Looking For Fun In All The Wrong Places

My husband and his toy – LOL 🙂

“God will show me the path of life; In His Presence is the fullness of joy; At His right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11 NKJV

*Lately, I have been on an all out quest to add more fun into my life. I realized that I needed additional fun when my husband and I went to see a romantic comedy at a local movie theater and after the movie I could not control the tears that ran down my face. My husband looked at me totally perplexed, because one would assume that after viewing a comedy, I would feel encouraged and uplifted, but instead a deep sense of sadness filled my heart. I recognized that I had not been living life to the fullest and I was lacking some serious fun!

So with this discovery, my husband and I sat down and made a list of the things we considered, “fun.” Of course, our lists were completely different! My husband, who is a ex-paratrooper and Golden Knight for the Army, listed various adventures, such as: jumping from planes again, mountain biking, watching Brave Heart and Blackhawk Down with the guys, etc. My list consisted of things such as: more girlfriend time, dinner parties, buying new shoes and travel. Since then my husband began watching his war movies and I bought a few new pair of shoes (sorry honey). And together we hosted a dinner party, but even these activities did not satisfy our desire within.

Finally, one morning during my quiet time with God, I asked Him why we were having such difficultly implementing fun into our lives? He led me to Psalm 16:11, which states, “God will show me the path of life; In His Presence is the fullness of joy; At His right hand are pleasures forevermore.” The truth is, nothing here on earth would bring us the joy we were after. Don’t get me wrong, mountain biking and new shoes are great, but both will eventually end up in the trash! We were looking for fun in all the wrong places! Only the Lord can provide “fun” that can satisfy your soul.

As Psalm 16 sank into my spirit, a smile spread across my face. I found what I had been longing for in the Word of God. My quest had been fulfilled! That following weekend, my husband and I hosted a Bible study and I sensed God’s Presence in our home. As I looked around the room I thought to myself, “NOW THIS IS FUN!”

A Ladies Morning Out – LOL 🙂

Lord, forgive me for looking to the world to bring joy and satisfaction into my life. Nothing this world offers can bring me eternal peace. It is only in Your Presence that I am filled with supernatural joy. And this joy is not dependent on my circumstances. I choose to no longer look for fun in all the wrong places, for it is only in Your Presence that I am filled to overflowing! Amen.

*A Published Article by Tracy Hurst, Atlanta Christian Chronicle, June, 2004″

Your Everyday, Ordinary Life….


“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you; take your everyday ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going to work, and walking around life – and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him. Don’t become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God – you’ll be changed from the inside out.” Romans 12:1-2, Message Translation

There are days when all I feel like I do is get up, read the Word, change diapers, pick up the house, make dinner and go to bed. Maybe your days are filled with driving to work, making business calls or picking up take-out for dinner. But, no matter what stage of life we are in – we can become bored with our daily routines and forget to embrace each day as a gift from God.

What stood out to me in the scripture above is the challenge Paul gives us to embrace our everyday, ordinary life as worship to God. I have found that if we choose to worship God everyday (no matter how mundane our tasks may seem) an overflowing joy will fill our hearts. God will help us see that what we do each day is not ordinary – but extraordinary! While, the world may perceive what we do as meaningless, God knows our hearts and He sees our acts of everyday life as worship to Him.

Did you know that as you go about your everyday, ordinary life, that you are changing eternal souls? You are influencing someone’s life today, whether you realize it or not. Your encouragement and heartfelt concern for a co-worker, fellow mom or a grocery store clerk can literally alter their destiny!

Maybe you are a businessperson, minister or teacher. You need to know that every client you encourage, sermon that you preach or child that you impact is shaping an eternal destiny. The truth is, there are thousands of people who need what you do mindlessly each day. It may be your smile, uplifting word or a mastery skill that you perform at your job. But someone, somewhere, is in need of what you do in your everyday, ordinary life. Choosing to worship God through your everyday life will not only change you, but everyone around you as well!

“Lord, I give you my everyday, ordinary life: my sleeping, eating, going to work and walking around life as worship to You. I choose to fix my eyes on Jesus and what He thinks about me as I go about my daily tasks. Father, open my eyes to see how my life can be a blessing to those around me. Help me to see those who are hurting and need the gift that is within me. Someone, somewhere is in need of what I do in my everyday, ordinary life. May You use my life to glorify You. Take my ordinary and turn it into extraordinary this day.” Amen.

Photo Above is from: www.freefoto.com

God Will Use Whomever He Chooses…


“For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty.” 1 Corinthians 1:26-27, NKJ

Can you imagine how those in the New Testament felt when God called Saul, the killer of Christians to salvation? Saul repented, turned from his wicked ways and became Paul – one of the most dynamic leaders for Christ in his time. Who are we to judge whom God will use in such a time as this?

The truth is, God does not need our opinion. He will use whomever He chooses. There has been a lot of media discussion lately about certain people claiming to “find Jesus” or “falling away due to sin.” But, I have come to this conclusion: I am not the judge and God will use whomever He chooses.

