What kind of a friend are you?

(A picture of me & Brigette, my dear friend of 17 years)

“For everything we know about God’s Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That’s an act of true freedom.” Galatians 5:14, The Message Translation

What kind of a friend are you?
– Do you hold confidences or break them?
– Do you celebrate successes or respond in jealousy?
– Do you “give” in the relationship or simply “take”?
– Do you thank God daily for their friendship or take them for granted?
– Do you listen or do all the talking?
– Do you tell them how much they mean to you or assume they already know?
– Do you encourage them when they are down or pick them apart with your words?
– Do you bringing your friends closer to Christ or pull them farther away?
– Do you love at all times or just when it’s about you?
– Do you speak highly of others or gossip about them behind their back?
– Do you forgive or hold bitterness in your heart?
– Do you see the best in others or assume the worst?
– Do you judge quickly or give the benefit of the doubt?

So let me ask you again: What kind of a friend you are?

It is so easy to see faults in other people, yet fail to see the truth about us. Earlier this year, I encouraged you to do a “friend check” (click here if you did not read this blog) and give God permission to remove anyone who is a wrong influence in your life and bring new friendships, which will encourage you to fulfill your destiny in Christ. I have heard from so many of you how God is moving in your life concerning your friendships. However, it is now time to do some self-reflection and make sure that you are being the kind of friend you are expecting everyone else to be.

“Help me to be the kind of friend I am expecting others to be to me. Forgive me Lord for gossip, jealousy, unforgiveness, assumption, selfishness and not sharing how important my friends and family are to me. I speak blessings over those You have brought into my life and I ask that goodness and mercy follow them all of their days. You are my best friend Jesus and I long to be a faithful friend to You here on earth. Open my eyes to see Your goodness and ears to hear Your voice this day. I am so thankful that I can call You my friend. I am never alone or forsaken. Thank you Lord for always being there for me. Your love is amazing and I worship you this day.” Amen.

Dear Tracyhurst.com Readers,
As many of you know, Heather from www.especiallyheather.com is having surgery Thursday at the Mayo Clinic. Please be in prayer for her and her healing. For more information and to sign up for prayer cover
click here onto Kelli’s site.

From Fear to Faith


“Unto You, O Lord do I bring my life. O my God, I trust, lean on, rely on and am confident in you. Let me not be put to shame or {my hope in You} be disappointed; let not my enemies triumph over me.” – Psalm 25:1-2, Amplified Bible

Just this morning the Holy Spirit informed me that I have not been fully trusting in God. My first reaction was “who me?” After all, I am the one who often speaks on the topic of faith. Ask anyone – I always believe God for the impossible. But of course the Holy Spirit is always right and I can be so wrong! He showed me how recently I was full of worry and concern about my daughter. Alyssa had caught a stomach virus and as I rummaged through some medical books – panic set in. She was showing signs of dehydration. As a new mom I felt utterly helpless! Alyssa cried her first tears of pain and I must admit that I also broke down and cried. My mind was filled with the “what if’s” and formulating a plan to bring quick relief.

Instead of having faith that God loves Alyssa and trusting that He will take care of her, I was full of fear. When fear enters our hearts and minds, faith goes out the window! But the opposite is also true: When faith enters our hearts and minds, fear must leave! Faith and Fear cannot co-exist. We have to make a choice everyday to either live in fear or faith.

It is only through us having confidence in God’s love, that we can remain in perfect peace. No matter what you may be facing today – DO NOT allow fear and the cares of this world to rob your confidence in God! Psalm 138:8 states, “The Lord will perfect that which concerns me.” We must CHOOSE to believe Jesus at His Word. Needless to say, Alyssa is on her way back to health, and me, well I’m on my way back to faith.

“Lord, forgive me for allowing fear and the cares of this world to rob my faith and confidence in You. I choose to believe Your Word and that You will take care of the things heavy on my heart this day. I submit my thoughts and emotions to you. I thank you that Your Word is greater than my thoughts and emotions and that You know ALL THINGS! Thank you for loving me and taking care of my concerns this day.” Amen.

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Strength To The Weary


“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:28-31, New International Version

I have reached the point of exhaustion, my friends. I don’t know if it is because of the cold that has lingered for weeks or Alyssa continually getting up in the middle of the night due to teething, but today I am in desperate need of God’s strength. You may not currently be at this point, but I know that all of us deal with extreme physical or mental fatigue at various times in our lives.

I am so thankful today that although I am faint hearted, my God NEVER grows tired or weary! No matter how we feel, we must choose to put our hope in God. When we do this, we can expect a renewed strength to enter our mind, body and spirit, as we trust in Him. We serve an awesome God who loves to bless us! Psalm 127:2 in the Message Bible states, “Don’t you know He (God) enjoys giving rest to those He loves?” So let me ask you: Are you also in need of God’s strength and power today? If so, meditate on the scripture above and wait expectantly to soar on God’s strength this very day.

Lord, I am desperate for you today. I place my hope in You and ask that You fill my mind, body and spirit with Your supernatural strength and power. I am so thankful that You never grow tired or weary and that You understand all things. Jesus, You are awesome! I give you my life, my dreams, my past, my future and all that I am. Thank you for renewing me today. I will run and not grow weary. I will walk and not faint. I give praise to Your Holy Name! Amen.

From me to you: frommetoyou.jpg

I would like to send some flowers to a few blogger friends who are going through difficult situations at this time. I got this idea from my Canadian blogger friend, Susanne,at www.susannesspace.blogspot.com. Please join me in lifting these beautiful women below in prayer at this time. I know that God will be faithful concerning them, Psalm 38:8 promises that “He will perfect thost things which concern us.” We serve a faithful God who is willing and able to heal, comfort and restore us. Please check out their web pages and keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

flowers1angel.jpgThese flowers go to Angel Cope, from www.1smartmom.com. She and her sister, JoAnna recently lost their grandmother. Although, we celebrate that she is dancing in heaven and having a grand time, please lift up their family during this time of loss.
flowerskelli.jpgThese flowers go to Keli, from www.living-in-grace.net, whom I have never met, but she is struggling with some serious health issues. She is walking out her healing and you will be encouraged to read how God is moving in her life during this time. Please pray for God’s total restoration power over her body at this time.
flowers3.jpgThese flowers go to Heather, from www.especiallyheather.com, who leaves for Mayo Clinic next week seeking treatment and possible brain surgery. Let’s agree in prayer for this tumor to dry up at the root and that no surgery will be needed. Check out her blog and you will be amazed at her faith! Keep her in your prayers and call forth her healing!

Photos above is from: www.freefoto.com

The Laundry of Life


“Give yourself to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will help you; He will make your righteousness shine like the noonday sun.” Psalm 37:5-6

This afternoon, I was busy folding laundry when Alyssa decided that she wanted to come and “help.” You know, the kind of “help” that makes your work twice as hard? I had just separated and neatly folded the clothes into piles. Nevertheless, after just a few seconds, those neatly folded clothes were thrown all over the floor! As I began to pick up each item and fold them once again, I began pondering on this little exercise called the “laundry of life.” It is something that our Heavenly Father knows a lot about.

Let me ask you a question: How many a time has God neatly folded and taken care of the concerns in your life, only to have you come and “help” Him and create a total mess? Can I get an Amen from someone?

We serve a God who longs to put us in the washer of His grace. He longs to cleanse us in His love and forgiveness and warm us in the dryer of His Word. The truth is, there will always be the “laundry of life” (various challenges and trials), but we serve a God who will wash us, dry us, care for us, and even uniquely handle and fold the delicate issues dearest to our hearts.

Lord, forgive me for being fearful and not trusting You with various issues in my life. You did not give me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. I will seek You in prayer and trust that You will show me if there is something I need to do. Otherwise, I will leave the details to You, Lord. Please wash me in your grace, dry me in your Word and uniquely handle and fold the concerns of my life this day.” Amen.

IF YOU DID NOT READ MY PREVIOUS POST FROM THURSDAY, APRIL 5th, PLEASE CLICK HERE (It’s an important announcement for tracyhurst.com readers)

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I Forgive Them Lord


My Precious Friends,
I am very sad today. I have had to make the decision to no longer post pictures of Alyssa on my site. I have been bombarded lately with triple “x” porn sites trying to get onto my web page and leave inappropriate comments. Although, this practice occurs regularly on web pages, I am no longer comfortable posting personal pictures at this time.

I wept this afternoon as I deleted the pictures of my precious little one. I know of the joy these pictures have brought to you, my family and friends all over the country. I am repenting on my behalf for thinking that my site would be free of perpetrators. I truly did not think that my Christian site would attract inappropriate material.

As I deleted the pictures, I prayed out loud:

“Lord, I forgive these people. You died for them too. May you free them from bondage and soften their hearts to the things of God. They need you so desperately. May you bless them. I pray that something on my site or someone they know will bring them to salvation. I love them Lord – I know it sounds strange, but they are just looking for You, God. May they find what they are looking for – Jesus Christ. Once again I forgive and bless them.” Amen.

Will you join me in praying for those held captive in pornography today? Let’s believe that God will make something good out of this.

A note to family and friends:
I am putting together a secure page on www.lifewithalyssa.com that will allow only those approved to view updated pictures of our family. If you would like to be included and given access to this page, please click here and leave your contact info (including your email address).

My love and blessings to each of you,

Image above is from: www.freefoto.com