When You Feel Alone

“I  will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:5

“If God is for you, who can be againtst you? “

Romans 8:31

Have you ever felt utterly alone in this world and wondered if anyone out there was on your side?  I have experienced this. The truth is, we can be smiling on the outside and standing in the middle of a huge crowd, yet on the inside suffer the depths of loneliness. When loneliness knocks on our door, we can either open the door to self-pity and despair or run to God and His Word.

The only thing that gets me through times of feeling alone (real or perceived) is knowing that God is ALWAYS with me.  Each of us at one time or another will feel misunderstood and lonesome, but there is great comfort awaiting us through our relationship with Jesus.  The question is:  to what or whom will run to?

No matter what you are going through at this time you can rest in the truth that God will never leave you nor forsake you.  God is always for you.  Your career maybe falling apart or a friend may have just let you down, but Jesus is always for you. He is the only One who can fill every void in your soul.  He can be your husband, mother, father, friend, healer, friend and His love is unconditional. In earthly relationships there are often conditions put upon us, but with God there are no strings attached!

So run to God today.  Tell Him how you feel and thank Him for always being there for you. Let us remember that God is only a prayer away.


“Lord, thank You for Your unconditional love.  No matter what is going on I can always count on You.  You are for me and not against me and Your love is amazing.  May I rest today in the fact that You are always with me.  Amen.”

The Favor of God

“The Lord make His face to shine upon you and enlighten you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace and they shall put My Name upon them, and I will bless them.” Numbers 6:25-27

*Mid-summer I found myself singing the familiar lyrics to one of the Go-Go songs from the mid 80’s: “vacation all I ever wanted, vacation have to get away…” After singing this song consecutively for a few weeks, my husband came downstairs from his office one night and suggested we get away the following weekend. We began looking on line at last minute deals and stumbled on an unbelievable package for Bermuda. We booked our flight and hotel and literally left four days later!

Prior to leaving, I heard a minister preach about the favor of God and how we need to proclaim God’s favor over our lives each day. He stated that when we see the favor of God, we should proclaim it OUT LOUD. So, while packing our clothes and necessities for our trip, my husband and I also began spiritually packing by praying for God’s favor. We prayed for the littlest things – such as favor with the flight attendants and beautiful weather. We also prayed about the big things, such as, an opportunity to share about Jesus, an upgraded room upon arrival and safe travel to and from the Atlanta airport. As we headed for the airport the morning of our flight, we were amazed that there was no traffic and we immediately proclaimed “that is the favor of God.”

We landed on the beautiful island of Bermuda right on time and found our transportation to the hotel with no trouble and we proclaimed our new mantra – “that is the favor of God.” When we arrived at our hotel and gave our name to the clerk, she gave a troubled look and stated she would get the manger to assist us. My husband and I looked at each other and both wondered what God was up to. The manager apologetically told us that the hotel had been overbooked and therefore we would need to stay at their sister hotel. At this point I would normally be gravely disappointed and upset, but because we had covered the entire trip with prayer, I decided to go with the flow and see what God had in store for us. The hotel agreed to pay for our moped rental and the manager personally took us to the sister hotel. We felt as if we were on an adventure just waiting to see what the favor of God was about to do.

As the manager showed us our room, our mouths dropped! It wasn’t just a typical hotel room, it was an executive suite with an ocean view! After we received our keys and calmly stated “the room would be fine,” we literally closed the door and jumped up and down proclaiming, “This is the favor of God!” There isn’t enough room to tell you about all the favor we had on our trip, but let me just add that even upon arriving back on a Friday afternoon during typical Atlanta rush hour traffic, we sailed home in amazement (all of you who live in Atlanta know this was the greatest miracle of all) and as we pulled into our driveway we thanked God for His abundant favor on our trip from the beginning to the end!

I encourage you to pray for the favor of God upon your life today. As you begin proclaiming God’s favor upon your life – wait expectantly – you never know what God might have in store for you!

“Lord, I declare the favor of God over my life. Open my eyes to see Your favor everyday! Once I see it, I will proclaim, “This is the favor of God!” Thank you for all that You have done in my life. Thank you in advance for all that is yet ahead! I give you my life Lord and I know that your favor and grace will follow me wherever I go.” Amen.