The only difference between those in the media spotlight and me is that my past sin was never plastered on the front page of a newspaper. And my public declaration of faith and repentance was never reported on prime-time news. I am truly a sinner saved by grace. I once was lost, but now I am found. I was the least likely to be used by God, but God saved me, healed me and transformed my life. My greatest prayer is that He will choose to use my life for His glory.

We must be careful to not judge, lest we be judged. We must in turn, pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, God responded by covering them. We too need not forsake our brothers in Christ, but COVER them in prayer. How would our world be impacted if we as the body of Christ COVERED our brothers and sisters in prayer rather than slaughtering them with our words of criticism? God is a God of forgiveness, healing and restoration. And God will use whomever He chooses.  Who knows, maybe today that “whomever” will be you…

“Lord, forgive me for judging and criticizing my brother and sister in Christ. You are God and I am not. Your opinion is the only one that matters. I choose this day to cover the body of Christ and those in need of prayer rather than pick them apart with my words. I choose to use my energy to build up rather than tear down. I choose to bless rather than curse. I choose to love rather than hate. I bless the body of Christ. I bless those whom YOU have called for such a time as this.” Amen.

Worry-free Living

Do not worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7, New Living Translation

Do you find yourself battling anxiety and fear over various issues in your life? If so, I have good news for you! You no longer have to worry about anything. I realize that you may have trouble believing that worry-free living is possible, but I was once a “professional worry-wart.” I will never forget the day I read the scripture above. I also didn’t think this was possible. I meditated on Philippians 4:6-7 for years (yes, I said years). Today I want us to take a deeper look into Philippians 4:6-7:

First, notice that Paul did not just tell us to “not worry.” Paul proceeded to tell us what to do in its place. He gave us the following steps for worry-free living:

1. Paul tells us to: Do not worry.
When worry begins to fill my mind, I try and catch myself and make myself STOP! In the beginning it took me hours to stop my worrisome thoughts because worry was a normal part of my day. However, by just simply recognizing these thoughts and choosing to STOP – I began to break the cycle. In order to STOP worrying, we must choose to STOP the thoughts and do the next step in its place.

2. Paul tells us to: Pray and tell God what you need.
What is it that you need in this particular situation? Instead of focusing on all the negative aspects and allow fear to take over – focus on the solution. Do you need Godly wisdom? Peace within your relationships? Do you need protection from the enemy? A raise to pay your bills? What is it that you really need to overcome this situation and then “tell God.” Be specific with God. If you are unsure of what you need, simply ask God for wisdom. He will show you exactly what you need in this particular situation. Ultimately, Jesus is our solution to every problem in this world!

3. Paul tells us to: Thank God for all that He has done.
What exactly has God done for you? Has He saved you? Rescued you? Loved you when you were still deep in sin? Healed you? What exactly has God done for you? Once you answer that question, begin to thank Him. When you begin to thank and praise God, your problems gets smaller and your God gets bigger! He is the same God that saved you, healed you, rescued you from hell and loved you when you were unlovable. He is the God who will take care of you and the situation you are facing today. Begin to thank Him for victory in that trial you are currently facing. He is a God who promises in Psalm 138:8, to perfect that thing which concerns you.

4. The result:
Peace, peace and more peace. Peace for your mind and heart that is more wonderful than you can even comprehend! It’s a peace that surpasses all understanding! You do not have to live the rest of your life in worry and fear. You can live in God’s peace. I encourage you to walk out this scripture everyday. If you do – you will daily walk in the peace of God! It may take time (from one former worry-wart to another – it took me a few years to totally conquer this) but praise God I am free as long as I choose to stop my fearful thoughts, tell God what I need and thank Him for ALL that He has done!

The result: Worry-free Living!

Lord, please help me to recognize when I am entertaining worry and fear in my mind. I want to live worry-free and experience Your peace. Give me the discernment to stop anxious thoughts and to tell you what I need. I long to be focused on The Solution: YOU! I recognize that when I tell You what I need and thank you for Your answers, that I will experience a peace that surpasses all understanding. I know this may take some time Lord, but I want to live my life worry free! Thank you Jesus for providing these steps to receive Your wonderful peace! Amen.

God Loves To Show Up & Show Off…(Part II)


Show and Tell…

Hearing the voice of God and putting a contract on our land was just one of the many miracles God has done on our behalf. Just as God parted the Red Sea for the Israelites, He also fed them manna from Heaven. He quenched their thirst by causing water to flow from a rock and their feet did not swell for forty years. And yet He did so much more! God loves to show up and show off on behalf of His people!

He is a God of miracles and it is time that we SHOW and TELL of His wonderful works. I am tired of staying silent of God’s goodness in my life for fear of what others may think. Recently, I heard an evangelist state, “It is our responsibility as God’s children to “show and tell” of God’s goodness and He will deal with those who judge us as boastful or prideful.” The truth is: it gives God great pleasure to hear His children brag about His goodness.

