to share stories of women who have OVERCOME life’s tough challenges, and my life…well… has had it’s share of challenges, yet these challenges and God’s amazing grace has shaped me into the woman I am today. And I can honestly tell you that I love telling my story because it GLORIFIES Jesus and His ability to RESCUE.  This article is just a glimpse of our Amazing God and I hope it encourages you today. Please check out Melony’s website and read the other inspirational stories while you are there, and If my story touches you in anyway, please leave a comment on her website, thanks!

To read this article, click here: 



Hitting the RADIO WAVES in 2018

“Jesus has the last word on everything and everyone, from angels to armies. He’s standing right alongside God and what he says goes.” 1 Peter 3:22

I absolutely love 1 Peter 3:22, I mean, HOW COOL is it that Jesus has the last word on EVERYTHING (yes, that includes your job, your desire to be married, your family, your dreams and aspirations – EVERYTHING) and EVERYONE (that includes you, me and yes, it even includes the enemy)!!

Jesus has and will forever have the last word in our lives. This truth continues to be the lifter of my head when unfortunate news comes my way. So when “news” comes (and it will), hear it, see it, process it, but be quick to declare this truth and when you do, strength will RUSH into your mind, body and spirit.

You see, because Jesus has the last word, we know how things will end. Jesus is the kindest, most faithful, loving, and patient person you will ever know, and His last word will alway line up with WHO He is. Jesus cannot do anything but lead us to victory, for He is Victory Himself. So hang in there precious one, and no matter what “news” comes your way today, remember Jesus has the last word over your life. Selah (pause and think about that for a moment).

Recently, I had the honor of joining Rick & Dan again on Faith Talk Live and here is a small snippet of my time with them. Please push play and I pray that it encourages you:

1-23-18 Tracy Hurst

FaithTalk Live with Rick & Dan with special guest Tracy Hurst

Posted by FaithTalk Live on Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Walking WITH God in 2018,

Faith Talk Live Interview

“God is light, pure light; there is not a trace of darkness in him.” 1 John 1:5

I am becoming more and more confident that our circumstances do not change God’s goodness, but it is God’s goodness that changes our circumstance. I have seen it over and over again in my life and the lives of my clients. For when difficulties come (and they will) the only thing God can do is bring the goodness of His light into our situation.

I had the best time with Dan Ratcliffe and Rick Probst on Faith Talk Live this week and within these 45 minutes (my interview starts 10 minutes in) you will hear about the goodness of God. It is my prayer that you will be encouraged by listening and that you and I learn to rest in the Nature of God. Oh He is good, loving, kind, gracious, faithful, He is light and can be trusted at all times, even when it appears differently. For we walk by faith and not by sight.

Simply push play and if you would be so kind as to “like” and even comment below the video – thank you! Hugs! Tracy

10/24/17 Tracy Hurst

FaithTalk Live with Rick and Dan with special guest Tracy Hurst

Posted by FaithTalk Live on Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Most days you will find me in yoga pants and a t-shirt while driving carpool, changing diapers or preparing dinners for my family, but some days I have the privilege to counsel women, write and speak. This past Thursday was such a day where I was able to put on some cute shoes and share with hundreds of moms at Moms with Swords how GOD IS GREATER than fear, GREATER than our emotions, How God’s TRUTH exposes lies and deception, and how God longs for us to RECEIVE from Him each day…I like to say it this way, “God loves it when we take from Him!”

So, for the days when you feel overwhelmed with your to-do lists and the stress of life is coming down on you – take a few minutes with me to listen because GOD IS GREATER!
May Jesus bless you as you listen or watch today:

This past Thursday was week 6 of our Spring 2017 session: ESTABLISHED with special guest speaker Tracy Hurst.

You can also go to our website and click on Week 6 to hear Tracy Hurst: at www.momswithswords.com/podcasts to listen – Remember to click on Week 6 to hear Tracy!

OR you can watch live on Youtube:
“MWS Established, Week 6 with Tracy Hurst-

And if you have not already, please subscribe to Moms with Swords podcasts now at www.momswithswords.podomatic.com




Step out of the traffic

Traffic. It is a word none of us like, and if you happen to live in a big city, such as, Atlanta, LA or NYC, the very word “traffic” alone can raise your blood pressure and bring frustration to the surface within seconds.

Traffic is noisy, chaotic and out of our control. Yet, we all have “traffic” in our lives, and I am not just talking about cars blocking our way, I am talking about mental and emotional traffic that gridlock us from getting to our desired destination of peace and joy.

For many of us “mental traffic” is worry, fear, anxiety, control, stress, depression or busyness and while these mental horns are blowing….our peace slips away. But, today we can make a U-turn today by soaking in Psalm 46:10 (Message translation) where God tells us to:

“Step out of the traffic! Take a long,
Loving look at me, your High God,
above politics, above everything.”

First David tells us to “step out” of the emotional traffic. We do this by opening God’s Word. The traffic will still be there, but the noise will lessen and eventually leave as we look into God’s Word concerning our life. I am continually amazed at how just a few minutes in God’s Word can supernaturally open a lane of peace to our hearts and minds.

Once we take the time to look up at our ALL-POWERFUL, MOST-HIGH, LOVING, CONSISTENT, FAITHFUL God, we are able to breathe again (go ahead and take a deep breathe now – just breathe in Jesus and breathe out all your cares and worries). For, as we breathe in God’s Word, our mind will begin to rest in His promises. We can rest in the truth that God is above everything, everyone, and that He knows how to get us where we need to go. For He holds all provision, healing, breakthrough, hope, restoration, and promise needed to get us through the traffic of life.

And let us remember that our High God is above POLITICS. He is above the Presidential Election, the media, a doctor’s report, favoritism at our workplace, disagreements within our family, trouble within our marriage or any “political” issue we may be facing. He is above everything. Period.

“Father, help me step out of the traffic and take a long, loving gaze at You today. I lay down every concern and issue on my heart and I thank you that You are above it all. I pray for President Obama, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump today and ask that Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. You are above every person, every position, and You are Ruler of all. I chose to step out of worry and fear and I place my life in your capable hands. Thank you for being above everything in my life and in this world. Amen.”

Breaking Sabbatical

Hello beautiful women!

I have been so blessed with the birth of Audrey Grace and she is a joy! Let me just say that God truly knows what He is doing! I want to encourage you that when God brings something “new or surprising” into your life or if He chooses to “remove something old” – YOU CAN TRUST HIM!

I will be sharing more with you about “Life with Audrey Grace” soon, but for now I wanted you to know that I will be speaking in the Atlanta area in a just a few weeks! I am honored to be ministering at Burnt Hickory Baptist Church! This church is thriving and the women are precious! I will be ministering with Worship Leader, Amy Wallace and I am over the moon to be with her once again! It will be an unforgettable time in the Lord!!

Come if you can and many blessings to you!


For more information & to buy tickets, Log onto: www.burnthickory.com