*Revised Article, “The Favor of God,” by Tracy Hurst, Christian Chronicle/2004


The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”’  Numbers 6:24-26, NIV

Everyone has their “top reads” of their life other than the Word of God and I can say that hands down that GRACE WORKS by Tony Sutherland (www.tonysutherland.com) is one of my top three reads!  As a Professional Counselor, I recommend this book for my clients who struggle with performance based self-esteem, guilt, condemnation, fear, shame or any psychological problems for that matter as this book will go to the root and bring freedom in its place.  As a mom, GRACE WORKS has helped me in my parenting and given me a new perspective on how to love my child in greater ways.  And as a child of God, this book has been revolutionary to me.  Please read some the clip below and the back cover and  I encourage everyone to pick up a copy or download it to your laptop today!  Blessings and  remember…..GRACE WORKS!

…Now-a-days people are confused, troubled, and desperately hard-pressed for help. A doctrine or expose’ won’t fix broken lives. Desperate people don’t need a word. They need a ROPE! God’s grace is that rope! Carrying guilt is destructive. In fact, CONDEMNATION KILLS! Most people have enough trouble in their life without having to bear the heavy guilt from not doing enough for God or failing Him altogether… Our Heavenly Father does not want His children to live under guilt and condemnation (Romans 8:1). I truly believe we can live guilt and worry free lives through the power of God’s grace!” (From Tony’s New Book – GRACEWORKS)

“Have you every wondered how to get from here to happy? That’s what Tony Sutherland’s new book is all about! In fact, God’s plan for you is nothing short of spectacular! The way to freedom is just at hand. Through personal experiences, Tony Shares profound secrets to the overcoming life through his own marvelous grace awakening. Once you get a revelation of the truth that is in Christ, you will never want to go back to your old life of dead religion again! Only one thing works to break the bondage of sin… Grace… GRACE WORKS! You no longer have to suffer from self-defeating perfectionism, anxiety and condemnation from your failures. So get ready to encounter a whole new dimension of God’s power as He views you through His amazing love. As you read through the pages of this book one thing is certain… you will be surprised by grace!”

Your Guest Room Awaits

“I run for dear life to God, I’ll never live to regret it. Do what you do so well: get me out of this mess and up on my feet.  Put your ear to the ground and listen, give me space for salvation. Be a guest room where I can retreat; you said your door was always open!
You’re my salvation—my vast, granite fortress.”  Psalm 71:1-3, Message

Did you know that God could be your “guest room?” God and His Word can be our place in which we can retreat and get some needed R&R. Psalm 16 tells us that in His Presence is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore. He even promises in our scripture above that His door is always open for us. As one Hotel has marketed itself, “He’ll even leave the light on for ya!”

When we are overwhelmed, our earthly bodies long for a place of tranquility and today I am here to tell you that it is in God’s presence that you can truly unwind and rest from the difficulties of life. He is a refreshing drink to our thirsty spirits, He is the healer of our mind, body and spirit, and He wants us to lay in green pastures with total confidence that He loves us and will fight every battle before us.

Just as you are able to rest and receive while staying in a guest room of a close friend or family member, when you run to God for dear life, He is our guest room – our fluffy bed, luxurious sheets and soft pillows. He is our “calgon take me away” bath salts and He is everything we need.

I want you to know that God loves you and He has amazing plans for you.  Hold on because your BEST days are yet ahead.  No eye has seen and no ear has heard the plans that He has for you! And when things get difficult remember to run to the true “guest room” of Jesus.


“Lord, I run to you for dear life today and I declare that I will never regret it! You are my salvation and everything I need in my life. I give you every situation on my heart today and choose to find my retreat in You and Your Word. Thank you for always loving me. Amen.”

