by Tracy | Inspirational, Practical, Tuesdays With Tracy
“Dear friend, take my advice; it will add years to your life. I’m writing out clear directions to Wisdom Way, I’m drawing a map to Righteous Road. I don’t want you ending up in blind alleys, or wasting time making wrong turns. Hold tight to good advice; don’t relax your grip. Guard it well – your life is at stake!” Proverbs 4:10-13, The Message
Last week we discussed how a wrong association would bring destruction to your life, but did you know that even a right association at the wrong time would still bring wrong results? Think about this with me for a moment. You can have a right relationship, but if you embrace this relationship in the wrong season, it can bring frustration and wrong results – can I get an amen from someone? This right friendship may have been a huge blessing at one time and it may even be once again in the future, but if we hold onto a right association at the wrong time – it will eventually self-destruct.
Here is what God has shown me:
A right association in a right season = right results
A wrong association in any season = wrong results
And a right association in a wrong season = wrong results
The word “season” in the Greek is “karios.” “Karios” is defined in the Strong’s Concordance as, “an opportune time, set time, appointed time, definitive time, proper time for action and tells us of special happenings that are to occur during a certain time frame.” It is important that we know the season we are in and whom we are to associate with for such a time as this.
There are seasonal places to live, positions of employment, friendships to enjoy and such that are right associations in the right season, but if we apply these in a wrong season, they will eventually self-destruct. This is why we need God’s supernatural wisdom in every area of our life! Next week we will be looking at the three levels of friendships: Friendships for a lifetime, friendships for a season & friendships for a moment.
Proverbs 7:4-5 in the NKJV states, “Say to Wisdom, you are my sister, and call understanding your nearest kin, that they may keep you from *wrong relationships, from *wrong associations who flatter with their lips.” (*Words changed from immoral woman and seductress to wrong associations/relationships by author).
We are entering a season where it is vital that we heed God’s wisdom in our lives. Our obedience is vital to the Kingdom of God. It is time for us to let go of the childish things and grab onto Jesus with all of your might. Jesus is the Right association all the time!!!!
“Lord, I cry out for Wisdom this day. I give you permission to show me any wrong associations in my life. Help me to let them go in order to grab onto You and the right associations for such a time as this. I want to go higher in You and I declare that You are the Right association at all times! Show me the times and seasons. Amen.”
Photo above is from: www.freefotocom
by Tracy | Inspirational, Tuesdays With Tracy
“You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalm 16:11 (NIV)
Every January, God calls my husband and I to fast and pray concerning the New Year and He always meets us in extraordinary ways. It is a time of giving God our everything – our time, our thoughts, our desires, our weaknesses and our plans for the upcoming year. While our flesh longs to run to temporary pleasures, such as, food, television or things of this world to fill a void within, the truth is, real joy only comes from spending time in God’s Presence. What we “think” will satisfy us never does. What we “think” is the solution never is because Jesus is everything we need. It is God who will show us the path of life. It is through spending time with Jesus that we will experience an overflowing joy that will fill the God-shaped hole within our soul.
I believe that you, like me, long to be like Jesus. You want to think like Him, love like Him and walk in obedience as He walked. You desire for people’s lives be changed, souls to be saved and bodies to be healed. But you are also aware that true transformation is not possible without God. With man it is impossible, but with God ALL things are possible.
My question for you today is: To whom or what are you leaning on for the year 2009? Are you leaning on man, money, prestige, losing weight or anything of this world? I am all too familiar with these trappings and how each faulty solution tells us the same lie… “if you will just do this or purchase that – then you will be happy.” Yet happiness my friend fades, it is temporary and dependent on our circumstances, but God’s joy is eternal and is greater than any trial or circumstance we may endure on earth.
Our scripture above makes it clear as to where our joy comes from – it is found in the presence of God. It is time for us to stop looking to the things of this world to fill us up. Nothing (losing 10 pounds, eating a piece of chocolate cake, getting a promotion, getting married, obtaining a degree, winning the lottery, etc) can give you joy unspeakable and full of glory, except for Jesus.
“Lord, I give you my life and ask that You fill me with Your joy unspeakable and full of glory. Forgive me for turning to the things of this world in hope to fill the God-shaped hole in my soul. It is only in Your presence that eternal joy is found. I give you my life and ask that you direct my paths in 2009. Open doors to my destiny in Christ. And may my life bring you glory all of my days. Amen.”
by Tracy | Tuesdays With Tracy
“As God’s fellow workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain. For He says, ‘In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.’ I tell you, NOW IS THE TIME OF GOD’S FAVOR, NOW IS THE DAY OF SALVATION.” 2 Corinthians 6:1-2 (NIV)
I have tasted the mountain tops and sat in the valleys, but through it all, I have gained a most wonderful treasure – the ability to hear God’s voice. And lately, I have been hearing that “now is the time for God’s favor and salvation (restoration) for His people.” I understand that it may not look like it or feel like it, but I declare to you, “now is the time of God’s favor” for your life and the Kingdom of God. I realize that the year 2008 was a difficult one for lots of us. Many of God’s children had precious things stolen from them, but I am here to declare to you today – No More in Jesus Name! This is the time of God’s favor and restoration to fall upon us for His purposes. What used to be hard will become easy and what used to be missing will now be restored. Friends, be expectant because NOW is the time for God’s favor and salvation throughout the nations.
