Want, Wait and Witness

“Show me the path where I should walk, O Lord; point out the right road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.” Psalm 25:5, The New Living Translation

Several months ago, I began diligently seeking God on a matter close to my heart. I began meditating on The Word of God and Psalm 25 was the passage that seemed to continually give me peace as I sought God’s perfect will. It was the scripture above that gave me confidence God would show me the right path for my family. After a few weeks of building my faith, I was expectant to receive God’s leading. Did you know he word “truth” above is defined in the Hebrew language as “to put a stake to in the ground, determined and absolute ? The word “truth” is also the beginning, middle and end of the Greek Alphabet.”  With this definition before me, I began to hold onto God’s Truth at the beginning of my situation, in the middle and at the end!  It is God’s Word alone that we can build our life upon! It was through this revelation that God spoke to me very clearly about three steps I needed to follow in order to receive wisdom from Heaven. Today I would like to share with you what God revealed to me:

1.First, we have to WANT God’s direction for our life. When we rely on human intellect or feelings to determine our choices we are in for a rollercoaster ride! I know this from personal experience:) It is only when we seek God’s plan that we can have peace as we work through various issues in our lives. Wanting God’s wisdom is the first step to receiving it.

2. Second, we have to WAIT on God. After we begin asking and seeking, it is then time to wait for God to speak. God is an on time God. I know that it may “feel” as if He is late in answering our prayers, but God is faithful and always on time. I have learned that whenever it appears that God is with-holding something good from me, He is only setting me up to be blessed! He loves us so much that he lets the “good” pass us by in order to give us His best. During the waiting period we need to know that God is faithful and therefore we can wait in expectation. It’s kind of like when we visit a doctor. Due to the fact that we made an appointment and WANTED to seek medical counsel – it is just a matter of time before our name is called and we get the doctor’s wisdom. When you WANT God’s wisdom, it is just a matter of time before it is revealed!

3. Third, we need to be ready to WITNESS a miracle. This is the best part! After we WANT God’s wisdom and we WAIT for Him to speak concerning the matter, we will then WITNESS God’s miracle working power in our life! I am currently walking out this final step and I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that God has done a miracle on my behalf. If you are currently in the waiting step – hold on and look each day for God to move on your behalf! Your miracle is on the way! No matter what you need from God this day – know that He is faithful! Do not give up. Do not get impatient and move ahead of God. All you need to do is: Want, Wait and Witness – God does all the rest!

Lord, I need direction in my life. Teach me Your ways and show me the right path. I WANT your wisdom. I choose to WAIT for You to make my path clear and I expect to WITNESS a miracle concerning this issue! Forgive me for getting in Your way. I completely surrender my life once again to you this day. Open my eyes that I may see You working on my behalf. Open my ears that I may hear Your voice. I let go of disappointment and frustration and I grab hold of the Word of God. I choose to believe The Word concerning all things in my life. Thank you for always giving me Your best Jesus! I love you! Amen.


“Then Abraham waited patiently, and he received the promise.” Hebrews 6:15

“For you have need of endurance so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.” Hebrews 10:36

Patience…it’s a word that most of us do not like. But, today I want to show you how vital the fruit of patience is to receive the promises of God in your life. Did you know that patience is also defined as endurance and perseverance? The Greek word for endurance is “hupomone.” (Please stay with me for a moment as we define the Greek word, “hupomone” and get a clearer picture of why patience is so imperative to our spiritual life). “Hupomone” means, “constancy, perseverance, continuance, bearing up, steadfastness, holding out and patient endurance”. “Hupo” literally means, “under,” and “mone” literally means, “to remain.”

Therefore, we can define patience as: “The ability to bear up under difficult circumstances, not with a passive complacency, but with a hopeful staying power that actively resists weariness and defeat.”

This is good news, because most of us give up too soon. Once we receive a promise from the Word of God we want an immediate manifestation of that promise – like NOW! But it usually does not work that way. Just as Abraham had to wait patiently before he received his promise – so do we. There is a slice of time between the PROMISE and the PROVISION where the POWER of PATIENCE is vital. You see, during this in-between time is when the enemy attacks you the most. The devil will do everything within his power to distract, discourage and pull you off track. When the attack comes – you will need the power of patience. You need the supernatural power of endurance to bear up under the trials of this life and ACTIVELY resist weariness and defeat. The truth is YOU WIN – if you do not lose hope!