The Beauty of the Cross

“It was a perfect sacrifice by a perfect person to perfect some very imperfect people…” Hebrews 10:14, Message Translation

“He was beaten, he was tortured, but he didn’t say a word. Like a lamb taken to be slaughtered and like a sheep being sheared, he took it all in silence. Justice miscarried, and he was led off – and did anyone really know what was happening? He died without a thought for his own welfare, beaten bloody for the sins of my people. They buried him with the wicked, threw him in a grave with a rich man. Even though he’d never hurt a soul or said one word that wasn’t true. Still, it’s what God had in mind all along, to crush him with pain. THE PLAN WAS THAT HE GAVE HIMSELF AS AN OFFERING FOR SIN SO THAT HE’D SEE LIFE COME FROM IT – LIFE, LIFE AND MORE LIFE. And God’s plan will deeply prosper through him. Out of that terrible travail of soul, he’ll see that it’s worth it and be glad he did it. Through what he experienced, my righteous one, my servant will make many “righteous ones.” Isaiah 53: -11, Message Translation

For years I struggled with picturing Jesus and all that he suffered on the cross. But one Sunday morning during worship I heard a still small voice say, “Tracy, I want you to know that my most beautiful moment was when I laid down my life for you on the cross.Tears began to fill my eyes as I envisioned this in my mind. I could see the blood running down his side, the thorns on His head, and His nail-pierced hands and feet. Jesus GAVE His life and SHED His blood that we may be whole.

Needless to say, what Jesus endured was horrific, but that Sunday morning I began to see past the torture and pain and see the beauty of the cross. This revelation has changed my life. Every time I see images of the cross, I am filled with thanksgiving and awe of my Lord. I am also thankful that through the blood of Jesus, God does not remember the gruesome images of my past. But He sees me as His beautiful creation.

He gave. He bore. He bled. He forgave. He died. He was buried. He arose. He reigns. He rules. He is Lord over all. He is coming back soon. He is Alpha and Omega. He is the Beginning and the End. His Name is above all names. He is Jesus!


“Lord, thank you for all that you suffered on the cross. Forgive me for grumbling and complaining about my life. You had every “right” to complain, but instead you freely laid down your life that I could live. I choose to fix my eyes on you this Easter season. You died that I may live. You suffered that I may be healed. You endured rejection that I may be accepted. You shed your blood that I may be forgiven. Open my eyes to see the beauty of the cross. I declare that death did not conquer you and it will not conquer me! You arose from the dead and are seated at the right hand of God and one day I will join You in heaven. Until then, help me to fulfill my destiny. Amen.”

The Provision

“By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past of age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.” Hebrews 11:11

“Then Abraham lifted his eyes and looked, and there behind him was a ram caught in a ticket by its horns. So Abraham went and took the ram, and offered it up for a burnt offering instead of his son. And Abraham called the name of the place, The-Lord-Will-Provide…” Genesis 22:8, AMP

Most of us are familiar with the story of Abraham and Isaac found in Genesis 18 & 22 and yet I believe there is a message that God wants to impart to us today – THE-LORD-WILL-PROVIDE. If God will provide for Abraham, a man well over a hundred years old with an heir, then God will also do the impossible for you as well. I don’t care what your situation looks like or what the experts have told you, I am here to encourage you today that the Lord will provide.

Just think if Abraham and Sarah lived in the world we live in today….our doctors would laugh at their belief for God to bless them with a son, they would appear foolish (even to church folk) and yet they would be the foolish used to confound the wise of this day. Abraham and Sarah believed that ALL things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26).   They had faith for Sarah’s womb to become fruitful – the deadness of her womb was the ALL in their life and God did the impossible when He gave them Isaac!

What is the ALL in your life? Is it your marriage, finances, health, promotion or job? I realize that it may appear that you are in an impossible circumstance, but I am here to declare to you today that just as God provided for Abraham and Sarah, He will also provide for you.

Why is it that we focus on our lack rather than God’s provision anyway? I believe one reason is because we live within our natural senses. If we don’t see it, feel it or smell it, then we don’t have faith for it, yet the Bible clearly tells us in Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

God has been speaking to my spirit the past few weeks, “Tracy, get your eyes off of your lack and onto My provision.” I believe that just as God provided a ram in the thicket on the day of worship for Abraham and Isaac, God will provide whatever it is you are in need of today. I want to encourage you to take your eyes off of your lack and begin to meditate on God’s provision for your life. You can rest in the fact that God loves you and He will perfect that thing which concerns you this day (Psalm 138:8).


“Lord, Thank you for supplying ALL of my needs according to Your grace.  Please forgive me for always focusing on areas of lack rather than Your Provision for my life.  If you can provide a son for Abraham and Sarah and cause a ram to be caught in the thicket for the sacrifice needed that day, then You will also provide for me.  Amen.”