It is no mistake that there is currently an all-out war for Gaza because the Nation of Israel is greatly tied to the end times. However, we are not to fear, Matthew 24:6 tells us, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.“ You may be asking –birth pains to what? My friend, it is the birth pains of the Return of Christ. But before His return, we are to use our God-given authority and power through the Cross of Jesus to make the enemies of God a footstool (Hebrews 10:13).
And as God’s chosen people, we are called to prepare the way of the Lord. My friend, it is no mistake that you are alive at this time and whether you realize it or not – you are called. BUT in order to prepare the way of the Second Coming of Christ, we must first become kingdom-focused and not self-focused.
There is a sifting going on in the body of Christ at this time- those who will serve God versus those who will only serve themselves. My question for you today is – which will you choose: Will you surrender your life to God and give Him all the Glory or will you choose self-preoccupation and receive the glory unto youself? Will you serve your desires or Gods desires? Now is the time we must choose. God’s favor and salvation is here.
“Lord, I realize that I have a choice today of serving You or myself. I give You my life and choose to serve You for such a time as this. Change the way I think and allow me to become Kingdom-focused rather than me-focused. I want to be one of those who prepare the way of Your return! I declare that NOW is the time for God’s favor and salvation over my life and over the Nations. Amen.”
by Tracy | Tuesdays With Tracy
“As God’s fellow workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain. For He says, ‘In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.’ I tell you, NOW IS THE TIME OF GOD’S FAVOR, NOW IS THE DAY OF SALVATION.” 2 Corinthians 6:1-2 (NIV)
I have tasted the mountain tops and sat in the valleys, but through it all, I have gained a most wonderful treasure – the ability to hear God’s voice. And lately, I have been hearing that “now is the time for God’s favor and salvation (restoration) for His people.” I understand that it may not look like it or feel like it, but I declare to you, “now is the time of God’s favor” for your life and the Kingdom of God. I realize that the year 2008 was a difficult one for lots of us. Many of God’s children had precious things stolen from them, but I am here to declare to you today – No More in Jesus Name! This is the time of God’s favor and restoration to fall upon us for His purposes. What used to be hard will become easy and what used to be missing will now be restored. Friends, be expectant because NOW is the time for God’s favor and salvation throughout the nations.
It is no mistake that there is currently an all-out war for Gaza because the Nation of Israel is greatly tied to the end times. However, we are not to fear, Matthew 24:6 tells us, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.“ You may be asking –birth pains to what? My friend, it is the birth pains of the Return of Christ. But before His return, we are to use our God-given authority and power through the Cross of Jesus to make the enemies of God a footstool (Hebrews 10:13).
And as God’s chosen people, we are called to prepare the way of the Lord. My friend, it is no mistake that you are alive at this time and whether you realize it or not – you are called. BUT in order to prepare the way of the Second Coming of Christ, we must first become kingdom-focused and not self-focused.
There is a sifting going on in the body of Christ at this time- those who will serve God versus those who will only serve themselves. My question for you today is – which will you choose: Will you surrender your life to God and give Him all the Glory or will you choose self-preoccupation and receive the glory unto youself? Will you serve your desires or Gods desires? Now is the time we must choose. God’s favor and salvation is here.
“Lord, I realize that I have a choice today of serving You or myself. I give You my life and choose to serve You for such a time as this. Change the way I think and allow me to become Kingdom-focused rather than me-focused. I want to be one of those who prepare the way of Your return! I declare that NOW is the time for God’s favor and salvation over my life and over the Nations. Amen.”
by Tracy | General, Inspirational, Tuesdays With Tracy
“Brethren, I count myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do,
forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things
where are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of
God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14
“It is not in good taste to remind God of something that He has forgotten.”
Quote from Kenneth Hagin
“We will never reach our future destination in Christ if we continually drive through our life while looking through the rear view mirror.” Quote from Tracy Hurst
As I think back upon 2008, I am cognizant not only of my good choices and blessings, but also my failures and disappointments. And that is why the scripture above is so important to me as I embark on the New Year. I have a choice of life and death before me and so do you…it is a decision that only we can make ourselves and it will greatly alter our destiny in Christ. The choice is this: Will I allow the enemy to hold me in bondage to the sins and failures of my past or will I embrace Philippians 3:13-14 and move forward to what God has for me in 2009?