I encourage you today to ask God for the power of patience to manifest in your life. Whether you need it now or sometime in the near future – the “hupomone” power of God will help you to wait patiently and receive your promise!

Lord, I need the power of patience in my life. Help me to bear up under difficult circumstances with a hopeful resilience that actively resists weariness and defeat. When the enemy comes like a roaring lion, I declare the supernatural power of endurance is manifested in my life. I will not give up. I will not lose sight. I will be victorious and receive ALL the promises of God in my life. Amen.

When You Feel Alone

“I  will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:5

“If God is for you, who can be againtst you? “

Romans 8:31

Have you ever felt utterly alone in this world and wondered if anyone out there was on your side?  I have experienced this. The truth is, we can be smiling on the outside and standing in the middle of a huge crowd, yet on the inside suffer the depths of loneliness. When loneliness knocks on our door, we can either open the door to self-pity and despair or run to God and His Word.

The only thing that gets me through times of feeling alone (real or perceived) is knowing that God is ALWAYS with me.  Each of us at one time or another will feel misunderstood and lonesome, but there is great comfort awaiting us through our relationship with Jesus.  The question is:  to what or whom will run to?

No matter what you are going through at this time you can rest in the truth that God will never leave you nor forsake you.  God is always for you.  Your career maybe falling apart or a friend may have just let you down, but Jesus is always for you. He is the only One who can fill every void in your soul.  He can be your husband, mother, father, friend, healer, friend and His love is unconditional. In earthly relationships there are often conditions put upon us, but with God there are no strings attached!

So run to God today.  Tell Him how you feel and thank Him for always being there for you. Let us remember that God is only a prayer away.


“Lord, thank You for Your unconditional love.  No matter what is going on I can always count on You.  You are for me and not against me and Your love is amazing.  May I rest today in the fact that You are always with me.  Amen.”

God Shields You With His Favor

“For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him with a shield.”Psalm 5:12

Did you know that you are blessed with God’s favor today? You can rest in the fact that God is the Blesser and the One who gives you the capacity for living a full, rich life. You and I are simply the recipients of His favor and there is nothing that can separate us from His love (Romans 8:38-39). It is through the love of Jesus and the power of the Cross, that we are deemed righteous, blessed, and highly favored of God.

No matter what you are going through at this time, God will surround you with favor like a shield. When you walk into a room, God’s blessing is with you. When you walk through a dark valley, God’s favor will go before you and enlighten the way to victory. When your enemies are out to eat you for lunch, God will surround you with His favor like a shield and none of their plans will prosper.

It has been my experience that God’s favor is not only seen upon us by man but that God can even shield our areas of weaknesses in order for His favor to be manifested toward us on earth as it is in Heaven. God is the potter, we are the clay (Isaiah 64:8) and man’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes (Proverbs 21:1).

Is there a place in your life where you need the favor of God? I want to encourage you today to declare Psalm 5:12 over your situation. As you declare God’s Word, you can wait expectantly for God to move on your behalf. You, my friend are the righteousness of God and He will surround you with favor like a shield this day. I declare that no weapon formed against you shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17).


“Lord, thank you for surrounding me with favor like a shield. I can never repay You for what You did on the Cross, but in return, I willingly give you my life, my dreams, my desires and I ask that You alone be glorified through me. I declare Your Word over my life and I wait expectantly for You to move on my behalf. Amen.”

PS:  Ladies – Thank you for your recent prayer requests. I am agreeing with you in prayer that God is willing and able and I look forward to hearing your praise reports! If you are in need of prayer today, please click here, it would be my honor to cover you and your need in prayer. Blessings!

A Christmas Miracle

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.  This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”  Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,  “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”  Luke 2:11-14, NIV

This article has become a Christmas Tradition on my website and it was only a year ago that First For Women Magazine published this in their 2009 Christmas Edition.  I cannot help but continually give God praise for His abundant favor.  Be encouraged my friend, if God can do this for me, then what will He do for you this Christmas?  May you have a miracle-filled Christmas!

My Christmas Miracle

As the Christmas season beckoned at my door, I could not help but reminisce about the memories of Christmas past. A lot of my flashbacks revolve around running to abuse shelters from my stepfather who was physically abusive. Even when things seemed calm on my home front, I could always count on the never-ending drama within my family to spice up the holiday season. Holiday drama and my family seem to go together like macaroni and cheese. While the majority of my early memories could put anyone in therapy, I did think about one Christmas that still puts a smile on my face even to this day.

It was the Christmas that my aunt, uncle, and cousins drove 12 plus hours in the sleet and snow to be with us during the holidays. I was in sixth grade and I still remember the smell of burning wood in the fireplace and the amazing meals my mom prepared. But, the best part of that Christmas was a present I received. To the outward eye it appeared that my aunt gave me a game, “Stop Thief” by Parker Brothers, but it was much more than that.

You see, that evening my family gathered around the dining room table and played until the wee hours in the morning. The entire room was filled with laughter as we chased the fictitious thief all over the game board. As an abused child who later nearly took her life at the age of 15, I held onto the laughter of that night during some of the hardest times in my life. The memory of that Christmas is still with me today. I am not sure when it happened or which state I lived in at the time, but I lost my most prized game, “Stop Thief.”

Now in my thirties, I decided it was time to replace my favorite game. My research uncovered that Parker Brothers no longer makes the game, and to my dismay, “Stop Thief “ is now considered a vintage game! My husband suggested that I attempt to locate the vintage game on E-Bay. I held my breath as I typed in the words “Stop Thief” on the E-Bay website, and there it appeared before my eyes, not only one, but several “Stop Thief” games were being sold that very day. I placed my highest bid, and to my surprise, won the game. I eagerly anticipated its arrival, and just three days later it was placed at my front door in Atlanta, Georgia. I opened the package, pulled out the game and saw my very own handwriting on the front cover that stated, “I love Michael Jackson” in red ink. The memory of using my brand new ink pen with multiple ink colors flooded my mind and I remembered choosing red because Michael Jackson wore a red leather coat in his Thriller video. Tears filled my eyes as I realized that I had not just received any “Stop Thief” game, but my original game from my childhood.

It was a miracle and I knew who had done it for me- my sweet Jesus. I had known of His love for me, but the fact that He found my original game that I had lost a long time ago is beyond amazing. God led a stranger in Illinois to end up with my game, sell it years later on E-Bay, and then have it delivered several states away to my front door. That shows me the restoration power of God! Joel 2:21-26 talks about how God will restore the years the locusts have eaten. I don’t know what you may have lost over the years; maybe the locusts of life have stolen from you as well. I encourage you to ask God to restore unto you things that you have lost. God is able to not only restore former things, but He always brings things back with increase beyond its original state. Jesus truly is the restorer of all things lost. After all, we once were lost, but now we are found.

Prayer: Lord, I declare that the enemy must give back everything he has stolen from me! I proclaim that 2011 will be a year filled with the restoration power of God. I ask that you restore my body, my mind, my spirit, my relationships, my family, my reputation, my finances and anything else needing the restoration power of God. I love you Jesus and it is because of your love that I believe 2011 will be a year crowned with Your goodness and dripping with abundance (Psalm 65:11).” Amen.

Giving more this Christmas

Please take a moment and watch this amazing video.  The question is: Will you have Christmas as usual this year or will you decide to “get less” in order to “give more?”

Spend Less

Give More

Worship Fully

Love All

My church has embraced the Advent Conspiracy and I am also determined to not have Christmas as usual, but to give more.  Instead of joining the hustle and bustle, needless spending and making this season about me, myself and I… I want to enjoy this season by laughing more with my family, being thankful for all my blessings and GIVING MORE to those in need – more time, money, prayers and attention!

Let’s make a difference in the world and give more this Christmas.  Listed below are a few places where you can give.  Please feel free to use these links or to give wherever God leads you, but let’s not experience Christmas a usual, let’s give of ourselves, spend less, give more, love all and worship fully this season.

1 .  Living Water International

2. 7 Bridges to Recovery Shelter: www.7bridgestorecovery.org

2. Life Outreach International with James & Betty Robinson: www.lifetoday.org

