by Tracy | Life With Alyssa, Tuesdays With Tracy

My Precious Friends,
I am very sad today. I have had to make the decision to no longer post pictures of Alyssa on my site. I have been bombarded lately with triple “x” porn sites trying to get onto my web page and leave inappropriate comments. Although, this practice occurs regularly on web pages, I am no longer comfortable posting personal pictures at this time.
I wept this afternoon as I deleted the pictures of my precious little one. I know of the joy these pictures have brought to you, my family and friends all over the country. I am repenting on my behalf for thinking that my site would be free of perpetrators. I truly did not think that my Christian site would attract inappropriate material.
As I deleted the pictures, I prayed out loud:
“Lord, I forgive these people. You died for them too. May you free them from bondage and soften their hearts to the things of God. They need you so desperately. May you bless them. I pray that something on my site or someone they know will bring them to salvation. I love them Lord – I know it sounds strange, but they are just looking for You, God. May they find what they are looking for – Jesus Christ. Once again I forgive and bless them.” Amen.
Will you join me in praying for those held captive in pornography today? Let’s believe that God will make something good out of this.
A note to family and friends:
I am putting together a secure page on that will allow only those approved to view updated pictures of our family. If you would like to be included and given access to this page, please click here and leave your contact info (including your email address).
My love and blessings to each of you,
Image above is from:
by Tracy | Inspirational, Tuesdays With Tracy

I was driving the other morning and a song came on the radio that was everything I felt and wanted to say to God. Have you ever connected with a song to the point that you realize you should have written it yourself? I was so thankful that the DJ announced the song title, “Enough” and the artist being Barlow Girl. I was able to purchase their CD that very afternoon. Needless to say, I have listened to this song a hundred times and still counting!
This is my song to God at this time. He is more than enough for me. He is more awesome than I know. May these lyrics bless you as they have me…….
All of you is more than enough for
All of me for every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with your love
And all I have in you
Is more than enough
You are my supply
My breath of life
Still more awesome than I know
You are my reward
Worth living for
Still more awesome than I know
You’re my sacrifice of greatest price
Still more awesome than I know
You’re my coming king you’re everything
Still more awesome than I know
To listen to a little of the song, click here and then click on the title: “Enough”
Written by: Chris Tomlin
Recorded by: Barlow Girl
“Lord, thank you for Jesus and His sacrifice on the Cross. He conquered death, sickness and sin. He arose on the third day as You promised. You reign. You rule. You are Lord over all. I celebrate You and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. You are more than enough for me. Amen”
Tracy Hurst
Anybody else feel like you are going through a test at this time? If so, then click here and read an article written by Brigette Wagner. It will encourage you to stay the course!
by Tracy | Inspirational, Tuesdays With Tracy

I was driving the other morning and a song came on the radio that was everything I felt and wanted to say to God. Have you ever connected with a song to the point that you realize you should have written it yourself? I was so thankful that the DJ announced the song title, “Enough” and the artist being Barlow Girl. I was able to purchase their CD that very afternoon. Needless to say, I have listened to this song a hundred times and still counting!
This is my song to God at this time. He is more than enough for me. He is more awesome than I know. May these lyrics bless you as they have me…….
All of you is more than enough for
All of me for every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with your love
And all I have in you
Is more than enough
You are my supply
My breath of life
Still more awesome than I know
You are my reward
Worth living for
Still more awesome than I know
You’re my sacrifice of greatest price
Still more awesome than I know
You’re my coming king you’re everything
Still more awesome than I know
To listen to a little of the song, click here and then click on the title: “Enough”
Written by: Chris Tomlin
Recorded by: Barlow Girl
“Lord, thank you for Jesus and His sacrifice on the Cross. He conquered death, sickness and sin. He arose on the third day as You promised. You reign. You rule. You are Lord over all. I celebrate You and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. You are more than enough for me. Amen”
Tracy Hurst
Anybody else feel like you are going through a test at this time? If so, then click here and read an article written by Brigette Wagner. It will encourage you to stay the course!
by Tracy | Inspirational, Tuesdays With Tracy