Even if we are not proud of our past, the truth is that when we repent to God – we are forgiven. Period. I love what Kenneth Hagin Sr. has said, “It is not in good taste to remind God of something that He has forgotten.” Selah (pause and think about that for a moment). You will either believe the Word of God or the voice of the enemy concerning your future. It is because of the Cross of Jesus that nothing can hold you in your past, but YOU! The enemy was defeated, your destiny was made secure and IT IS TIME for you to move forward.
God has made His plans for you very clear in Ephesians 2:10 (NLT), which states, “For we are Gods masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” The year 2009 will be full of adventure and blessings if you choose to let go of your disappointments of the past and grab onto God’s grace and truth concerning your future.
Just as a trapeze artist must let go of one swing so he can grab onto the next one which leads him to his ultimate destination of the other side, we too much let go of 2008 in order to grab onto 2009. It is time for us to stop swinging back and forth and move forward in the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
“Lord, I choose life this day by letting go of my past and grabbing onto my future in You. Thank you for giving Your life on the Cross so that I can receive Your love, acceptance and forgiveness. I rebuke the enemy and his pack of lies concerning my future! I will no longer entertain my past and its failures, but I will press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. I declare that 2009 will be the greatest year of my life! Amen.”
by Tracy | Inspirational, Tuesdays With Tracy
“Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him.” Isaiah 30:18
As the Christmas season beckoned at my door, I could not help but reminisce about the memories of Christmas past. A lot of my flashbacks revolve around running to abuse shelters from my stepfather who was physically abusive. Even when things seemed calm on my home front, I could always count on the never-ending drama within my family to spice up the holiday season. Holiday drama and my family seem to go together like macaroni and cheese. While the majority of my early memories could put anyone in therapy, I did think about one Christmas that still puts a smile on my face even to this day.
It was the Christmas that my aunt, uncle, and cousins drove 12 plus hours in the sleet and snow to be with us during the holidays. I was in sixth grade and I still remember the smell of burning wood in the fireplace and the amazing meals my mom prepared. But, the best part of that Christmas was a present I received. To the outward eye it appeared that my aunt gave me a game, “Stop Thief” by Parker Brothers, but it was much more than that.
You see, that evening my family gathered around the dining room table and played until the wee hours in the morning. The entire room was filled with laughter as we chased the fictitious thief all over the game board. As an abused child who later nearly took her life at the age of 15, I held onto the laughter of that night during some of the hardest times in my life. The memory of that Christmas is still with me today. I am not sure when it happened or which state I lived in at the time, but I lost my most prized game, “Stop Thief.”
Now in my thirties, I decided it was time to replace my favorite game. My research uncovered that Parker Brothers no longer makes the game, and to my dismay, “Stop Thief “ is now considered a vintage game! My husband suggested that I attempt to locate the vintage game on E-Bay. I held my breath as I typed in the words “Stop Thief” on the E-Bay website, and there it appeared before my eyes, not only one, but several “Stop Thief” games were being sold that very day. I placed my highest bid, and to my surprise, won the game. I eagerly anticipated its arrival, and just three days later it was placed at my front door in Atlanta, Georgia. I opened the package, pulled out the game and saw my very own handwriting on the front cover that stated, “I love Michael Jackson” in red ink. The memory of using my brand new ink pen with multiple ink colors flooded my mind and I remembered choosing red because Michael Jackson wore a red leather coat in his Thriller video. Tears filled my eyes as I realized that I had not just received any “Stop Thief” game, but my original game from my childhood.
It was a miracle and I knew who had done it for me- my sweet Jesus. I had known of His love for me, but the fact that He found my original game that I had lost a long time ago is beyond amazing. God led a stranger in Illinois to end up with my game, sell it years later on E-Bay, and then have it delivered several states away to my front door. That shows me the restoration power of God! Joel 2:21-26 talks about how God will restore the years the locusts have eaten. I don’t know what you may have lost over the years; maybe the locusts of life have stolen from you as well. I encourage you to ask God to restore unto you things that you have lost. God is able to not only restore former things, but He always brings things back with increase beyond its original state. Jesus truly is the restorer of all things lost. After all, we once were lost, but now we are found.
Lord, I declare that the enemy must give back everything he has stolen from me! I proclaim that 2009 will be a year filled with the restoration power of God. I ask that you restore my body, my mind, my spirit, my relationships, my family, my reputation, my finances and anything else needing the restoration power of God. I love you Jesus and it because of your love that I believe 2009 will be the best year of my life.” Amen.
Tip #2 On how to keep Christ in Christmas: Helping those less fortunate.
TWT Reader, Gracie shares her idea, “my grand daughter wants to give Jesus a present, when my daughter asked me how I thought she should do that, I explained that Jesus would love to use our hearts and hands to do something really nice for someone that has no one. They are taking socks to a nursing home to give to residents. They have decided to “gift” Jesus every year.”