As I shared with you last week, God Himself led us to our new home and when the Spirit spoke, we knew to obey. We put a contract on our new home with an agreement to close in 19 days and we needed the miracle power of God to sell our town home fast! And did I mention that fact that we did not even have our town home on the market yet? Ha! Also our agent informed us that over 800 town homes were for sale and that it would take up to 3 1/2 years to sell all the inventory of town homes in our area! Ha-Ha! Plus, there was a town home across the street from us that had been on the market for 10 months! Ha-Ha-Ha! I remember walking around my neighborhood and fear would try and torment me by saying, “You didn’t hear the voice of God,” “Your town home will never sell – just look around you – seven other town homes are also on the market,” “You are a fool to believe that God will sell your home.” When these thoughts filled my mind, I would declare out loud, “Jesus, you did not give me the spirit of fear. We know that we heard Your voice to buy that property and therefore I trust that You to lead the buyer to my town home and tell them that this is their home!”

The Listing: We placed our home on the market on a Sunday afternoon and we (our realtor- Leigh Mitchell, Mike & I) prayed that our home would sell within 14 days. We had done everything our agent encouraged us to do: priced it to sell, cleared out the clutter, put new mulch in the front yard, flowers by the front door, etc. The following Sunday we had our open house. I anointed our front door with anointing oil and prayed that the buyer of our home would hear the SPIRIT speak and bring them to buy our home that day.

The buyer not only came to the open house, but they placed a contract on our home that very afternoon. Our town home sold in 7 days! Glory to God!
Believe it or not, there are still more miracles to share with you next week…Part III is coming up next week…Stay tuned!

So, Let me ask you friend: When was the last time you told someone of God’s goodness to you? I encourage you today to “Show and Tell” of God’s miracles in your life! Do not be concerned about what others think – God will take care of it and He loves it when you brag on Him!

Lord, I will “show and tell” of your goodness today. Please give me the opportunity everyday to share a testimony of what you have done in my life. I will not let what others think hinder my praise! May the goodness of God be so apparent in my life that it brings many to salvation! My relationship with You is priceless God. I will no longer be a closet Christian. No matter the persecution, judgment or consequence – I will “show and tell” of Your Greatness this day! Amen

God Loves To Show Up & Show Off (Part I)


When The SPIRIT Speaks…

As many of you know, we recently moved onto 2 acres of land. Words cannot describe the breathtaking views from our property and to find land in the Atlanta area is truly a miracle! But, what you don’t know is the amazing story of how God brought us to our promise land. Mike and I have searched and prayed for YEARS that God would bless us with a piece of land. But, it was one Tuesday morning while driving down a new road that I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Turn right.” I have learned over the years to always do what the Spirit says – even if it sounds bizarre – I would rather be a fool for Jesus than to miss out on His perfect will for my life. As I rounded the corner, I saw our property. The lush trees swayed in the wind. I heard the sound of a creek nearby trickling in the distance and there sat our home on a hill. It was love at first sight. Immediately, (which is unlike me) I called the number on the “For Sale” sign and got all the details. Then I called my husband and declared over the phone, “Honey, I have found our property.”

Within minutes of hanging up with my husband, I called our awesome realtor (Leigh Mitchell – you are the best:) and we walked the land that very afternoon. The home had a lot of work that needed to be done: the smell of mold and mildew was present throughout the home, dirt and filth was everywhere, the home was begging for new paint, carpet and lots of TLC, BUT God spoke to us that “This was to be our land.” No matter the state of the home or the obstacles we had to face to get the land (like the selling of our town home) WHEN THE SPIRIT SPEAKS – WE KNEW TO OBEY.

We had a signed contract within 24 hours, but the miracles of God were just beginning to unfold. I will share more with you next week on the miracle power of God and all that He did to get us into our new home (a.k.a. our Promise Land). God gets ALL the glory!

So, Let me ask you: Have you ever heard a still small voice telling you what you should do? Maybe you have heard this voice in the grocery store, while reading your Bible or like me while driving you car. No matter where you hear His voice or what He tells you to do – I encourage you to step out in faith and do what the Holy Spirit is leading you. I used to be afraid and confused that the voice I was hearing was “just me and my thoughts.” But I have come to this conclusion – “Even if I am ‘off’ in hearing God’s voice, He knows my heart and I long to be obedient to Him. Therefore, I choose to do obey His voice and even do it afraid because God knows my heart.” So go ahead and ask God to speak to you. And when the Spirit does speak- follow His instructions and know that your greatest days are yet ahead!

“Lord, when You speak I want to be obedient. Please help me to hear your voice and step out in faith no matter how silly it may seem. I choose to let go of my pride and follow You no matter the cost. I am so grateful that You know my heart and when I step out in faith, I will not be ashamed. I would rather be a fool for You than miss out on Your perfect will. Thank you for your grace (unmerited favor). Thank you for leading me to my next Promise Land. I earnestly seek Your will for my life and I thank You in advance for leading and guiding me according to Your will. When You speak Lord, I will obey.” Amen