“It was a perfect sacrifice by a perfect person to perfect some very imperfect people…” Hebrews 10:14, Message Translation
“He was beaten, he was tortured, but he didn’t say a word. Like a lamb taken to be slaughtered and like a sheep being sheared, he took it all in silence. Justice miscarried, and he was led off – and did anyone really know what was happening? He died without a thought for his own welfare, beaten bloody for the sins of my people. They buried him with the wicked, threw him in a grave with a rich man. Even though he’d never hurt a soul or said one word that wasn’t true. Still, it’s what God had in mind all along, to crush him with pain. THE PLAN WAS THAT HE GAVE HIMSELF AS AN OFFERING FOR SIN SO THAT HE’D SEE LIFE COME FROM IT – LIFE, LIFE AND MORE LIFE. And God’s plan will deeply prosper through him. Out of that terrible travail of soul, he’ll see that it’s worth it and be glad he did it. Through what he experienced, my righteous one, my servant will make many “righteous ones.” Isaiah 53: -11, Message Translation
For years I struggled with picturing Jesus and all that he suffered on the cross. But one Sunday morning during worship I heard a still small voice say, “Tracy, I want you to know that my most beautiful moment was when I laid down my life for you on the cross.” Tears began to fill my eyes as I envisioned this in my mind. I could see the blood running down his side, the thorns on His head, and His nail-pierced hands and feet. Jesus GAVE His life and SHED His blood that we may be whole.
Needless to say, what Jesus endured was horrific, but that Sunday morning I began to see past the torture and pain and see the beauty of the cross. This revelation has changed my life. Every time I see images of the cross, I am filled with thanksgiving and awe of my Lord. I am also thankful that through the blood of Jesus, God does not remember the gruesome images of my past. But He sees me as His beautiful creation.
He gave. He bore. He bled. He forgave. He died. He was buried. He arose. He reigns. He rules. He is Lord over all. He is coming back soon. He is Alpha and Omega. He is the Beginning and the End. His Name is above all names. He is Jesus!
“Lord, thank you for all that you suffered on the cross. Forgive me for grumbling and complaining about my life. You had every “right” to complain, but instead you freely laid down your life that I could live. I choose to fix my eyes on you this Easter season. You died that I may live. You suffered that I may be healed. You endured rejection that I may be accepted. You shed your blood that I may be forgiven. Open my eyes to see the beauty of the cross. I declare that death did not conquer you and it will not conquer me! You arose from the dead and are seated at the right hand of God and one day I will join You in heaven. Until then, help me to fulfill my destiny. Amen.”
Hold On: Resurrection Sunday is just ahead!
Image above is from:
by Tracy | Inspirational, Tuesdays With Tracy, Warfare

“The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith. The person who wins out over the world’s ways is simply the one who believes Jesus is the Son of God.” 1 John 5:4-5, The Message Translation“When the going gets rough, take it on the chin with the rest of us, the way Jesus did. A soldier on duty doesn’t get caught up in making deals at the marketplace. He concentrates on carrying out orders. An athlete who refuses to play by the rules will never get anywhere. It’s the diligent farmer who gets the produce. Think it over. God will make it all plain.” 2 Timothy 2:3-7, The Message Translation
These past few weeks have been a time of strange discomfort, stretching and testing of my faith. I have battled in my mind, will and emotions. I had to use my authority over the enemy and I gave God permission to use this “travailing” of some sort within my spirit to draw me closer to Him. I don’t understand it all, but I know that I am not alone in this fight. Many of you have shared with me of your own personal battles. As I sought the Lord and His Word, I made the decision below in my own life and I hope this brings encouragement to you as well.
No matter how we feel or what is going on around us – WE MUST STAY THE COURSE! When the devil is pounding on every weakness and our circumstances appear dim – WE MUST STAY THE COURSE! When it looks like our life is not making a difference and our enemies are triumphing over us – WE MUST STAY THE COURSE! This is not the time to give up. It is a time to remain steadfast and ready to carry out the orders of the Lord. We are in a battle, but WE WIN. We are currently in a storm, but the waves MUST CEASE. We are being pulled and stretched, but with God we can endure ALL things. It’s time to be soldiers for Christ. This comes with a cost, but a soldier understands that we cannot give in to the taunts of the enemy.
It’s time to: Rise up and declare our authority and stand firm in our faith. We must understand that the battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual rulers of this world. Therefore we must put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, we will be able to stand our ground, and after we have done everything, to stand. Stand firm with the belt of truth buckled around our waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with our feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Take up the shield of faith, with which we can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, we must BE ALERT and always keep on praying for all the saints (Ephesians 6:10-18). Please know that I am praying for each of you daily and I choose to stand with you in faith.
“Lord, I choose to stand when the going gets tough. I will carry out my orders and I will not give up. I cling to the conquering power of my faith in God that will bring the world to its knees. I put on the armor of God this day and declare that WE WIN! I will not back up. I will not give in. I will not bow down to any attacks of the enemy over my spirit, emotions or body. I will be alert and in constant prayer for the will of the Lord to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you for endurance and faith to rise up within me this day. I bind the enemy and all his plans and declare that only the plans of the Lord will prosper over me and the saints of God this day and forevermore.” Amen.
Image above is from: